Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2555: , There is no guilty species!

Rex nodded and fell silent again.

Timmons on the side always felt that his master was very strange after answering a phone call today.

However, he didn't dare to ask more why, for fear that he might provoke his own grumpy master.

Therefore, he just stood silently, not daring to interrupt.

Rex smoked a few cigars, then squeezed it out, looked up at Timmons, and said solemnly: "Timons, I have one more thing for you to do for me."

"Please tell me!" Timmons said respectfully.

Rex picked up the red wine glass on the table, shook the red wine in the glass, took a sip, and said, "Timmons, in three days, I will be out for a long trip. It may take a few days.

If, after I left this time, I didn’t come back for half a month and didn’t contact you, then just wait for me to donate all my assets to the world charity..."


When Timmons heard this, he became silly, swallowed his throat, and said, "Mr. Rex... your current total assets are conservatively estimated to be at least ten trillion dollars... You... Are you sure you want to donate all of them? go?!

That's ten trillion U.S. dollars, not one billion! ! "

"Of course!"

Rex glared at Timmons and said, "Of course, my premise is that if I don't come back within half a month, or if I haven't contacted you, you will donate all of it to me!

However, please listen to me. If you really want to donate all the money, you have to give me a good check and make sure that the money is used to help children suffering from poverty and disasters all over the world!

If you find anyone who dares to fill his own pockets and embezzle my money, kill me directly! do you understand? ! "


Timmons nodded repeatedly, how dare to say anything.

However, he is very puzzled that his master loves money like life, and although he often does charity, he is not so generous.

If all of the ten trillion dollars is donated, it will probably leave a name in history and cause a sensation in the whole world, right? !

Rex looked at Timmons with a look of astonishment, smiled faintly, and slowly said: "Timons, I know what you are thinking, you will definitely think I am crazy.

However, what I want to tell you is that I am not crazy or hotheaded. On the contrary, I am now more awake than ever.

In this half of my life, I have made wealth that countless people could not earn in this lifetime.

However, if I die, these wealth will become bubbles and phantoms for me, and have no value for me.

Therefore, after my death, I want to use this huge sum of money to help those children who have suffered poverty, disasters, cold eyes and ridicule like me since I was a child.

Actually, I did it for myself in the final analysis..."

"No, Mr. Rex, this action of yours is a great act of kindness, how can you say it was for yourself?" Timmons said.

Rex smiled happily and continued: "Timmons, you also know that although I have made so much money in my life, but at the same time I have done a lot of evil things, killed a lot of people, and have covered my hands. bloody.

I know that if I die, I will definitely go to hell, not to heaven. After all, heaven will not accept me as a devil.

Since I'm going to hell, then I also want to use this huge sum of money to do good deeds and make up for my half-life debt... so that I can live in **** a little more comfortably..."

Timmons stared at Rex in a daze, and the storm surged in his heart.

He felt like he had met Rex for the first time, and the current Rex was completely different from the image he had in his mind before.

Rex, whom he had learned before, was selfish, violent, bloody, greedy and lustful, and was almost out of touch with good people.

But when he saw it now, he realized that he had been misreading Rex.

Under his devil appearance, he has a kind heart.

Timmons folded his chest, bowed his head respectfully, and said, "Mr. Rex, being able to serve you is the most correct thing I have ever done in my life.

Although I don’t know what you are going to do in three days or why you think you are going to die, but I will wait here for your safe return. May my lord bless you..."

"Are all of you who believe in Christ talk so divinely? Bless my lord, bless you ass!"

Rex laughed and cursed, and then waved his hand: "Go ahead, go to your business, don't interfere with me!"


Timmons nodded with a smile, then quickly turned and left.

For the first time, he felt that his master was so cute, even if he was scolded, he was willing to accept it.

After Timmons left, Rex took a sharp sip of red wine, then picked up his phone and called Arnold.

The phone rang for a while and was connected.

"Fatty, what do you want me to do?"

Arnold's slightly immature voice came over.

"Arnold, the boss should have contacted you?" Rex asked.

"Well, Ye Fei brother has already contacted me and told me to rush back to the Lost Island within three days. He also said that there will be a big battle in three days." Arnold replied.

"Arnold, the scale of this battle is unprecedentedly huge. We must be ill-advised. Are you not scared at all?" Rex asked with a smile.

"Why should you be afraid?"

Arnold asked rhetorically, and continued: "Being able to fight the world with Brother Ye Fei again is something I have always dreamed of.

Moreover, with Brother Ye Fei, Brother Barr and Sister Elena with them, what are we afraid of?

Even if unfortunately died in the war, I will not regret it. I think, Brother Barr, they must have the same ideas as me..."

"Hehe, Arnold, I think it makes sense for you to say that."

Rex grinned and said: "Yeah, we played so many battles with the boss, that time it was not bad luck.

Moreover, as long as there is a boss, I think, in this war, we will not die, and we will definitely survive..."

"Hehe, Fatty, are you scared?"

Arnold grinned and asked.

"Damn! I'm not afraid! I just asked if you were afraid?"

Rex grinned his neck and denied the sentence, then quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Arnold, you have handled the matter at hand in the past two days, so come and join me.

At that time, we will have a temple together, how about it? "

"no problem."

Arnold agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled, please contact me if you have anything."

After speaking, Rex hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Rex was holding the wine glass, shaking it gently, looking into the distance, and whispered: "I hope that after this battle, everyone can survive...."


Citi State, Hawaiian Islands.

As one of the world's top tourist attractions, there are countless people from all over the world who visit here every year.

Beach, sunshine, and bikinis are synonymous here.

It is about two o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun shines on the beach, glowing with golden light.

Wow! !

The blue water slapped against the sea, splashing a few feet of white crystal water.

On the beach, men and women in shorts and bikinis are everywhere, playing and playing, some are sunbathing, some are playing beach volleyball, and some handsome men and women are surfing at sea.

However, near the sea, there is a huge sea view villa.

On the balcony, a man wearing beach pants, shirtless upper body, curly chestnut hair, shaved beard, lying on a chair, closed his eyes and took a nap.

Five or six beauties with tall and plump bodies wearing bikinis of various colors and different skin colors are massaging and beating their legs for the man, while others are feeding the man juice and eating grapes.

This man, the whole enjoyment like an emperor, seemed comfortable and comfortable.

But after a while, the man directly sat up, with a beautiful woman in his arm, and let the two beautiful women sit on his lap.

The man put his arms around the soft waists of the two beauties and squinted his eyes: "You guys can stay with me in these two days. I will leave here in three days..."


One of the beauties froze for a moment and said, "Mr. Satan, aren't you going to play here for a month? Why are you leaving so soon?"

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