Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2560: , Rumblings!

"If you have anything, just say it."

The king of the gods turned his head to look at Zhishen, and said a little.

Zhishen frowned and said: "The king of the gods, according to the news, the temple is also dispatching troops these days...All the demon kings in the temple have rushed back to the temple.

The powers and affiliated organizations of the temple all over the world are rushing to the temple.

In this way, the email you sent to the Purgatory King three days ago does not work, and the Purgatory King is still ready to hinder our plan.

The power of the temple in the world is also quite large, if they want to interfere, it will cause a great obstacle to our plan.

The king of the gods, his subordinates believe that they should send people directly to destroy the temple and kill the purgatory king, lest they cause trouble! "

"I knew this guy was so ignorant of current affairs, I should have killed him before." Hercules clenched his fist and said thickly.

"Hercules, the king of gods does not kill the purgatory king, because the purgatory king is the biggest variable in our plan.

Moreover, it turns out that the prophecy of the King of Gods is indeed correct. Our many plans have nothing to do with the purgatory king..." Zhishen replied indifferently.

"Zhishen, what should you do then?"

Hercules spread his hands and said something.

"The king of the gods says to do what we do, and you don't need to worry about the things that use your mind." Zhishen replied.


Her face became stiff, and he waved: "I don't want to pay attention to you."

At this time, the king of the gods remained silent.

The king of the gods placed his hands on the armrest of the crystal seat, his fingers tapping slowly and rhythmically.

Everyone was quietly waiting for the king of the gods to speak, not knowing what the king of gods was thinking.

A few minutes later.

The king of the gods raised his eyes to look at the people, and said indifferently: "Our goal this time is the ancient alliance, it is the ancient Chinese martial arts, we don't need to distract our energy to entangle with the temple and the purgatory king.

Most of our troops have to be placed on the side of Huaxia Guwu, and on the side of the temple, we only need to send a small number of people to stop it.

At that time, when we destroy the Chinese ancient martial arts and annihilate the ancient alliance, even if the temple and the purgatory king arrive, it will be of no avail and will not change the outcome of the war. "

"The king of the gods, who do you think is more appropriate to send?" Zhishen asked.

The king of the gods glanced at the crowd and said, "Who is willing to fight and stop the army of the temple?"

All the main gods below are you look at me, I look at you, they are all considering.

After all, everyone wants to follow the king of the gods to attack the ancient alliance, and does not want to waste energy to fight the temple and the purgatory king.

At this moment, the water god, fire **** and hunting **** looked at each other, and then walked out.

"Subordinates are willing to play!!!"

The water god, fire **** and hunting **** three said in unison.

"very good!"

The king of the gods nodded and said: "The task of blocking the temple army is entrusted to you! Your task is to drag the temple army and don't let them interfere with our plan!"


The three shook again.

The king of the gods stood up and said loudly: "This battle is about the glory of our alliance of gods, so we can only win, not lose!!"


All the main gods responded loudly, resounding like thunder, resounding throughout the palace.


Around three in the morning.

The African continent, the Kingdom of Morodan.

The kingdom has dozens of tribes, but the largest tribe is none other than the wild tribe.

The wild tribe occupies a vast area, with vast forests and rolling mountains distributed among the tribes.

With fresh air and pleasant environment, it is a unique place to live.

Thousands of stone houses were built on the plains of the tribe, and the number of people in the tribe reached tens of thousands.

This tribe not only has a large number of people, but everyone can fight well. Compared with the other two dozen tribes, its overall strength is stronger.

At this time, in the wild tribe, the king of the Morodan Kingdom, the leader of the wild tribe, and the stone castle where the wild lord lived, a light was still on in a room on the second floor.

In the room, a dark-skinned but outstanding black woman in a floral nightdress was sitting by the bed, comforting a baby to sleep.

This woman is the wife of the Wild Lord and the queen of Morodan Kingdom, Agras Grisamsi.

"Cici, is Tony asleep?"

At this time, a hearty voice came in from outside.

I saw that the wild lord, who was more than two meters tall, dressed in animal skins, had a dark skin, a majestic figure, and a beard opened the door, and walked into the room from the outside.

"Aka, keep your voice down! Tony just fell asleep!"

Cici gave a low cry and glared at the Wild Lord.

The savage lord was taken aback by surprise, he quickly covered his mouth, and then walked gently to the bedside.

He looked softly at the sleeping child on the bed, his mouth grinned, and his eyes were full of soft colors.

It is hard to imagine that in the eyes of such a rough man with five big three and three rough men, there would be such a look.

The savage lord gently leaned down and was about to kiss his child, but Cici on the side quickly grabbed him and whispered softly: "What are you doing, do you want to use your beard to wake Tony? ?"

The savage lord touched his thick beard, hehe smiled and said: "This time is too busy, forgot to shave, hehe..."

"You, you are always busy with tribal affairs, can't you take care of your own image?"

Cici rolled her eyes to the savage lord angrily, and then whispered: "By the way, Tony is now three years old, and in one month, I am going to hold a birthday party for Tony.

At that time I will invite some friends over to get together, remember, you have to organize your image well, you know? "


Hearing this, the Wild Lord was shocked and grinned: "Cici, Tony's third birthday doesn't need to be so grand, it's okay to simply pass it by then."

"That won't work!"

Cici shook her head and said, "You are the king of Morodan, or the leader of the Wild Lord, and our Tony must be the next king and leader. Of course, his birthday must be more grand."

"Well, Cici, do what you say."

The savage lord smiled and replied, "By the way, Cici, I have something to talk to you, let's go downstairs and talk."

"What are you talking about, can't you talk tomorrow?"

Cici looked at the savage lord with a weird look, and said, "I'm afraid that the child will wake up later and will cry if he can't see me."

"It's okay, just a while."

The savage lord flashed his eyes, grinned, and then took Cici's hand and left the room together.

After closing the door gently, the two went to the hall downstairs.

Cici sat on the sofa and poured two glasses of water for herself and the Wild Lord.

Immediately, she took a drink of water from the cup, looked at the wild lord, and said, "Aka, what on earth do you want to tell me? It's so mysterious?"

The savage lord picked up the water cup, frowned, sighed, and said: "Cici, I hope I told you about this, don't be angry..."

Cici put down the water cup and said, "It depends on what's going on."

The savage lord grinned and said: "Cici, you should be very clear about what is happening in the underground world now?"

"Well, understand a little bit."

Cici nodded and said: "It is said that the Alliance of the Gods is preparing to start a war against the China Antiquity Alliance, and the temple is also preparing to participate in this battle, making the entire underground world turbulent..."

The Wild Lord sighed deeply and said: "As far as I know, the Alliance of the Gods has a huge power and many masters. Even if the Ancient Alliance and the Temple join forces, they may not be able to compete with it.

I'm afraid, this battle will be more ill-fortuned for the temple..."

"So, what exactly are you trying to tell me?"

Cici frowned and stared closely into the eyes of the wild lord, as if she could see her own man's mind.

The savage lord picked up the water cup and drank the water in the cup in one gulp, then wiped his mouth, and said solemnly: "Cici, I speak very straight, and I will not deceive people.

So, let me tell you straight, I want to help the purgatory king. "


As soon as the Wild Lord had finished speaking, Cici's face sank and she shook her head and refused.

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