Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2571: , More dark!

Swish! !

Six huge black claws with rotten surging dark power, attacked Elena in the middle from all directions!

Prepare to destroy Elena directly at once!

Seeing these six huge claws attacking herself, Elena once again released a layer of black-red energy around her body with a seven-pointed star pattern, as a defense!


The hunting **** smiled coldly and said: "Little bitch, don't you want to kill me? But you have been defending now, so how can you kill me?"

As he said, the hunting **** flashed and came to Elena's front, and then directed the six huge claws to desperately attack the energy mask around Elena!

boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

The six black claws hit the energy shield time and time again, bursting with deafening noises!

Moreover, with the continuous attack of these six magic claws, the energy mask around Elena's body has become more and more dimmed, and it seems that it may be destroyed at any time!

However, Elena ignored the attack of these six demon claws, but stretched out her hands and condensed a group of black and red energy in her hands!

As time went on, this energy group became bigger and bigger, and the magic contained in it made the hunting **** feel heart palpitations, let alone the tens of thousands of temple warriors standing on the battleship!

"What is Elena doing?! How do I feel that there is a terrifying power in her?!" Alston said in a puzzled manner.

Barr frowned, suddenly thought of something, and said in shock: "Could it be that Elena wants to blew herself up?!"

"What?! Blew yourself?!!!"

As soon as Allston heard it, he was stunned.

"No, isn't Elena's physical self-recovery ability very strong?"

Algernon squinted his eyes and said, "Perhaps, Elena wanted to kill this old guy at once by this method!"

"But the energy released by Elena is too strong... Even if her body has a strong recovery ability, I am afraid it will be difficult to recover quickly?!" Auston said.

"Then don't hurry up to let Elena stop!!"

Barr's face changed drastically, and he shouted at the sky: "Elena, stop now!!"


Allston, Algernon and others also shouted loudly.

At this moment, the hunting **** above the sky seemed to have noticed something.

He stared at Elena coldly and said, "Little bitch, what are you doing?!"

However, Elena ignored the hunting god, but continued to gather the energy group in her hand, and also let the energy group in her hand squeeze desperately!

Just wait for the energy group to condense to a certain point, then squeeze it to a certain level, and then explode, the power is very terrifying!

Elena knew that her strength was a little closer to the Hunting God, so she thought of this kind of move that would hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred!

As long as this trick can kill the hunting god, even if you are seriously injured, it doesn't matter, it's a big deal to spend a little more time to recover!

At this time, the Hunting God also noticed the terrifying magic power contained in the energy group that Elena had condensed, and this magic power shocked him!

"Little bitch, stop me!!"

The Hunting God suddenly thought of something and yelled at Elena.

However, Elena ignored him!


The hunting **** trembled, and quickly stopped the attack, but his body flashed, ready to evacuate!

Elena saw that the Hunter was ready to run, but when she thought that the energy group in her hand had not yet condensed to the limit, she was very unwilling!

However, even if it is not condensed to the limit, there is no way!

If you wait for the hunting **** to escape, the energy group you have gathered will be wasted!

Thought of this.

Elena slammed her hands, directly crushing the dense black-red energy group in her hands madly!

"Hei Yaosheng exploded!!!"

The voice did not fall.

Boom! ! ! ——

The black-red energy cluster in Elena's hands exploded directly, just like a planet in the universe exploded!

Blazing black and red rays of light burst out, and the terrifying magic blasted out an impact in all directions!


Seeing that Elena had detonated the energy group, the Hunter who had not run far cursed!

"Dark Barrier!!"

The Hunting God also knew that he had no time to evade, so he could only release the magical energy as best as he could, forming a black energy mask around his body, as a defense!

Boom boom boom! !

Klang Klang! !

The fierce, violent and dark magic power madly launched an impact toward the hunting god, and Elena was also backlashed by this magic power, and her body was directly shocked and flew out!

This thunderous sound made all the temple warriors under it stunned!

Wow! Wow! Wow! ...

The surrounding sea was impacted by this wave of energy, roaring, sweeping, and tumbling, as if it caused a strong tsunami!

Everyone stared at the sky in a daze, wondering if Elena's devastating attack had any effect, and they were also very worried about what happened to Elena!

It took a few minutes.

The blazing black-red light dissipated.

Everyone looked up and saw that two people covered in blood were standing facing each other above the sky.

One of them is Elena, and the other is Hunter.


The Hunting God let out a foul breath, and it has been a long time since he recovered from the explosion.

He clearly knew that if he had not reacted fast enough just now, and released an energy mask to resist, then he might really be blown to death now.

But this is the case, the hunting **** is still furious, furious!

His whole body was wounded in a large area, his skin was covered with flesh, blood dripping, and the pain made his gloomy face completely acrimonious!

As for Elena, who was not far away, panting heavily. Because of this energy backlash, a lot of blood vessels in her body burst open, vomiting blood, and her whole body was dyed red, like a **** person!

Although the wound on her body is being repaired, but because of the too much energy released just now, her body's repair ability is greatly weakened!

Moreover, even the three pairs of wings of light behind her are now only one pair left!

It takes time to restore energy, but now there is no time to restore her!

After all, the Hunter is not dead!

The hunting **** looked at Elena jokingly, and smiled coldly: "Little bitch, the trick you just blew up just now is really powerful and terrifying.

If I give you some more time, or if I don’t react, I will really be killed by you.

It's a pity, you are still a little tender...So, then, welcome my revenge...I will completely destroy your body and soul, leaving you dead without a place to bury! ! ! "


Elena said with a stubborn look: "Old thing! Even if I die, I will be dragged to bury you!!!"

"Funeral? Haha..."

The Hunting God sneered and said: "You are not worthy!"

As he said, the hunting **** opened his arms and began to chant magic spells in his mouth. The magical energy in his body was also like a flood bursting a bank, rushing out frantically!

For a while, the entire sky changed color, lightning flashed and thunder, and the sea vibrated and rolled over!

Feeling the sweep of this monstrous magical energy, Elena's pretty face turned pale, and a look of despair flashed in her eyes!

The power of the main **** is too strong!

With his current strength, he can't beat it at all!

At this moment, Allston, Barr and others below saw this scene with a solemn heart!

"No, Elena is very weak now, she can no longer withstand the devastating blow of this old guy!!" Alston shouted, clenching his fist.

"Then what to do?! Our cultivation is not enough, we can't help Elena at all!" Barr said with a heartache.

"I'll help my sister-in-law!"

At this time, Lu Qinghong, who had the blood of the Black Armored Army on his face, stood up and directly released his sword intent.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Qinghong came to Elena's side and said, "Sister-in-law, I'll help you!"

"Yeah! Thanks!"

Elena also knew that Lu Qinghong's strength was not weak, and with Lu Qinghong's help, she might still be able to fight the Hunting God.

"Yo...Are there any helpers?"

When the Hunting God saw Lu Qinghong's arrival, he smiled coldly and said, "Very well, then I will send you two to **** together!!!"

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