Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2564: ,I believe in him!

What is even more shocking is that there are dozens of warships that are not people, but beasts!

Tigers, lions, black bears, rhinos, cheetahs, jackals and more!

Moreover, there are thousands of birds hovering in the sky!

Eagles, bald eagles, bald eagles, goshawks and all kinds of fierce eagle species!

These birds and beasts have also turned into soldiers one by one, standing proudly on the battleship, hovering in the sky!

At this moment, everyone looked solemn and looked at the direction of the island, keeping absolute silence!

No one chats, no one frolics, everyone is ready!

They are waiting, waiting for the faith in their hearts, waiting for the king in their hearts, waiting for the king to lead them on an expedition and fight an earth-shattering battle of the century!

Everyone knows the cruelty and danger of the war, and everyone knows that it may not come back!

But no one backs down, no one is timid, no one is afraid of death!

In their view, as long as they can accompany their belief in their hearts and their king fights this world-shocked war, that is the supreme glory!

The residents of the Lost Island rushed to the beach. When they saw the thousands of warships, tens of thousands of warriors, and the birds and beasts, they were shocked!

They have never seen such a spectacular scene!

This is the first time, maybe the last time!

Everyone knows that today is the day when the purgatory king leads the army of the temple, so everyone rushed to see off!

They know that they are just ordinary people and cannot do anything to help the purgatory king, but they will pray in their hearts for the triumphant return of their king!

Time passed by every minute, everyone kept quiet, there was no sound!

Until more than ten minutes passed, I saw a group of people coming from the direction of the castle!

Ye Fei is walking in the forefront!

Immediately behind, is the sea emperor-Auston!

Goddess of Wisdom-Elena!

The king of mercenaries-Baal!

The King of Killers-Algernon!

The king of beasts-Arnold!

Death Vendor-Rex!


Humanoid killer-Zhang Baokun!

One sword to seal the throat-Lu Qinghong!

Unpredictable ghosts-Tang Yu!

There are also Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, Qin Menglan, Xiao Lengyu, and Bai Ningbing who are preparing to fight with Ye Fei.

Those who stayed on the island were Li Shiyun, Liu Yiyi, Su Luoyan, Xia Kexin, and Yang Nuolan.

Although Li Shiyun and others knew that they could not participate in the war, they also wanted to practice for Ye Fei together with the residents of the island.

When Ye Fei and his party walked, the soldiers on the battleship and the residents on the shore cast their pious eyes!

The faith in their hearts is here!

Their king is here!

"Purgatory King!!"

"Purgatory King!!"

"Purgatory King!!"

When Ye Fei approached, everyone on the sea and on the shore raised their arms and shouted!

Thousands of people shouted in unison, their voices shook the sky, resounding across the sea and the island!

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran and other women were shocked!

Although they stayed on the island for a while, they also knew that Ye Fei had a lot of energy in the world and his prestige was very high.

However, when they saw it today, they knew that they still underestimated Ye Fei's energy in their hearts!

Tens of thousands of people shouted Ye Fei's name in unison, this kind of shock is not ordinary!

Look at the devout and fanatical eyes of these people... In their hearts, Ye Fei is the king who deserves it! !

After a night of rain and dew, Gu Xiaoran’s brows and eyes were filled with charm. She blinked her big eyes and glanced at the people on the shore of the sea. She couldn't help but muttered: "Brother Fei, I thought you were just a fool and a lot of money. Well, I didn't expect so many people to admire you!

Gee, awesome, awesome! ! "

Ye Fei originally thought the atmosphere was serious, but when he heard Gu Xiaoran's words, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

He squeezed Gu Xiaoran's face, and said, "Girl, what makes a stupid person and a lot of money? Am I such an image in your heart?"

"Hehe, because you gave me such an impression during this period of time!" Gu Xiaoran smiled and said.

Hearing Gu Xiaoran's words, Gu Qingcheng and others shook their heads uncontrollably.

However, the atmosphere just now was a bit too depressing, and it was a lot easier to have Gu Xiaoran making such a fuss.

