Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2558: , Brother I!

Gu Xiaoran sniffed, looked at Ye Fei, choked up and said, "Brother Fei...Do you think I'm stupid? I know the dangers of this battle, and everyone knows...

Although everyone was very happy to drink today, everyone's mood is very low...

Because everyone knows that in this war, we are likely to all die...

So, I don’t want to die with regret...I want to give the most important thing in my life to the man I like for the first time...

In this case, even if there is really no tomorrow, I think it's worth it..."

Looking at the girl's gentle eyes, emotional face, and listening to the girl's heartfelt words, Ye Fei's heart suddenly sank, and his head became clearer, as if he wanted to understand something.

As the girl said, the life and death of this battle with the Alliance of Gods is unpredictable, and no one can predict the final result.

If there is really no tomorrow, will you regret not breaking through to the last level with Gu Xiaoran?

It definitely will, and it definitely will.

After all, from the moment when he accepted Gu Xiaoran, Ye Fei had regarded her as his own woman.

If this meeting is forever, why not keep the best memories?

What are you worried about, what is it afraid of?

"Brother Fei, I don't want to leave regrets in my generation..."

Gu Xiaoran looked up at Ye Fei and said softly: "So, let me truly be your woman tonight, okay?"

Gu Xiaoran's eyes became more and more gentle, and the fragrance of his breath seemed to carry some kind of catalyst, making Ye Fei's mind gradually blank and unable to wake up.

Under the light, the woman's white and tender skin seemed to be stained with a faint halo, like a warm jade of suet.

Ye Fei's breathing became heavy. He knew that if he took this step, there would be no room for recovery.

Even if he was still waiting before, waiting for the girl to grow up and mature one day, to figure out whether her feelings for her are youthful ignorance or a temporary favor.

But if you really break through the last layer with the girl, then this girl will completely become her own woman...

No matter, in life, why do we have to figure out everything so clearly and so clearly?

Why do we have to look forward to what we do?

If there is really no tomorrow, then what is the use of clarifying these things?

Moreover, he is a dignified purgatory king, he is a man!

The girls are already brave to this point. If they are still so cringe, wouldn't they be a spoiler?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei took a long breath and smiled faintly. He stretched out his hand and stroked the girl's face, and asked: "Girl, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"No, never!"

Gu Xiaoran shook his head vigorously, for fear that the man would change his mind in the next second.

Ye Fei just smiled, didn't say anything, just hugged Gu Xiaoran's waist and kissed it hard.


Although Gu Xiaoran had been mentally prepared for a long time, she was still frightened by the sudden kiss from the man, her eyelashes trembled and her body tightened.

The pajamas on the girl did not know if it slipped off or if Ye Fei ripped it off. In short, it was convenient for Ye Fei to behave on the girl.

Gu Xiaoran felt as though he was about to suffocate, and his soft waist was bent toward the back.

After a while, the clothes on the two of them also fell on the ground, came to the bed, turned off the headlights, and turned on the bedside lamps.

Under the warm yellow bedside lamp, the girl’s eyebrows, the girl’s eyes, the girl’s nose and red lips are so radiant and beautiful, so beautiful...

"Fly...Brother Fei...I love you..."

Gu Xiaoran's face flushed, and he whispered.

"I love you too... Xiao Ran..."

Ye Fei also said something softly.

Gu Xiaoran looked at Ye Fei affectionately, and said softly: "If we are still alive after this war... I will stay by your side for the rest of my life and be your little woman..."

Ye Fei gave a "um", nodded, and said: "We will definitely survive..."

With that said, Ye Fei kissed Gu Xiaoran and pressed it up gently...

The sea breeze outside the window, the temperature inside the house rises, the moaning softly, infinitely shy...

One o'clock.

Stars and moons dot the sky, and everything is silent.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

A corner of the Pacific Ocean, the island of death, where the alliance of the gods is located.

Looking down from the sky, the pattern formed by the entire main island and the archipelago is like a hideous demon face.

On the sea near the island, thousands of steel battleships are docked, including aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, battlecruisers, destroyers, frigates, and so on.

To put it bluntly, with so many warships, it is more than enough to fight some small and medium-sized countries.

At this time, in the palace of the Alliance of Gods.

It was spacious and bright inside, and people sat on the eleven chairs made of pure gold below.

These people are the eleven major gods of the Alliance of Gods.

Wisdom Skyer, Hercules Luck, Sky God Itt Sumner, Earth God Gukomantis, Eagle God Amt, Rain God Chuck, Cloud God Yumu, War God Istab, Death God Apu Cut, the star **** Saman, the wind **** Kukulkan.

But only, the seat made of crystal at the top was empty, and there was no king of the gods.

"Zhishen, didn't the king of the gods say that he wants to have a meeting with us, then it's so late, where have the people of the king of the gods gone?"

Wearing a white robe, with brown-white curly hair and wrinkles on his face, the **** holding a white jewel scepter asked faintly.

"Yeah, Skyer, our battle for revenge is about to begin soon. Even if the king of the gods has personal affairs, we have to put it down first! How long will the king of gods have to wait for us?! "

The God of War, wearing a silver armor, a black cloak, and a silver magic giant sword beside him, grumbled angrily.

Although the other main gods did not speak, they were more or less dissatisfied and impatient in their eyes.

Zhishen's face calmly glanced at the crowd, and he shook his voice: "You all give me peace. The king of the gods has important things to do. After finishing the work, the king of the gods will naturally come back!"

"Zhishen is right, everyone should just wait quietly. The war is coming, and it's not too late for a while."

Wearing a gray robe, with gray hair, and holding an obsidian scepter in his hand, the earth **** took the sentence lightly.

After the last match, he was already admired by the new king of the gods, and he was very awed in his heart.

Therefore, even if the king of the gods does not come now, he does not have any impatience in his heart.

As soon as the other gods present heard it and complained a few words, they didn't say anything more, but chatted with each other and waited...


Mexi City, Yucatan Peninsula.

A magnificent Mayan pyramid was erected on this small island.

The Mayan Pyramid is different from the Egyptian Pyramid. The Mayan Pyramid has a flat top in appearance. The tower is square with a large bottom and a small top.

On both sides of the Mayan pyramid steps, there is a 1 meter wide side wall. At the bottom of the north side wall, there is a large snake head stone carving with feathers. The snake head is 1.43 meters high, 1.80 meters long, and 1.07 meters wide. It is mysterious and unique.

This Mayan Pyramid is a tourist attraction on the Yucatan Peninsula, but at night, there is no one here.

Because there are rumors that at night, there will always be strange noises here, which is creepy and can't even be explained by science, so at night, no one will come over.

However, at this moment.

At the top of this Mayan pyramid, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the air.

After a while, I saw the air suddenly being torn open.

I saw a figure wearing a black mage robe and a hood, not tall, and unable to see his face came out from the inside. It was the king of the gods.

The king of the gods stood still in the air, looking down below, watching quietly for a while, and then muttering a string of weird spells in his mouth.

After reciting the spell, the king of the gods said indifferently: "Tupeu, the **** of water, Tosha, the **** of fire, and Zamargan, the **** of hunting, you have been sleeping for two hundred years... Now, I call you in the name of the king of gods, Come out……"

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