Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2562: ,my brother!

Kunlun Snow Mountain is several kilometers above sea level, even if tourists come here, they dare not go deep into it.

It was three o'clock in the morning. On the top of this vast snow-capped mountain, two people suddenly landed from the sky, and they were dressed so thinly, without fear of the cold and thin air here. This is undoubtedly a very strange thing.

Moreover, these two people have a sense of transcendence.

After the two fell on the top of the Snow Mountain, they stood side by side, raising their eyes and looking into the distance.

After a long time.

The man turned his head to look at the woman next to him, with a weird face, and said inexplicably: "Yi Ren, I really don't understand, what is the point of that kid that attracts you, so that you are fascinated by him, and he also promised by his body..."

The woman was expressionless, and said coldly, "Master, you are his father, don't you understand?"

The man smiled and said: "I am different from that sweet kid. I only love one woman in my life, and he has fallen in love with so many women at the same time.

To be honest, although I am his father, I feel worthless for you, because you could have found a better man who was dedicated to you.

You are the daughter of the sword demon. If you let the sword demon know that his precious daughter is married to a big carrot Three nights..."

The beautiful eyes of the woman turned, looked at the man, smiled faintly, and said: "Master, you are the top master of that plane. Are you still afraid of my father?"

The man scratched his head, smiled helplessly, and said, "I'm not afraid of it, but if the sword demon keeps pestering me to fight, it will be a headache, okay?

Also, there is one more thing that I have always wondered. Why didn't you follow your father to learn swords, but you want to follow me?

To be honest, your father's strength is similar to mine. Although a little weaker than mine, it's only a little bit..."

The woman picked up the white jade gourd and took a sip of her wine, and said indifferently: "Maybe I have a relationship with you, Master, maybe I can't understand my father's behavior.

In short, his sword murderous aura is too heavy for me to practice..."

"That said, my daughter's house is indeed not suitable for practicing the swordsmanship of the sword demon."

The man nodded and said, "As you said, your father has always had no principles in doing things, it just depends on his mood.

Moreover, your father, like that kid, is also a fascinating guy.

Hey, I really feel sad for your dead mother, that you have such a guy..."

The woman frowned and said, "Master, stop talking about him, I don't want to take care of him."

"Good, good, no more, no more."

The man waved his hand, and then said: "Yi Ren, in fact, it's good for you to stay there for cultivation, so you don't need to come back in such a hurry.

Your current cultivation base has just reached the Heaven and Human Realm. If you practice for a while, you will be able to break through to a higher realm..."

The woman looked into the distance, her eyes soft and gentle: "I am his woman, he is in trouble now, I want to come back to accompany him, I want to come back to help him.

Even though that plane is full of aura and suitable for cultivation, it can't resist my miss for him.

It has been ninety-three days since we parted with him..."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, and he shook his head speechlessly: "You girl is so stunned, you can remember how many days you separated from that kid so clearly.

Well, since you want to stay to help him, just stay. Master won't say much.

This battle is indeed a bit tricky for that kid, and with your help, he can take care of him. "

"Master, why don't you stay and help?"

The woman looked at the man suspiciously and asked.


The man smiled and shook his head, looking into the distance, squinting his eyes slightly, his eyes were deep and authentic: "It's not time for me to take action..."

"What's the meaning?"

The woman frowned her willow eyebrows and became even more puzzled.

The man smiled faintly, and said casually: "It is inconvenient for adults to fight with children.

Of course, if the adults behind those guys make a move, then I will naturally make a move.

Moreover, not only will I take action at that time, but your father and the others will also take action..."

"Children? Adults?"

The woman thought for a while, her face changed slightly, and said: "Master, do you mean, there are people behind those guys?"

"Of course there is."

The man nodded.

"Who are those guys?"

The woman pressed a question.

"Iren, those people are still too far away from you. Now you don't need to know, you just need to face the current battle." The man replied.

Seeing that the man said so, the woman did not ask more on this topic.

He understands the character of the man in front of him. He is arrogant and unrestrained. He doesn't want to answer the question, even if you ask it a hundred times or a thousand times, he won't say it.

Immediately, the woman looked at the man and said, "Master, will you come back if you leave this time?

You have been separated from him and his mother for too long, don't you plan to reunite?

After all, these years, he and his wife have had a hard time..."

The man was silent for a while, and then smiled freely: "Wait for me to deal with something on that plane, and when this battle is over, I will come back..."


The woman smiled and said: "That's really great! If he and his wife know, they will definitely be very happy!"

The man smiled faintly and said: "You don't know about this. When the war is over, I will go to that kid."

"Yes, Master."

The woman nodded.

"Well, it's getting late, I should go too."

The man glanced at the woman, then turned around to leave.

"Master, wait!"

The woman stopped the man suddenly.

"Is there anything else?"

The man turned around and asked with a smile.

"Who will win this battle in the end?" the woman hurriedly asked.

"Who will win?"

The man smiled domineeringly and said: "He is my son, I believe him!"

After speaking, the man raised his hand, and the colorful glow appeared again, connecting the sky and the top of the snow mountain.

Immediately, the man lightly touched his feet, like a sharp sword, straight into the sky.

When the colorful glow disappeared, the figure of the man also disappeared before his eyes.

After the man left, the woman stood on the top of the snow-capped mountain for a while.

There was a touch of tenderness and longing in her eyes, and she whispered: "Feier, I'm here..."

The voice did not fall.

The woman stepped on a white long sword and drew a white sword light in the air. In an instant, she disappeared on the top of Kunlun Snow Mountain...


Around four o'clock in the morning.

The sky, like splashing ink, is dotted with bright stars and a crescent moon hangs high.

China, South China Sea.

At this time, at this time, the four major islands of the South China Sea, the Dongsha Islands, the Paracel Islands, the Zhongsha Islands, and the Nansha Islands were full of steel warships, as many as hundreds of them.

The bright moonlight poured on these steel battleships, exuding a cold light, like a giant steel dragon lurking in the sea, guarding the key entrance of China.

Moreover, these steel battleships are already full of people, and there are at least a few thousand people in total.

Half of these people are Chinese soldiers. These soldiers are wearing camouflage uniforms with live ammunition and are majestic, like a javelin, standing on the battleship, looking straight into the distance like an eagle.

The other half were warriors wearing martial arts uniforms of their respective schools, holding various cold weapons in their hands.

However, most of these sects are martial artists of the outer sects of the ancient Chinese martial arts world, so the cultivation base is not too high.

Although it is now about four in the morning, and it will be light in less than an hour or two, everyone is not sleepy.

Because, soon, the Alliance of Gods will lead a large army to attack!

In order to protect the ancient martial arts world and defend China, all Chinese warriors and Chinese warriors take the lead, abandon their premonitions, and come to fight the enemy!

At this time, in the cabin of one of the warships, a temporary command room was arranged, which was already full of people.

As the commander-in-chief of this time, the dragon lord wore a military uniform with brown and white hair combed behind his head. He was full of energy and heroic.

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