Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2556: , All tune back!

Satan grinned and said: "A **** called me just now and asked me to accompany him to do something in three days.

Therefore, I have no choice but to follow him. "

"Which guy with no eyesight dared to instigate you, Lord Satan?

With your status and status, you don't have to deal with that guy at all. "

A blonde said in dissatisfaction.

"Shut up!"

When Satan heard this, he suddenly screamed, and his face instantly became cold.

The blonde was taken aback, and she trembled: "Sa...Master Satan, I... Did I say something wrong?"

The other girls also felt the cruel killing intent emanating from Satan, so they were too scared to speak.

Satan stretched out his hand and squeezed the blonde girl's face, and said coldly: "Listen to me, in this world, only I can say bad things about that bastard, no one else can do it!

If you dare to say one more thing, believe it or not, I will kill you directly? "

Seeing Satan's cold eyes, the blonde girl trembled with fright, swallowed her throat, and said: "Sa...Mr. Satan, I was wrong...I...I won't say anymore..."


Satan smiled wickedly, squeezed the woman's face, and said, "This is good..."

As he said, Satan stood up with his arms around the two women, and said: "Beauty, let's go in, while there is still time, we have to have fun..."

The women blushed, naturally knowing what Satan meant by "joy".

"Yes, Lord Satan."

Several women responded obediently, and then followed Satan, left the balcony and walked into the house...


Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, the underground world became turbulent, and hundreds of organizations in the underground world began to move around.

Part of the organization rushed to the island of death, and another part of the organization rushed to the island of loss.

Although other organizations in the underground world do not understand what is going to happen, when everyone knows, there must be something big going on.

Moreover, in these three days, Ye Fei, Elena and the warriors of the temple are all dispatching troops and generals to contact the warriors of the temple overseas, and they are very busy.

However, in these three days, a part of the temple warriors from overseas have arrived at the Lost Island, and the vanguard troops such as Alston, Barr, Algernon, Rex, and Arnold have also rushed to the temple.

Even Satan, who was on vacation, rushed back.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, night fell.

The starry sky covers the moon, the sea breeze is blowing, and the waves hit the beach and reefs on the shore, making the sound of water.

On the beach of the Lost Island, hundreds of warships have been parked, under the shining of the moonlight, glowing with a cold light, like a beast of steel lurking in the dark night.

At this time, the lost island, the castle restaurant, the table was full of delicious food, full of people.

Gu Qingcheng and the others sitting at the dining table, Alston and Barr knew each other.

After all, these are Wang's women.

But they don't know Satan alone.

Especially Satan's arrogant attitude and character make them feel very unhappy.

"Boss, who the **** is this guy? How come the brothers have never seen him? Is he qualified to sit here?" Alston asked gruffly.

"The sea emperor Auston's temper is really crazy..."

Satan took a sip from his glass, and then said, "Is it right to sit here? It's not you who have the final say.

Since the purgatory king asked me to sit here, it means that I am qualified..."

Seeing Satan's disdainful attitude, Auston was furious. He suddenly slapped the table and said angrily: "Dog thing, do you want to fight?!"

Satan shook his fingers and said jokingly: "Oston, others may be afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you.

Your strength is too weak to fight with me. "


Allston was furious and rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "Come here, since you don't think I am worthy, let's practice!

I want to see how powerful you are, arrogant fellow! ! "

"The big monster, sit down, you can't beat him."

Ye Fei said lightly.

"Boss, I haven't beaten him yet, you think I can't beat him, this is too despising people?!"

Allston wasn't happy anymore.

Ye Fei couldn't laugh or cry: "The sea monster, you are all my brothers, I don't mean to look down on anyone.

If you really want to fight, then the dinner is over, you go out to fight hard, I won't care.

Of course, I have to remind you that I had a fight with this guy before, but there was no winner or loser..."


Allston was stunned. He looked at Satan with an unbelievable expression and said, "Only you, can my boss be tied?!"

Satan nodded and said: "I did draw a tie with the Purgatory King last time, but although I am arrogant, I am not ignorant.

The reason why I am willing to sit here, come from a long way to accompany the purgatory king to fight this battle...

First, I admire him, and second, my strength is indeed inferior to the Purgatory King..."

"Hehe, you know you know it!"

Allston smiled triumphantly and sat down.

Ye Fei smiled. In fact, he didn't know if he could beat Satan.

Although he didn't exert his full strength last time, neither did Satan.

If oneself and Satan exert all their strengths, even if they can win, it might not be easy.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Fei called this guy back to help.

"Okay, okay, everyone don't talk nonsense, come, come, get together again for us, have a drink!"

Rex raised his glass and yelled.

"Come on, cheers!"

Ye Fei also raised his glass.

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them, and then drank the wine in one sip.

After drinking a glass of wine, Ye Fei looked at Alston, Barr and the others, and said: "Great monster, Barr, Algernon, Fatty, will your people arrive tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, boss, our sea lord's army will arrive early tomorrow morning!" Alston replied loudly.

"Boss, our purgatory mercenary group and affiliated mercenary group will arrive early tomorrow morning!"

"We who are fallen angels, will be there at the latest in the early hours of this morning!"

Barr and Algernon also responded.

Ye Fei nodded, looked at Elena again, and said, "Elena, when will the people from the kingdom of blood and ability arrive?"

"King, the leaders of the blood family and the kingdom of supernatural powers said that they will be there early tomorrow morning!" Elena replied.

"very good!"

Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction, and then vibrated: "Brothers, when everyone arrives tomorrow, we will go to war with the Alliance of Gods.

Everyone must already know the danger of this battle. Tonight may be our last dinner together, and in the future, there may be no such opportunity.

So, tonight we have to seize this opportunity, eat and drink, have fun, get drunk and stop! "

Hearing Ye Fei's words, everyone present fell silent, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although what Ye Fei said was the truth, everyone felt a little uncomfortable at the thought that this time together would be forever.

Even if everyone is not afraid of death and is prepared to die, it feels a little uncomfortable to think that one's brothers and friends are likely to leave themselves.

After all, we are all brothers who share the same guts, and whoever dies is a blow.

Ye Fei saw that everyone's emotions were not too high, so he smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to face each other, how can it be like a condolence.

Besides, today is the day when we reunite. As the saying goes, if we have wine now, we are drunk now, what will happen tomorrow, let it be tomorrow..."

"Yes, the boss is right!"

Alston took the conversation and said, "No matter how dangerous this battle is, we have nothing to fear!

The big deal is death, in the next life, let's be brothers in the next life! "

"Yes, be a brother for the rest of my life!!"

Rex took the sentence with red eyes.

"Being another brother!!"



All the people were so passionate that they raised their glasses, putting life and death aside, just to get drunk tonight.

In the next time, everyone looked at each other, the atmosphere was cheerful, drinking wine, chatting, and having fun...

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