Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2577: , One-eyed giant!

After a while, Vulcan's body was buried in the belly of the fish.

Satan clapped his hands, swooped down from a high altitude, and came to the battleship where Ye Fei and others were.

"Purgatory King, this battle was not very happy. I thought this Vulcan was so powerful, it turned out to be nothing more than that."

Satan curled his lips and walked towards Ye Fei and the others.

Others couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard what Satan said.

How strong the strength of Vulcan is, they just witnessed it.

However, such a powerful God of Fire can only be regarded as ordinary in the eyes of Satan.

Pretending to be forceful, Ting Guoguo’s pretending to be forceful.

Ye Fei shook his head amused, and said: "Satan, the war has just begun, and the really powerful Lord God is still behind.

Don't worry, I promise you can have a good time..."


Satan grinned and said: "This is interesting..."

"Okay, if you are okay, just go over and help Elena and Qinghong. That guy named Hunting God is not weak." Ye Fei said.

Satan turned his head to look at the three of Elena, Lu Qinghong, and Hunting God who were in the fierce battle, and said, "Should these two guys be so weak? They have been fighting for so long and haven't killed that guy?

Hey, there is no way, then I will help them reluctantly..."

As he said, Satan slammed his feet on the ground!

There was a "bang"!

His body suddenly lifted up into the sky like a rocket, flying high into the sky!

However, just when Satan was going to help Elena and Lu Qinghong...

Suddenly, I felt a terrifying pressure and aura swept over from a distance!

This coercion and aura, even Satan, can't help feeling heart palpitations!

Not only Satan, but the tens of thousands of temple warriors below also felt this terrifying pressure and aura!

Everyone feels that their heartbeat is speeding up, the blood flow speeds up, and they swallow throats. The fear that comes from the bottom of their hearts is not fake!

At this moment, everyone on the battleship was stunned, and didn't know who this coercion and aura came from! !

"Could it be... Is there a more powerful Lord God coming?!"

Alston swallowed his throat and said hardly.

Barr, Algernon, Rex, Wild Lord and others all felt terrified, and they had the same thoughts as Alston in their hearts.

However, Ye Fei stood up, looked at the distant sky, frowned slightly, and felt familiar and unfamiliar with this coercion and breath in his heart.

Who the **** is here?

"Look! What is that?!"

At this time, a temple warrior suddenly yelled.

Allston and others immediately raised their eyes and looked into the distance, their pupils dilated, and they were dumbfounded!

I saw that a large silver-white light appeared in the distant sky, just like a huge silver-white lake covering the sky!

Cough cough! ! ...

Immediately afterwards, only a burst of sharp air-breaking sound came from a distance, shaking everyone's eardrums!

When the silver-white light gradually approached, everyone was stupid!


All are swords!

Lots of swords!

Countless swords!

Therefore, the silver-white light like a lake is composed of tens of thousands of silver-white long swords!

The light refracted by this tens of thousands of silver-white long swords is touching, but the horrible sword pressure has caused tens of thousands of temple warriors to tremble, and they can't wait to kneel directly!

Everyone is born with a kind of reverence of high mountains, a kind of worship from the bottom of their hearts!

The sword power brought by this tens of thousands of silver-white long swords is different from Ye Fei's sword intent!

Ye Fei's sword intent is even more domineering and unparalleled, but the sword intent brought by these swords is soft as water!

However, this soft sword intent was full of fierce killing intent!

This kind of sword intent is truly unique, combining the rigidity and softness of the sword perfectly!

After the tens of thousands of silver-white long swords quickly moved to the top of Ye Fei and the others' heads, they stopped!

All the silver-white long swords are lined up neatly, as if waiting for someone to arrive!

At this moment, when Ye Fei saw these tens of thousands of silver-white long swords, the corner of his mouth was raised, revealing a soft smile.

She is coming.

She really came.

Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan and others were very puzzled when they saw the smiles on Ye Fei's mouth. They didn't know what Ye Fei was smiling at this time.

Not after a while.

When everyone looked up again.

I saw a figure in white clothes, with a silver-white long sword on its feet, swept over from a distance like a white sword light.

When this figure resisted the sky above everyone, everyone's eyes were dull, very stupefied!

Standing on the silver-white long sword is a woman in white.

To be precise, she is a beautiful woman in white.

The woman's skin is snowy, gentle as jade, and her eyes are like a puddle of clear water. When she is looking forward to it, she has a graceful and elegant temperament, which seems to be only in her twenties.

The woman wore a white dress and fluttered in the wind, a soft cloud of hair pouring down, her slender jade hand held a Shengxue long sword, and a palm-sized white jade gourd hung around her waist. It was beautiful, elegant and noble. Vulgar.

Everyone looked at this woman idiotically, thinking it was a fairy descending to the earth, she was photographed by it, and didn't dare to desecrate.

Therefore, many of the temple warriors present are men who lick blood, like money and beautiful women.

But this woman, they couldn't afford any offense, and they didn't even dare to take another look.

"Oh my god... how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world..."

Gu Xiaoran blinked her big eyes and couldn't help exclaiming.

"This is still a woman, it's a goddess, it's almost the same if it's a fairy descending to the world!"

Bai Ningbing answered with envy.

Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan, and Xiao Lengyu looked at this woman blankly, with a mixed feeling in their hearts.

They were very confident about their appearance and figure, but when they saw this strange woman, they were ashamed of themselves.

It's not that this woman's appearance is much more beautiful than theirs. The key is that the temperament that this woman exudes from all over her body is not what a woman in this world should have.

"The body is flying fast, erratic like a god, Lingbo steps slightly, Luo Socks gives birth to dust..."

Gu Qingcheng looked at the woman in the sky and murmured.

"Hey, sister, you can still write poems!" Gu Xiaoran said with a grin.

"This is not my poem."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head and said, "This is a poem written by the ancient poet Cao Zhi. It describes a woman with a closed moon and a shameless flower, with a dignified and elegant manner, just like a fairy..."

However, when Ye Fei saw this woman, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of longing, and he yelled softly: "Master..."

When this woman arrived, Ye Fei recognized this woman as his beautiful master, Dugu Yiren.

Ye Fei was really happy, very excited, and he didn't know what to say.

Since the last parting, I haven't seen Dugu Yiren for several months.

Now seeing each other again, Ye Fei's excitement is beyond words.


Gu Qingcheng on the side heard Ye Fei's voice, first he was shocked, and then his face changed greatly, "You...what did you say?! You said this woman is your master?!!!"

Gu Xiaoran, Qin Menglan, Xiao Lengyu and Bai Ningbing also looked at Ye Fei, their eyes were full of surprise, just like seeing a ghost!

After all, Ye Fei once also talked to them about the beautiful master, and described how beautiful and how fairy his beautiful master was.

They had always thought that Ye Fei had made it up, and they didn't believe that there really were fairies in this world.

But after seeing this woman today, they knew they were wrong.

Unexpectedly, there really are fairies in this world.

"Ye Fei... she... is she really your master?!"

Qin Menglan still couldn't believe it and asked.

"Yes, I will not admit it, she is my master!"

Ye Fei nodded, tears swirling in his eyes, and shouted at high altitude: "Master!!"

At this time, the Dugu Yiren above the sky heard Ye Fei's shout, looked back, looked at Ye Fei below, with a touching smile on the corner of his mouth.

The woman laughed, everyone was silly, stupid, and it seemed that the entire sky had lost its color.

Really, looking back, Bai Meisheng smiled, the sixth palace has no color...

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