Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2561: , Incredible!

In fact, when the savage lord mentioned the underground world, Cici could already guess the thoughts in her own man's heart.

After all, the two have lived together for so many years and have known each other a long time ago.

"why not?!"

The Wild Lord frowned, his voice raised a few decibels, and said, "Cici, the purgatory king is my brother! Now that he is in trouble, how can I not help?!"


Cici clenched fists with both hands, staring into the eyes of the wild lord, and said: "You clearly know how fierce this battle is, and you also know how big the power gap between the Ancient Alliance, the Temple and the Alliance of Gods is!

You are not going to help at all, but to die! If you die, what should Tony and I do? !

Tony is only three years old now, so young, he can't live without his father, do you understand? ! "

The Wild Lord frowned and replied: "Cici, don't think about things too badly! I'm here to help, not to die!

Although this battle is dangerous, it does not mean that we cannot win!

The temple, the ancient alliance, the kingdom of supernatural powers, the blood race, plus hundreds of organizations, can it not be able to fight the alliance of the gods? "

"No matter what you say, it just doesn't work!"

Cici looked at the Wild Lord with red eyes, and said: "Didn't you tell me before that you would not be involved in this war? But why are you breaking your promise now?!"

The Wild Lord looked at Cici deeply, and slowly said, "My dear, I didn't intend to be involved in this battle before. I just wanted to retreat behind the scenes and accompany you and Tony.

However, these days, I have thought a lot, and my heart has been tortured.

Finally, I finally figured it out, I can't stay out of the matter, I can't assume that nothing happened.

Now I am the King of Purgatory, when my brother needs help the most. I can't leave him!

Last time, in the Indian Ocean, I refused his invitation and refused to fight side by side with him!

I have let him down once, and this time, I can't let him down again!

So, Cici, I hope you can understand me, I hope you can agree! "

Cici shed tears and choked up: "Aka, you only care about your brotherhood, haven't you thought about me and Tony?"

"Of course I have thought about it."

The savage lord took a deep breath and responded: "It is precisely because I have thought about it that I will tell you about this.

Moreover, I also took care of everything... If I really die in this war, you are the queen of Morodan Kingdom.

When our Tony grows up, you pass the position to him and let him be the king of Morodan, the leader of the wild tribe! "

" can you be so selfish..."

Cici looked at the savage lord with tears in her eyes, and she couldn't make a sound.

The wild lord's eyes were red, staring at Cici closely, and said: "Cici, my wild lord has acted in an upright manner throughout my life, never wanting to owe others love!

The King of Purgatory once helped me a lot, he treated me like a brother, and he was very good to our family!

But now, when he needs help most, how can I leave him?

If I really do this, then I will regret it for a lifetime, and in the long years to come, I will be condemned and tortured by my conscience!

By the time our Tony has grown up, when he learns about this, he will definitely think that his father is a scumbag, and he will definitely look down on his father! ! "


Cici covered her mouth and sobbed softly, unable to say a word.

The savage lord stood up, walked forward, sat next to Cici, supported her shoulders, and said with a gentle look: "Cici, I'm just going to help the purgatory king, not to die.

Moreover, this battle is not hopeless... The Purgatory King is a kid who constantly creates miracles. With him, there is hope.

So, Cici, will you let me go? I don't want to condemn my conscience for the rest of my life, nor do I want our children to look down on his father in the future.

When this war is over, if I can return safely, I will retreat behind the scenes and never participate in the disputes in the underground world again, okay? "

Cici looked at the savage lord with tears in her eyes, choked up and said: "Aka...If I still don't let you go, what will you do?"

The Wild Lord sighed, stroked Cici's face, and said, "In any case, I will go this time, so I'm sorry..."


Cici grinned and said, "Fine, since you must go, then I won't stop you again..."

"Cici, did you agree?!"

The savage lord lifted his spirits, and his face showed excitement.

Cici nodded, her eyes softly and said: "Yes, I promised, what else can I do, I can only promise you.

I also hope that my man is a man of love and justice. I don't want my man to live in pain in the future, and I don't want my man to be looked down upon by his children in the future.

So, go, you must help the purgatory king, fight side by side with him, defeat the alliance of the gods, and bring peace to the underground world..."

"Okay, I promise you!"

The savage lord nodded vigorously, hugged Cici tightly, then stood up and strode towards the outside of the castle.


When the savage lord walked to the gate of the castle, Cici called him loudly.

The savage lord paused for a while.

" must live! Tony and I are waiting for you to come back safely!!"

Cici almost exhausted all her strength and screamed.


The savage lord raised his head and exhaled, preventing his tears from falling.

He didn't turn around, didn't look back, raised his hand and waved, then walked out of the castle and disappeared into the night.

Until the savage lord left, Cici felt her strength had been emptied, and limp on the sofa.

She stared blankly at the cup where the Wild Lord was drinking water, her face was covered with tears, and she couldn't help muttering: "Aka... honey... you must come back alive... I'm waiting for you... "


Three o'clock in the morning.

China, Kunlun Mountains.

The vast snow-capped mountains, continuous ups and downs, like dragons and tigers leaping, magnificent and magnificent.

Kunlun Mountain has been called the first sacred mountain and the mountain of ten thousand ancestors by China since ancient times, and it is also called the China Dragon Vessel.

It is recorded in ancient Chinese myths that Kunlun Mountain once inhabited gods.

In modern history, countless mysterious events have occurred in Kunlun Mountain.

There are many things that even science cannot explain. Therefore, Kunlun Mountain has become one of the most mysterious places on the land of China.

The sky was filled with stars, and a round moon hung high in the sky, casting a bright moonlight, illuminating the snow-capped mountains below.

Above a piece of Kunlun Snow Region, the cold wind was fierce, and the air was full of the scent of ancient times.

But at this moment, I saw a colorful glow falling from the sky, hitting the top of this snow-capped mountain.

This colorful glow is mysterious and unpredictable, and the light is full of primitive and vicissitudes of life. It doesn't look like a natural landscape at all.

After a while, I saw that the two figures descended to the top of this snow-capped mountain from this colorful glow.

When the light dissipates, you can see that there is a pair of men and women standing on the top of the mountain.

The man was tall and thin, with short hair, and he looked like he was in his thirties. He was not handsome in appearance, but he was extraordinary, especially his eyes were deep and bright, like stars.

He was wearing a gray and white quaint gown, but the whole person was aloof. He stood there quietly, giving people a sense of unpredictability.

And beside this man, there was a woman standing.

The woman's skin is snowy, gentle as jade, and her eyes are like a puddle of clear water. When she is looking forward to it, she has a graceful and elegant temperament, which seems to be only in her twenties.

The woman wore a white dress and fluttered in the wind, a soft cloud of hair pouring down, her slender jade hand held a Shengxue long sword, and a palm-sized white jade gourd hung around her waist. It was beautiful, elegant and noble. Vulgar.

If someone is here, they will definitely think that the fairy descended to the earth, making people photographed, embarrassed, and afraid to profanity...

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