Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2576: ,sucker Punch!

It's just that, because of his abnormally strong body, Satan was only injured by the skin, but it didn't affect him.

Moreover, because of the injury, he was particularly excited.


Vulcan gasped heavily, staring at Satan firmly, and roared: "Boy, who are you? Why do you have the strength on par with our Lord God?!"

"I emphasize it again..."

Satan smiled evilly and said: "I am the devil Satan!!"

"Devil Satan?"

Vulcan froze for a moment and mocked: "The Devil King Satan is the evil **** in Western legends, how could you be the real Satan!"

"Satan is me, I am Satan, believe it or not!"

Satan replied proudly, then squeezed his fists and smiled evilly: "I said, I will crush your head...

Now that the game time is over, it's time for me to fulfill my promise..."

The voice fell off.

Huh! !

The huge figure of Satan suddenly disappeared from the place!

When he appeared again, he was in front of Vulcan!

Vulcan's spirit was lifted, and he was surprised that Satan's speed was more than twice as fast!

"Fire of Extinction!!"

Vulcan screamed and waved his arms violently.

The flames that resembled the waves of the sky were released from the Vulcan, and swept toward Satan!

The scorching flame is like a big net, covering Satan, as if to burn Satan to ashes!

"I said earlier, your flames are useless to me..."

Standing in the flames, Satan looked calm and looked at Vulcan with a wicked smile. The burning fire did not do anything to him at all.

"Impossible...It's impossible!!"

Vulcan looked at Satan enveloped in flames, his face turned pale, and he shook his head vigorously.

His own flame is not an ordinary flame, whether it is temperature or lethality, it can be called a fire burning in lava.

However, the devil in front of him seemed to have extraordinary control and resistance to his own flames.

Moreover, for a moment, he seemed to feel that this giant man in front of him really looked like the legendary demon Satan.

But how is this possible?

After all, legends are just legends.

How could there really be the Demon King Satan in this world?

Satan looked at Vulcan with a smile, and said indifferently: "Why, don't you just have this trick?"


Vulcan saw a touch of ridicule from the corner of Satan's mouth, his heart burned with anger, and he waved his arms violently!

"Roaring Fire Dragon!!"

Just a blink of an eye.

The fire like a sea wave suddenly turned into a dozen huge five-clawed pterosaurs, rushing towards Satan!


Satan roared domineeringly, then bullied himself up, punched him violently, and blasted towards the fire dragon that was rushing forward!

"World Devil Fist!!"

boom! !

The punch comes out, simple, direct, smooth and natural, and the power it carries is like a missile launch!

Only a muffled sound of "Peng" was heard!

This fire dragon was directly smashed by Satan's punch, turned into sparks, and disappeared into the air!

Immediately, Satan's figure shifted at a high speed in the air, and a few consecutive punches, "fluffy" smashed the remaining fire dragons into sparks!

After blasting a few fire dragons into slag, Satan clenched the giant fist of the grinding plate, and blasted it at the chest of Vulcan!

"Shield of Demon Flame!!"

Vulcan was shocked, and quickly condensed a flame shield in front of him to resist.

However, the flame shield condensed by Vulcan was like foam. With a "boom", it was directly shattered by Satan!

That tyrannical giant fist, after smashing the flame shield, hit Vulcan's chest heavily!

There was a thunderous explosion, Vulcan screamed "Ah," and his body suddenly fell down like a meteorite!

"Boom" with a loud noise, Vulcan's body slammed heavily on the sea, throwing the sea water out of the sky!

Seeing that Vulcan was smashed into the sea, Satan did not stop there. Instead, he swooped down, ready to go to the sea to fish out Vulcan and beat him again!


As Satan approached the sea, a scream of anger to the extreme resounded from the sea!

Immediately, he saw flames burning all over his body, and a pair of huge flame wings condensed behind the Vulcan rushed out of the sea!

Vulcan's whole person seems to be fused with the flame, and the scorching flame illuminates the entire sky and the sea red!

"Flame Seraph! Meteor fire rain!!"

Vulcan was burning with flames, flames were also beating in his eyes, and he waved his arms.

Cough cough! ! ...

The overwhelming flames are like a downpour, and they smashed towards Satan below!

The fire that came down fell into the sea, and the sea was soaked with white gas!

However, falling on Satan has no effect at all!

"I thought you could become stronger again, but it turned out to be nothing more than that..."

Satan smiled disdainfully, not afraid of the falling rain of fire, and dashed up directly, launching a mad charge towards Vulcan!

"World Devil Fist! Crit!!!!"

After Satan approached Vulcan, his fists danced and blasted toward Vulcan continuously!


With the first punch, Satan broke the defense formed by the flame on Vulcan!

boom! !

In the second punch, Satan's fist hit Vulcan's chest!

Click! !

A crackling sound rang!

Several bones on Vulcan's chest were directly broken!


Vulcan screamed in pain, angry and unwilling in his heart.

Why can't I resist this devil's attack at all?

Why in front of this devil, all his attacks are like decorations, and they have no effect at all?

He couldn't understand why, but now he knew that he was not the opponent of this devil at all, so he thought of fleeing.

He had died once, and the feeling was uncomfortable, so he didn't want to be killed again.

Thought of this.

Vulcan violently vibrated the pair of flame wings behind him, turned around and prepared to escape!

"Want to escape at this time? It's too late!!"

Satan screamed, his figure flashed, and he chased him directly, clasped Vulcan's shoulder, and slammed his third punch!

This punch, like a cannon, pointed directly at Vulcan's head!

"!!! No!!!"

Seeing Satan's giant fist banging towards him, Vulcan screamed in shock.

Next second.

Only a muffled sound of "Peng" was heard, the scream of Vulcan had disappeared, and his head exploded like a watermelon!

At this time, the tens of thousands of temple warriors below witnessed this scene with their own eyes!

Everyone is dull and feels that their brains are not enough!

Such a powerful God of Vulcan was smashed into pieces by Satan. It was as simple as cutting vegetables and melons? !

This is incredible, right? !

"This guy is not human at all..."

Barr squinted his eyes, completely convinced by this arrogant fellow in his heart.

"I didn't like this buddy originally, but now I'm completely convinced..."

Alston swallowed his throat and murmured.

"I didn't expect that there is such a powerful guy in this world. It seems that I really know very little about this world..."

The savage lord couldn't help but say something.

For a while, Algernon, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and others also cast admiring glances at Satan.

Because they are also the strong in this world, they respect the strong!

"Boss, where did you find this monster?"

Rex asked Ye Fei curiously.

"If I said I picked it up on the street, do you believe it?"

Ye Fei smiled and asked back.


Rex rolled his eyes, Chong Yefei raised his middle finger, his face was unbelieving.

Alston, Barr and others also rolled their eyes, obviously not believing Ye Fei's words.

The two women, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan, shook their heads amusedly.

After all, Ye Fei was right.

At that time, Ye Fei did meet Satan on the streets of Citi, and then the two became friends after a fight.

At this time, above the sky.

When Satan saw that Vulcan was completely dead, he threw the headless body of Vulcan into the sea like trash.

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