Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2559: , There is a future?

The voice of the king of gods fell.

I saw a sound of "Ka Ka Ka", as if some mechanism had been turned on.

Immediately afterwards, at the top of the Mayan pyramid, three beams of blue, red, and gray shot out, as if connecting the sky and the pyramid.

The three rays of light are brilliant and dazzling, full of powerful magical energy fluctuations.

Moreover, around the three rays of light, there are some strange characters, which are rotating around the beam, mysterious and mysterious.

If there are archaeologists and scientists present, they will be able to recognize these weird characters at a glance. They are Mayan hieroglyphs.

It's just that these hieroglyphs are more profound and mysterious.

Waited for about three minutes.

Three figures flew out of the Mayan Pyramid following the three beams of light, stood in the air, and stared at the king of the gods.

When these three figures appeared, the three beams disappeared into the air.

Among the three figures, one of them is wearing a blue robe, with light blue curly hair, and her cheeks are thin and wrinkled, giving people a cold feeling.

The other person, wearing a fire-red robe, had long fire-red hair, and his skin was red. Even if he stood there, he could feel the scorching heat released from his body.

The last person was wearing a gray robe with a totem of ten thousand beasts. His skin was pale, his lips were scarlet, and the nails on both hands were black, as sharp as a blade, giving people a gloomy feeling.

These three people died two hundred years ago, the **** of water Tupeu, the **** of fire Tosha, and the **** of hunting Zamargan.

"Meet the King of Gods!!"

The water god, fire **** and hunting **** bowed respectfully towards the king of the gods.

"No need to be polite."

The king of the gods waved his hand and asked: "How are the bodies of the three of you recovering?"

The **** of water smiled faintly and said gratefully: "King of the gods, thank you for treating us over the years.

Coupled with the sacred stone you provided, our body has been completely restored, and our strength has returned to the peak of the past. "

"That's good."

The king of the gods nodded.

"The king of the gods, when you come to us this time, are you ready to go to war with the Ancient Alliance?" Vulcan asked hoarsely.

"Yes, that's right."

The king of the gods nodded and said faintly: "Now, all preparations have been completed, and everyone is on standby.

Although the number of our main gods is much less now, because of the assistance of the gods, everyone's strength has been increased several times.

Therefore, now is the best time for us to fight the ancient alliance and wash away the shame.

are you ready? "

"King of the gods, I have been waiting for one day for two hundred years... In these long years, I am alive and desperately, just for this battle of vengeance!"

The hunting **** clenched his fist tightly, and said in a sharp voice: "I'm ready! This time, if anyone dares to hinder my revenge, I will kill you!"

"Kill without mercy!!"

The water **** and the fire **** also responded with a shock, and their eyes were full of murderous aura.

"Very well, what I want is your fighting spirit!"

The king of the gods nodded, and then said: "Come back to the palace with me, everyone is already waiting for us!"

As he said, the king of the gods waved his right hand, and the powerful magical energy directly tore the air open!

Immediately, the king of the gods took the water god, fire **** and hunting **** and walked in together.

Soon, this opening disappeared into the air, and everything here was quiet again, as if nothing had happened...

At this time, the alliance of the gods, in the palace.

"What the **** did the king of the gods do, why hasn't he come back? It's this critical juncture, the king of the gods won't retreat, right?"

The Death God, who was wearing a black robe and surrounded by death spirit, said a little bit of displeasure.

A burly, taller than two meters tall, dark complexion, rough face, and wearing a black armor, Hercules coldly glanced at Death, showing his fierceness, and said: "Reaper, you better shut up!

If I hear you ill of the King of Gods again, I will crush your head directly! "


The **** of death pointed to Hercules, but when he thought of the horror of this guy, he waved his sleeves and curled his mouth and said, "Isn't it just a little stronger? A guy with well-developed limbs and simple mind, what a look..."

"What did you say?!"

Hercules suddenly became angry when he heard it.

He stood up abruptly and stomped on the ground!

Rumble! !

The entire palace shook, as if it caused an earthquake!

A mighty surging coercion came out, stupefied to make the **** of death feel frightened!

Reaper stared at Hercules tightly, swallowed his throat, and couldn't say a word!

The other main gods on the scene watched this scene with a smile, and no one spoke, just waiting to watch the excitement.


Suddenly, a sound like a muffled thunder explosion came over.

Immediately afterwards, there was an invisible pressure that enveloped the entire palace, immediately suppressing the pressure and breath of Hercules and Death.

Feeling this terrifying coercion, everyone trembled in their hearts, turning their heads and looking at the top of the steps.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the air seemed to be cut by a sky thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the king of the gods walked out of the opening.

"Meet the King of Gods!!"

Upon seeing this, all the main gods present, folded their hands on their chests, and quickly knelt down on one knee.

When the king of the gods walked out, the gods of water, fire and hunting also followed.

When seeing the water god, fire **** and hunting god, all the main gods were taken aback, and then their faces suddenly appeared shocked!

"Tupeu, Tosha, Zamargaon! Are you still alive?!"

"I didn't dream, didn't you die two hundred years ago?!"

"It's incredible! It's incredible!"

Seeing the three water gods, everyone was excited.

After all, these three are their friends and partners who have fought side by side with them.

Now, how can they not be excited when they see their partners are still alive?

"God of water, **** of fire, **** of hunting, take your seats."

The king of the gods said lightly.

The three water gods nodded respectfully, then walked down the steps and took their seats.

The king of the gods glanced at the crowd and said: "I know you are curious why the three of them are still alive... In fact, two hundred years ago, my father not only preserved the remains of the earth gods, eagle gods, and samurai gods.

In fact, the remains of the God of Water, God of Fire, and God of Hunting were also kept, but because they have been hidden very well, they are not known to outsiders.

Over the years, I have been using healing magic to help them heal them, and they have been able to resurrect and see the light again..."

When the other gods heard this, it suddenly became clear.

However, this is also a happy event for them.

After all, if there is one more Lord God, then there will be more fighting power, and there will be more hope of winning this battle of revenge.

"Well, I won't say much nonsense."

The King of the Gods waved his hand, and said in a shaking voice: "In a few hours, we will fight the Ancient Alliance to the death!

We lost to them two hundred years ago, so much so that it took us so many years to recover!

Today, two hundred years later, we are bound to win this battle of revenge and avenge our dead partners!

Therefore, our goal is very simple, which is to completely destroy the Ancient Alliance and wipe out all the Chinese Warriors!

Can you do it? "


All the people present responded in unison.

The king of the gods nodded, then looked at Zhishen, and said, "Zhishen, is there any movement in Huaxia?"

"Return to the king of the gods, Huaxia sent a large number of troops and warships to the South China Sea to try to resist us from entering China.

All the inner and outer warriors of the ancient Chinese martial arts world also gathered to assist the Chinese military in the South China Sea. "Zhishen replied.


The king of the gods smiled coldly and said: "Those mobs, we don't need to pay attention to them, and leave them to others to deal with.

Our goal is the ancient martial arts world, where is the true core of Huaxia ancient martial arts..."

"Yes, I have already arranged it."

Wisdom nodded, then frowned slightly, and said, "King of the gods, I have one more thing to report..."

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