Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2563: , Unpredictable!

Sitting next to the dragon lord were the dragon soul instructor, Shi Junze, one of the eight great demon kings of the temple, and Lin Zhangong, the deputy instructor of the hidden dragon.

In addition, there is also the head of the powerful Guwu outer sect who is important in the ancient martial arts world.

For example, Su Yuechen, head of Donghaimen, Situ Jianyun, head of Broken Sword Door, Li Tanhua, head of White Horse Door, Zhou Dongqing, head of Shenhuo Sect, Xie Yiming, head of Tulongmen, and so on.

Among them, even the Yunxia Valley Valley Master, Liu Quanxiu, who is now the inner sect of the ancient martial arts world, rushed over.

The Dragon Lord glanced at the people and said with emotion: "Thank you all for being able to abandon the grudges of the past, regardless of the previous grievances, come to help out, resist the powerful enemy, on behalf of China and the ancient martial arts of China, I would like to say thank you to everyone!"

"Hehe, Dragon Lord, you don't have to say thank you!"

Su Yuechen waved his hand and said, "Now, it is the most difficult time for our ancient martial arts. All of us in the ancient martial arts world should work together to resist foreign enemies!

If we are still fighting in our nest at this critical juncture, wouldn't it make those Western guys laugh out loud! "

"Yes, Head Su is right!"

Situ Jianyun accepted the stubbornness and said, "Although our ancient martial sect does not have much contact with the country on weekdays, there are still some contradictions.

But in a critical period, the country is willing to help, assist us in fighting against powerful enemies, and guarding the ancient martial arts world. We should be grateful.

Therefore, in this battle, our Situ Jianyun is willing to obey your command of the Dragon Lord with full authority, and at all costs, we must repel the Western Alliance of Gods! ! "

"Lord Dragon, I, Li Tanhua, are willing to follow the dispatch!"

"Dragon Lord, if you have any instructions, just say directly, we must find it right!"

"Yes, yes, we are all willing to obey orders!"

The other leaders all expressed their views, willing to obey the instructions and dispatch of the dragon master.

"good very good!"

The excited eyes of the Dragon Lord turned red, and said: "As long as everyone is willing to cooperate sincerely, even if the alliance of the gods is strong, we will not be afraid!

Now is the most critical period of Huaxia Guwu, and the country and Huaxia Guwu should naturally take care of each other regardless of you and me!

After all, the warriors of Huaxia Guwu are also the people of Huaxia, our country naturally has to help! "

Hearing the words of the Dragon Lord, everyone looked moved and moved with emotion.

Once, because the state has been exerting pressure on them to prevent them from walking in the secular world at will, they also hated the state.

But at this critical juncture, they discovered that everything the country has done is only to protect all the people in China.

Whether it is a Chinese warrior or ordinary people, they are treated equally.

"Lord Liu Gu, you, Yunxiagu, as the Guwu Inner Sect, should be guarded in the Guwu Realm, but you are willing to come to the South China Sea to guard it. I am deeply grateful for Long!"

The dragon lord looked at a gentle and elegant middle-aged man and said something.

"Dragon Lord, you are serious."

Liu Quanxiu waved his hand, smiled faintly, and said: "Now is a critical period, and there is no need to distinguish between the inner gate and outer gate of Guwu.

Moreover, although our Yunxia Valley is an inner sect, our overall strength is not as good as that of the eight sects. Therefore, the burden of guarding the ancient martial arts is left to other sects.

We in Yunxia Valley can make a contribution here, and we can also make a little contribution to Huaxia Guwu. "

"Lord Liu Gu is right. Regardless of whether it is an inner door or an outer door, Huaxia Guwu should be the same regardless of you and me.

No matter where you guard, as long as you can contribute your own strength in this war, it is really rare. "

The dragon lord said with emotion, then turned his head to look at Shi Junze, and said, "Junze, the people living in the South China Sea have already been evacuated?"

"Don't worry, Dragon Lord, they have already evacuated."

Shi Junze replied, saying: "What I told the people is that China is going to conduct a large-scale military exercise, so everyone is very cooperative."