After Ye Fei and his party came to the shore, they jumped and jumped onto one of the main battleships that was flagged with the star of the temple!

Seeing Ye Fei's arrival, everyone was quiet again and looked at Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's eyes are like stars, and his body is standing on the battleship like a javelin. He glanced at the tens of thousands of people, and the sound was like a Hong Zhong, and said in a shocking voice: "Brothers and sisters, since everyone is here, it means that everyone is willing to participate in this event. A battle, and life and death have been put aside!

For this, I am deeply gratified! At least it proves that Ye Fei did not misunderstand you. At least it proves that every warrior in our temple is not a bully! ! "




Everyone shook their fists and screamed loudly.

Even the birds and beasts seemed to understand Ye Fei's words, and they roared and roared together.

The momentum is like a rainbow, straight into the sky!

"Everyone listen..."

Ye Fei stared at the crowd with scorching eyes, his throat was low, but his words were sonorous.

The tens of thousands of soldiers present stopped shouting and looked at Ye Fei one by one.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand, pointed to the distant sea, and said loudly: "Warriors, I hope you all understand that this battle is not only for the Chinese ancient martial arts world, but also for the entire underground world!

Today, the Alliance of the Gods and the hundreds of organizations in the underground world led by them have set off. They provoked this war not only to eliminate the Chinese ancient martial arts, but also to eliminate all organizations that did not submit to them!

Therefore, what we have to do is to destroy the Alliance of the Gods and restore peace to the underground world!

Even though the Alliance of Gods has many people and many masters, we don't need to be afraid!

Six years ago, our temple was still very weak, and it did not have its current scale. However, we were able to defeat powerful enemies one by one and finally stand on top of the world!

This is not only based on my personal strength, Ye Fei, but also on everyone's concerted efforts, not afraid of life and death, daring to each other, and fighting side by side!

Those brothers and sisters who once sacrificed, it was they who exchanged their blood for the peace of the underground world for so many years, and it was they who used their blood to set up the banner of our temple!

But today, the Alliance of the Gods has once again provoked war and wants to disrupt the peace of the underground world. Of course, we can't let them succeed!

So, brothers and sisters, and warriors, now, please join me on the expedition and use our demonic way to destroy the alliance of the gods and return to the peace of the underground world! ! "

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the faces of tens of thousands of people present showed a frenzied fighting spirit, and they couldn't help raising their fists and shouting! !

"The Purgatory King!!! The Purgatory King!!! The Purgatory King!!!..."

The sound shook the sky, earth-shaking, through the clouds and cracking rocks! !

After speaking, Ye Fei turned and looked at the women such as Li Shiyun and Liu Yiyi who were about to stay on the island. His eyes were full of soft colors, which was quite different from the fortitude that led tens of thousands of people just now.

Li Shiyun, Liu Yiyi, Xia Kexin, Su Luoyan, and Yang Nuolan also looked at Ye Fei, their eyes full of worry and dismay.

Because they didn't know whether Ye Fei could come back alive after leaving this time.

"Ye Fei, sister Gu, Xiao must come back safely!!"

"We are here waiting for you to return in triumph!!"

"I implore must live!!"

Li Shiyun's five women talked with tears in their eyes.

"it is good!"

Ye Fei grinned, nodded vigorously, and said: "I promise you, we will definitely come back alive!!"

Su Luoyan walked forward with crystal clear eyes, as if exhausted all his strength, hugged Ye Fei tightly, and said hoarsely: "Asshole... listen to me, don't let me die, you must live. do you know?"

Ye Fei sighed in his heart, stroked the woman's hair lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, Luo Yan, as long as I don't want to die, no one can let me die..."

Su Luoyan let out a cry of "Yeah", then let go, hugged Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran, and talked to her heart.

At this time, Li Shiyun walked over with red eyes, she sucked her nose, clenched her fists, beat Ye Fei's chest vigorously, choked with sobs: "Bad guy! Big bastard! Remember, it must be. Give my old lady back safely! You still owe us a wedding!!"

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