Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2553: , The world is common!

After the phone call with Satan, Ye Fei was not idle, and continued to call Crosell, the leader of the Kingdom of Ability, the current patriarch of the blood clan, Bloodthirsty Ghost Bat, and others.

After all, this battle is not alone, but a battle of the century. Therefore, one more person will naturally have more power...

Just when Ye Fei was still in contact.

In a certain part of the Atlantic Ocean.

More than a dozen steel battleships with red skulls on black background are parked on the blue sea.

The sea breeze is fierce, and the sun shines on these battleships, exuding an icy light, like a dozen fierce beasts crawling on the sea.

The pirates who had been reveling at the moment were all waiting, standing on the deck, waiting for their leader to speak.

They knew that the head of the group had something important to announce, so everyone looked serious.

At this time, on a steel battleship in the middle.

A burly, close to two meters tall, with braids on his head and a beard, Auston glanced at everyone and said loudly and loudly: "Brothers, in three days, the whole world will start Earth-shattering battle!

My king will lead us to participate in this war! Haven't you always hoped that our king will lead us to fight the world again? Now, the opportunity is here!

This war will be the biggest battle we face, so life and death are hard to predict!

Now, I give you a choice. Those who do not want to participate in the war will stand up now, and I will not blame him!

However, once you agree to participate in the war, then I hope that you can all put your life and death behind, and stom on me those guys from the Alliance of Gods! "

As he said, Alston glanced at the crowd again and said gruffly: "Now, I'll give you three minutes to think about it. If you want to quit, stand up for me immediately!"

Afterwards, Alston waited quietly.

However, none of the people present stood up, and none of them flinched.

Every three minutes.

Allston smiled with relief, and said in a shocking voice: "Very well, it seems that none of our Sea Demon is a scumbag!

Since everyone is willing to participate in the war, it means that you have already considered it!

So, now I give you time to connect with your relatives, friends and lovers!

I don’t want anyone to be deserted because of fear of death when the war begins!

If I find out, I will kill him directly, understand? ! "


All the pirates responded with trembling voices, and their faces showed a frenzied fighting spirit, and their eyes showed decisiveness, leaving life and death behind.

It is their glory to be able to fight hand in hand with the purgatory king, and even death is worth it.

Allston nodded, then took out the satellite phone and made a dozen calls in a row.

"Francis! Listen to me as a son of a bitch! No matter where you are or what you are doing, put everything in your hands to me and come back and meet!!"

"Tarkov! Your vacation is now over ahead of schedule! Hurry up and bring your ‘Sea Giant Crocodile’ back!!"

"El SouthGobi! You BITCH! Island to rob merchant ships do not need you! Now, immediately, immediately come back to me, there is a big deal waiting for you to do !!"

"Milk! There is a big battle to be fought! Hurry up and bring your broken ship and your men back to me! If you can't return within three days, the next time I see you, I will take your'giant shark' in one pot!! "

The pirates of the Sea Lord saw Allston made calls one by one, and all the pirate organizations attached to the Sea Lord came back to gather, and they knew that it seemed that there was indeed a big battle to be fought...

The Middle East, Irang.

Death Valley, the location of the Purgatory Mercenary Corps.

At this time, it was about ten o'clock in the morning.

The sun poured on the training ground made of steel wire mesh, exuding an icy light.

On the huge training ground, more than two hundred mercenaries were sweating and training on the ground.

"Pang Pang Papa" bursts of heavy beating sounded on the training ground, like thunder.

Some of these mercenaries were wearing elastic vests, and some were simply shirtless with their upper bodies.

They have tattoos on their bodies, and most of them have many scars and bullet marks on their bodies.

These scars and bullet marks are a symbol of their glory!

If it is said that who is the strongest mercenary in the underground world now, it is none other than Barr, the king of mercenaries!

If we say that the mercenary organization in the underground world is the strongest now, it is the non-purgatory mercenary group!

Countless mercenaries are eager to join the purgatory mercenary group!

Therefore, any mercenary that can be selected is a super strong one in case!

But these powerful mercenaries, who are arrogant and unconvinced, only obey Barr!

Because Barr has proven everything with his strength, and proved that he has the ability to serve as the head of the purgatory mercenary group!

At this moment, a man with a height of only about 1.85 meters, a strong stature, not burly, with a short brown head, a high nose, and an eagle-eyed man strode out of a house and arrived. On the training ground!


Seeing this man, everyone's eyes were filled with awe and reverence.

Because this man is the leader of the purgatory mercenary group, and now the strongest mercenary in the world of mercenaries, Baal!

Barr nodded, and then said loudly: "Everyone, stop, gather, I have something to tell everyone!"

Hearing Barr's words, all the mercenaries stopped training and assembled.

After everyone had assembled, Barr glanced at everyone and said in a shocking voice: "I know that you join Purgatory for money, beauty, and luxury houses on the one hand, but also for the realization of your own value and reputation. Soldiers, even the whole world!

So, what I want to tell you now is...In three days, the underground world will set off an unprecedented war!

Countless underground organizations have been involved, mercenary organizations, killer organizations, pirate organizations, bounty hunters organizations, and even Chinese ancient martial arts, etc.!

And our temple headquarters is also involved in this battle! Therefore, in three days, our king will lead all the warriors of our temple to battle!

Now, you have the opportunity to realize your self-worth and become famous in the world! Will you follow me and join the war with my king? ! "

All the mercenaries were dumbfounded for a while, and then the expressions of excitement, enthusiasm and excitement appeared on their faces!

"Yes! Of course I do!"

"FUCK!!! I can finally fight with my king! I have waited for this day for too long!!"

"The purgatory king personally led, this... this is simply the honor I am waiting for! I didn't have the opportunity to participate in the holy war a few years ago. Today, a few years later, even if Lao Tzu is willing to fight his life, he will accompany the purgatory king to fight the world together! "

"Head, I can't wait, let's go straight now!!"

All the mercenaries present scrambled and yelled, one by one can't wait!

Everyone lives a life of licking blood. As for danger or death, it is not something they should consider for a long time!

For them, it is better to die vigorously than to live mediocrely in this life!

Barr nodded and said: "Don't worry, we still have three days to prepare. I will contact our affiliated mercenary organization under Purgatory later!

When the other mercenary organizations are all here, let's set off together! "


All mercenaries shook in response.

at the same time.

Fa country, the organization base of fallen angel killers.

It's hard to imagine that the world's largest killer organization base is located in a backward and unremarkable town.

However, the assassins and organizations in the assassin world have become accustomed to this matter.

After all, the leader of the fallen angels, the killer king Algernon, is a rather low-key person.

Even so, but in the underground world, almost no one dared to offend fallen angels.

It is quite a headache to get into a group of killers.

At this time, in the fallen angel base, in the underground training ground.

Wearing an ordinary black jacket, paired with light-colored jeans, white sneakers, and a mess of long hair, Algernon, who looks ordinary, has gathered more than fifty killers left in the base.

Because the fallen angels are so famous and there are so many people who seek help, most of the assassins perform tasks outside all the year round.

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