The dragon lord nodded and said solemnly: "This war really can't involve ordinary people, otherwise, the casualties will be quite heavy by then."

The others nodded, agreeing with what the dragon lord said.

Immediately, the dragon lord looked at Lin Zhangong again and asked: "Xiao Lin, what is happening in the Alliance of Gods now, how far are they from us?"

Lin Zhangong hurriedly replied: "Dragon Lord, an hour ago, it was reported that the army of the Alliance of Gods had been assembled.

I am afraid that soon, the army of the Alliance of Gods will come over. "

"This battle is coming after all. It seems that the Alliance of Gods intends to count the old and new hatred with us..."

The Dragon Lord sighed, then glanced at everyone present, bowed his head and said: "This battle, please everyone!!"

"Don't worry, Dragon Lord, with us, these guys from the Alliance of Gods don't want to board our Huaxia Land!" Li Tiangang said in a shock.

"Unless I die, I will fight to the last moment for Zhou Mou!" Zhou Dongqing also said in a passionate manner.

The old dragon lord nodded in tears, then looked at Shi Junze, and said: "Junze, Ye Fei said that he will participate in this battle. How is he preparing now?"

"Dragon Lord, don't worry, the boss is ready. These days, all the elites of the temple have been assembled, and Alston and Baal have also rushed back to the temple, ready to fight together!" Shi Junze replied.

"Hehe, this kid said that he doesn't care about the people of the world, but he did so many things behind his back. It's really low-key..."

The Dragon Lord smiled and shook his head.

"Dragon Lord, you said Ye Fei, but the leader of the Ancient Alliance?!" Zhou Dongqing asked hurriedly.

The other leaders also looked at the dragon master in doubt.

"Yes, that kid."

The dragon master nodded.

"I heard that League Master Ye had lost all martial arts in the battle with Fengshen and was beaten to be a useless person. Why is he still preparing to participate in the war?" Li Tiangang asked.

"That is to say, all martial arts are lost, but it is difficult to recover. At least I haven't seen any martial artist who can recover after all martial arts is lost."

Zhou Dongqing also took the sentence.

The dragon lord smiled and said: "Everyone, you are too underestimated that kid. In my impression, he is a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.

Now, I don’t hide it from everyone, Ye Fei’s strength has not only been restored, but also stronger than before..."

Hearing the words of the Dragon Lord, everyone present was stunned, and obviously did not recover.

"It's great! It's great!"

Li Tiangang said excitedly: "If there is the help of Leader Ye, then we will win this battle!"

The others also laughed. After all, it was a great encouragement for them to hear the good news before the war.

The dragon master and the major leaders chatted for a while in the command room. After discussing the combat deployment, they walked out of the cabin and came to the outside deck.

The Dragon Lord and his party stood proudly on the deck, looking into the distance.

The night slowly dissipated, and a ray of light gradually emerged on the sea level.

The arrival of dawn is also accompanied by the arrival of the war...


In the early morning of the next day, it was rising in the morning sun.

In some forgotten corner of the Pacific Ocean.

There are dozens of islands here.

The Lost Island is the main island, with dozens of small islands densely surrounding it, as if the stars are holding the moon.

Under the sunlight, the island is full of life, like a few pearls on the blue sea.

But in such a quiet and beautiful sea, at this time, there was a lot of noise, and no one enjoyed the tranquility and harmony.

On the sea of ​​the Lost Island, thousands of silver-gray steel battleships are parked, densely packed and arranged in an orderly manner, almost covering the entire sea, as if a steel fortress was built on the sea!

Various flags are planted on the masts of these steel battleships!

There are the skull banner of the sea demon king, the devil banner of the purgatory mercenary group, the angel and the devil banner of fallen angels, the bright banner of the country of supernatural powers, and the blood totem banner of the blood clan!

In addition, other warships are also flying various flags. Each of these large flags represents an organization of the underground world!

Killer organization, pirate organization, mercenary organization, bounty hunter organization... everything!

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of organizations!

On these thousands of warships, every warship is full of people!

Add up to at least tens of thousands of people! !

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