Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2572: , Take your life!

"Death's indulgence! The dark night flows!!"

The Hunting God screamed, and his arms slammed toward the sky.

In an instant.

Tens of thousands of black, decaying beams, like a thousand zhangxia ray, penetrated the dark clouds, and shot in the direction of Elena and Lu Qinghong!

The dense black light beam is like a death ray, and the water vapor in the air is burned by the ray, unexpectedly bursting out of white gas!

This devastating blow by the Hunting God is unprecedentedly powerful and terrifying!

"Black Magic Light Shield!!"

"Qinglian Sword and Shield!!"

Elena and Lu Qinghong didn't dare to be big, and quickly displayed the strongest defense to resist this ray of death!

At this time, the other side.

The battle between Ye Fei and the Water God did not stop either!

The battle between Satan and Elena just now was only a few minutes, and it did not affect Ye Fei's side!

Although Ye Fei also noticed the situation on Elena's side, he was very anxious.

But now, I have to solve the water **** first, or else I can't help Elena at all.

At this time, the God of Water just stood quietly above the sky, and the water-blue giant axe that shielded the sky and sun was suspended in the air!

"The Purgatory King..."

The God of Water looked at Ye Fei faintly, and said, "If you left after listening to me just now, maybe I will spare your life.

But now, you have completely angered me...So, you and your tens of thousands of temple army, don't even want to live..."

With that said, the water **** just waved his right hand, and the huge axe formed by the sea, with the momentum of thunder, was like a punishment from heaven, and it was cut down boldly, as if to destroy Ye Fei and all the people below!

Seeing this giant axe fall, Ye Fei frowned and his face sank!

If you are alone, then you don't have to be afraid of this giant axe, you can avoid it even if you hide!

But the point is, there are tens of thousands of people below, and they have avoided, what about the people below? !

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fei didn't think about avoiding it, but stood brazenly underneath, and swung his sword to the top!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of golden swords appeared in the sky, and then quickly formed a huge circular sword and shield!

Above this sword and shield, it seems that a ghost of a golden dragon can be seen hovering on it, shocking!

This huge round sword and shield is not much different from this giant axe if it is only in terms of volume!

But Ye Fei didn't know whether this sword and shield could withstand the attack of this giant axe!

boom! ! ! ——

However, without waiting for Ye Fei to think about it, the aqua-blue giant axe slashed directly, and slashed heavily on the sword and shield!

The violent and violent impact caused the water-blue light and the golden sword-inspired light to flicker in all directions, and the fierce and incomparable power was like thunder and lightning, which exploded wildly in the air!

Earth-shaking, magnificent mountains and rivers! !

However, when the sound of rolling thunder disappeared, only a burst of "click" crackling sounded!

What shocked Ye Fei was that the sword and shield he used with his quadruple-explosive sword intent could not withstand the attack of this giant axe, and it was directly shattered!

Ye Fei frowned and suddenly thought of a question!

The reason why these main gods have become so powerful is because they have absorbed the energy of the **** stone!

Otherwise, how could the four-fold Explosive Sword Intent that oneself cast couldn't stop the water god's attack?

Since defense is useless, let's attack!

For Ye Fei, the best defense is offense! !

Ye Fei held the infuriating giant sword and directly raised his muscle strength and sword intent to a state of quadruple explosion!

The reason why he didn't promote to the state of five-fold explosion was because Ye Fei felt that he didn't need it!

After all, in the limit state, the power consumed is too much!

You have to fight against the king of the gods behind yourself, so you don't need to waste power on the water god!

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fei was holding the infuriating giant sword, and his whole person was like a golden armored war god.

"Sword Intent Quadruple Explosion!! Sword Dominates the World!!!"

At the moment when the giant axe was approaching, Ye Fei suddenly raised his right arm, and slammed a sword directly at the giant axe! !

Huh! ! !

