Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2557: , My lord bless!

The time of joy is always short.

It wasn't until about twelve o'clock that everyone left.

Many people were drunk, some laughed loudly, some cried in a low voice, venting their emotions.

Although Ye Fei drank a lot and was a little drunk, he was still sober.

Seeing the appearance of his women and brothers, Ye Fei was also very heavy.

Although everyone is not afraid of death, they are willing to follow themselves and fight side by side together.

But in the face of cruel battles and enemies with great disparity in strength, no one knows whether he can survive the battle.

Ye Fei sighed in his heart, what he can do is to protect his brothers and women, minimize casualties, and completely defeat the Alliance of Gods.

At this moment, Alston, who was flushed with drinking, walked staggeringly with a bottle of vodka, put one hand on Ye Fei’s shoulder, and said as if crying and laughing: "Boss, it doesn’t matter if I die, brothers can They are not afraid of death, nor are they scumbags.

But, boss, you must survive. Only if you survive, our temple will not die, and the hope of our temple will be..."

"The big sea monster, you drank too much." Ye Fei sighed and said.

"I, I didn't drink much!"

Alston's mouth was full of alcohol, he burped, and said, "Boss, listen to me and finish...

If, unfortunately, I died during the war, you would burn me on fire, and then throw my ashes into the sea and let me go home..."

Ye Fei frowned, grabbed Auston's collar fiercely, and whispered: "Great monster, listen to me! As long as I'm here, I won't let you die! As long as I'm still alive, You all have to live well for me!"

"Yes, boss..."

Auston's eyes flushed and he nodded vigorously.

"Elena, these guys drank too much, quickly send someone over to send them back to the room." Ye Fei said to Elena.


Elena nodded, then called someone over and sent the drunk Allston and Barr back to the room.

And Ye Fei sent a few drunk women back to their own room.

On the way to send the women back to the room, the women all chatted with Ye Fei a lot, crying, laughing, and making trouble. Ye Fei was tossing enough.

Taking the women back to the room one by one, and helping the brothers back to the room one by one, Ye Fei was finally relieved.

Elena touched the sweat on her forehead, smiled at Ye Fei, and said: "Wang, rest early, good night."

"you too, good night."

Ye Fei smiled gently, then returned to his room.

Ye Fei lit a cigarette, stood in front of the window, looked at the stars and the sea in the distance, took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then vomited it out for a long time.

After all, the war has arrived, and I don't know how it will end.

Although he had made a lot of preparations, Ye Fei still didn't have much confidence in his heart.

But, even if there is no confidence, what can be done?

I have to let go of a fight after all!

Only if you win, your relatives, lovers and friends can survive!

So, in any case, I can't lose, and I can't afford to lose!

Until the end of a cigarette, Ye Fei pinched out the cigarette butt, ready to take off his clothes and go to the bathroom to wash.

But when Ye Fei just took off his shirt, only a "click" was heard, and the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.


Ye Fei was taken aback, and quickly turned his head and looked at the door.

I saw that Gu Xiaoran, blushing, walked in, then closed the door gently, and locked the door with a click.

Ye Fei couldn't help but "cock" in his heart.

What do you mean, how did you lock the doors? !

Ye Fei twitched his mouth and said, "Girl, you...what's the matter with you?"

Gu Xiaoran did not respond to Ye Fei, but walked towards Ye Fei step by step.

"and many more!"

Ye Fei stretched his hand forward and said, "Girl, if you have something to say, don't stay so close, okay?"

Gu Xiaoran smiled slyly, blinked her big beautiful eyes, and said, "Brother Fei, what's the matter with you, are you still afraid of me?"


Ye Fei was speechless.

He wasn't afraid of this girl, but the point was that this girl was wearing a pale pink nightdress, revealing Shengxue's jade bi and half of her pretty long legs.

Moreover, under the shining of the light, Ye Fei clearly saw that there was a vacuum inside this girl, which was too attractive.

Therefore, Ye Fei was afraid that he could not help but rush this girl for a while.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, tried not to visit Gu Xiaoran, and said, "Girl, can you just tell me something, don't be like this..."

"Don't do that?"

Gu Xiaoran looked innocent and said: "I didn't seem to do anything to you, right?"

"No, Xiao Ran, there will be a war with the Alliance of Gods tomorrow, so let's rest early..."

However, before Ye Fei's words were finished, Gu Xiaoran suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Ye Fei's body, and then pressed his chest against the man, raising his head and kissing Ye Fei's neck with delicate red lips. .


Ye Feiru was shocked, and the sudden warm fragrance of the nephrite came into his arms, really nothing to guard against.

Gu Xiaoran's faint scent of a young girl entered his nose, and the breath exhaled from her mouth, with a faint wine scent and a unique sweet scent, which made him feel happy.

The point is that this girl has grown really well since she was eighteen years old, tall and plump, full of youthful vitality.

Just when Ye Fei was thinking about it, Ye Fei had clearly felt that Gu Xiaoran's body in her arms started to heat up, and there was a baby cry in her nasal cavity.

The sound, the smell, and the touch made Ye Fei's mind dizzy, his heart warmed, and his hands walked on the girl's body unconsciously.

Originally, Gu Xiaoran thought that Ye Fei would reject her active show of affection and would push her away, but he didn't expect the man to get started directly.

Although he had had several close contacts with men, but he couldn't make it to the last step in desperation.

Therefore, this has always been a big pity in Gu Xiaoran's heart.

Because of this, Gu Xiaoran took advantage of a drink today to strengthen herself a little bit, ready to break through the last level of relationship with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also felt that his heart was getting hotter and his mind was getting dizzy. When he was about to proceed to the next step, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

Hearing this sound, Ye Fei was shocked, immediately let go of his hand, took a deep breath, and said: "Xiao Ran, let's not do this.

Firstly, you are just over eighteen years old. Secondly, your sister's room is next door. If we are here, your sister will hear it, but it won't be so good..."

Gu Xiaoran gritted her silver teeth and stared at Ye Fei tightly. There were tears flickering in her eyes, and said: "Brother Fei, why do you keep rejecting me?!

I am a girl, and I also know shame and reservedness... But you know how much courage I have to pay for being so proactive?

But why do you keep pushing me away? My sister is your woman, sister Xiao is your woman, sister Lan is also your woman...

Am I not your woman? In your heart, do you still think of me as your sister?

Or, I’m not as pretty as my sisters. Are you not interested in me? Say it! You mean it! "

Maybe it's been suppressed for too long, the girl's emotions are a little agitated, and her voice becomes a little hoarse.

Hearing the woman's almost cathartic scream, Ye Fei was immediately stunned.

Ye Fei never thought that she would not touch the girl, the girl would think so much.

Is this the so-called difference in thinking between men and women?

Ye Fei sighed softly, wiped away the crystal from the corner of the girl's eyes, and said softly: "Xiao Ran, haven't I told you before?

I said that you are still too young now, just an adult, if you just do it now, it's not good for you.

I don't like you, nor am I disinterested in you. You are so beautiful and of such a good body. Are you a man who will be tempted by you?

So, what I think is very simple. I just want to wait for you to grow up in the future, and it will be a matter of course. Wouldn't it be better for us to break through to the last step naturally? "


Gu Xiaoran looked at Ye Fei with moist eyes and muttered, "Brother Fei, do we have a future?"

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Fei was stunned, a little unresponsive.

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