Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2552: , The battle of the century!

The phone rang for a while and it was connected.

"Boss, you can be regarded as calling me. During this time, I have been practicing hard according to your requirements!"

Alston's hearty voice came.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Is that right, the big monster, then where has your current cultivation level been improved?"

"Hey, boss, my current cultivation base has been upgraded to the realm of Vientiane Dacheng, how about it, right?" Auston said triumphantly.

"Well, awesome, you started cultivating ancient martial arts late, and it is not easy to reach this level."

There was a touch of relief in Ye Fei's eyes, which at least showed that this guy hadn't been lazy during this time.

"By the way, boss, what's the matter if you call me now?" Alston asked.

"Well, something does happen."

Ye Fei replied, "Auston, the Alliance of Gods has declared war on us, and now we only have three days!

So, I don't care where you are now or what you are doing. I will give you three days to put aside all the things in your hands, and summon all the pirates under your hand, and come back and gather immediately!

Three days later, I want to see the shore of the Lost Island full of pirate ships with your skull-head flag on them! "


Allston responded with a shock.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei didn't say anything, but called Barr.

"Boss, what's your order?"

As soon as the call was connected, Barr's voice came.

"Barr, what are you doing this time?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"It's not the same as before, taking over tasks, training new mercenaries, and participating in some mercenary conventions." Barr replied.

"Baal, the ancient martial arts training I taught you didn't fall, right?" Ye Fei asked.

"Boss, you can rest assured about this. Now I practice every day. Although I started late, the progress of the practice is still very fast." Barr smiled.


Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Then what realm has your current cultivation level broken through?"

"It's almost the Dacheng state of Vientiane," Barr replied.

"Well, yes, Alston, like you, broke through to the Dacheng Realm in Vientiane." Ye Fei said.


Barr froze for a moment and said: "Boss, I heard you right, when did that big monster become so diligent and keep up with me?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Baal, although the guy who is the big sea monster looks silly, but his talent is actually pretty good, so I don’t feel surprised that his cultivation can break through to the Dacheng Realm of Vientiane. ."

Barr gave an "um" and asked, "By the way, boss, what can you do with me?"

"Barr, the Alliance of the Gods has declared war on us... There will be three days before the war will begin!

Therefore, I order you to gather your purgatory mercenary group and all the mercenary groups attached to your purgatory in these three days, and quickly come back to the lost island to join us! "Ye Fei Zhen said.


Barr responded with excitement, "Boss, this time, will you bring all our brothers together in the battle?"


Ye Fei nodded and said, "Although this time seems to be a battle between the Alliance of the Gods and the Ancient China Alliance, it is actually a battle between the entire underground world!

There are hundreds of large and small organizations attached to the Alliance of the Gods, so many organizations will face reshuffle in this battle!

Whether it is the sea lord of Alston or your purgatory mercenary group, if you want to continue to develop and grow, now is the best time! "

"I see, boss! Now I will contact our affiliated mercenary group in Purgatory and promise to return to the Lost Island within three days!"

"Okay, see you in three days!"

Ye Fei responded, and then hung up.

Later, Ye Fei called Algernon again.

"Boss, what's your order?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Algernon's voice came.

"Algernon, the Alliance of the Gods has declared war on us. Now, we have only three days left. Are you ready?"

Ye Fei didn't mean anything, but said something directly.

"Boss, always be ready!"

Algernon responded with a cold voice.

"very good!"

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Algernon, give you three days. I hope you can gather all the killers of fallen angels scattered around the world and all the killer organizations attached to your fallen angels, and rush them. Back to the lost island.

I have already contacted Alston and Barr, and they will immediately call in their staff and rush back..."

"Boss, is another holy war about to start?"

Although Algernon's tone was calm, there was a hint of excitement and excitement in his voice.

"Do not."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "This battle is much larger than the scale of the jihad. Hundreds of organizations in the underground world will join, and I am afraid it will cause a storm in the entire underground world!

Therefore, to deal with this war, we need to go all out! Not only must we win this war, but also let our temple stand on top of the world! "

Algernon's blood began to boil, and he shook his voice: "Yes, boss!"

After calling Algernon, Ye Fei called Rex, Shi Junze and Arnold again.

Both Rex and Arnold promised to rush back to the Lost Island within these three days, but Shi Junze was unable to return because he wanted to guard the South China Sea.

However, it doesn't matter. When everyone gathers, Ye Fei will lead everyone on an expedition to China to join Shi Junze.

After making a phone call with some of his old brothers, Ye Fei asked Elena to send Satan's contact information, and called Satan.

Satan was once a master no matter what, and his strength has been tested by himself.

Therefore, if Satan can join, it can be considered a great help.

The phone rang for a while before it was connected.

"Hello, who is it?"

As soon as the call was connected, the voice of a foreign woman came over, speaking fluent English.

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, what's the matter, how could a woman answer the phone?

However, Ye Fei didn't think too much, but directly replied in fluent English: "Let Satan answer the phone."

"Oh, yes, please wait a moment, I will let Mr. Satan answer the phone now."

The foreign woman responded and heard the sound of a woman playing and playing inside.

Then, a rough voice came.

"Which thing that doesn't have eyes is calling to hinder me? Don't you know I'm on vacation?!"

"Haha, Satan, long time no see, do you remember me?"

Ye Fei smiled and replied.

"Huh? The Purgatory King?"

Satan's doubtful voice came over.

"Well, it seems that you haven't forgotten me. It's really rare." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"FUCK! Lord of Purgatory, you are a liar!

I ran to your temple, originally wanting to have some fun, but I was so disappointed, there was not even one that could play there!

Originally there was a beautiful chick who was pretty good, so I wanted to fight her, but that chick didn't fight me!

So, I felt bored, so I just left! Why, Lord Purgatory, what can you do with me now? "

Satan sighed and said a lot, full of complaints.

Ye Fei shook his head amused and said, "Satan, don't complain. I called you today just to have some fun for you.

After three days, I will take my brother to fight with a group of masters.

Of course, if you are not interested, then forget it, when I didn't say it. "

"and many more!"

Satan stopped Ye Fei and asked suspiciously: "Purgatory King, how strong are those masters you mentioned compared to you?"

Ye Fei truthfully replied: "I once fought with one of their masters. In the hands of that guy, I have no power to fight back..."

"Hey, interesting, I didn't expect anyone in this world to beat you?"

Satan chuckled and said: "Prince of Purgatory, you have aroused my interest, don't worry, see you in three days!"

After speaking, Satan hung up the phone.

Seeing the hung up phone, Ye Fei shook his head dumbfounded.

Satan is really a militant.

However, this is also good, at least this guy dared to fight the strong, and did not fight.

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