With a sword swung out, a hundred-meter-long golden giant blade burst out, and you can still see the shadows of the cascading swords!

This doesn't mean how slow Ye Fei's sword is, but because it has reached an extreme point and deceived everyone's eyes, it makes people feel slow!

This sword flashed like a golden thunder, like a golden dragon rushing up wildly, and the light that bloomed closed everyone's eyes, and the pressure of the sword it carried made everyone even more frightened. trembling!

Next second.

boom! ! ! ——

The sword that Ye Fei slammed hit the huge giant axe heavily, and the sound that erupted, resounded through the entire sky, through the entire sea, and directly spread thousands of miles away! !

For a while, the golden radiance and the aqua-blue radiance were intertwined, and the two rays of light exploded together, as if two supernovae in the universe collided!

The muffled thunder continued to explode, and the crazy power and violent air waves rushed in all directions!

After two or three minutes, the muffled thunder and dazzling light disappeared!

Everyone raised their eyes and looked up to the sky, and found that the giant axe that shielded the sky and sun had been completely broken, formed into sea water, and fell into the sea!

That terrible and devastating coercion is also lifted at this moment!

"This... how is this possible?!!!"

The water **** not far away saw Ye Fei's sword smash the giant axe he had condensed, and his heart was both upset and shocked!

He was completely unable to understand why this kid in front of him was getting stronger and stronger. Not only did his breath and coercion not weaken, but he also became more and more terrifying!

What exactly is going on? !

Ye Fei, who was surrounded by golden light all over his body, and a golden giant sword phantom shrouded in his body, stood proudly in the sky!

He looked at the God of Water with indifference, and said indifferently: "Old guy, originally I was dealing with you, but I didn't think about fighting you seriously.

But seeing that your strength is pretty good, then I can only be more serious...This is your honor, and at the same time, it is also your misfortune..."

The domineering words of the world made the tens of thousands of temple warriors present couldn't help but be moved, ecstatic!

No wonder why his own king has been entangled with this old guy for so long, it turns out that from the beginning to the present, Wang has not regarded this old guy as an opponent at all!

How strong is this self-confidence, how strong is it to say such a thing?

But there is no doubt that everyone is convinced to say such things from Ye Fei's mouth!

Because they unconditionally believe that Ye Fei has such strength!

"Boy, give me less arrogance! I still don't believe it, your strength can be improved!!"

The water **** roared and opened his arms again, releasing all the magical energy in his body!

"The phantom tide rises!! The tsunami of extinction!!"

Wow! !

Suddenly, the sea below was drawn by magical energy, and it rolled up, and then it was like a curtain of water that covered the sky and the sun, soaring into the sky! !

The height of this water curtain rushed to the sky reached more than 100 meters, the thickness reached more than ten meters, and the weight reached thousands of tons! !

The key is that this water curtain that covers the sky and sun has been condensed and compressed by magical energy, and becomes extraordinarily solid, as if a steel plate with a length of 100 meters and a thickness of more than ten meters stood upright!

Tens of thousands of soldiers below stood on the deck in a daze, looking at the water curtain that could swallow them in the next second, their bodies trembled violently!

No one doubts that if this water curtain collapses, they will still be alive!

Even Satan, Elena, and Lu Qinghong who were fighting fiercely in the distance looked towards this side and felt an unprecedented destructive power!


The water **** screamed loudly, and his arms slammed forward!

Shattering! !

The water curtain that obscured the sky and sun rolled directly, rolling towards Ye Fei in the sky, preparing to swallow Ye Fei and crush it into pieces!

Feeling the terrifying coercion and absolute destructive power of the water god's trick, Ye Fei's expression became extra serious!

In an instant, Ye Fei raised the true energy power in his body to the realm of Li Chen Dacheng, and also raised all the physical power of the quadruple explosion!

For a moment, Ye Fei's whole body flickered with golden light, and the golden flame in his pupils jumped violently, as if it was about to come out!

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