Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2578: , Demon Fist!

It was also the smile of Dugu Yiren at Ye Fei that the doubts in the hearts of Gu Qingcheng and others were also dispelled.

Although I couldn't believe it, I really believed it at this moment.

Unexpectedly, this fairy-like woman is really Ye Fei's master.

Dugu Yiren smiled at Ye Fei, and then raised his eyes to look at the hunting **** in the distance and the huge cyclops.

At this time, the hunting **** in the distance also noticed the coercion and aura here. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a beautiful Chinese woman looking at him coldly.

Moreover, he saw the icy killing intent from this woman's eyes!

Hunting God felt flustered in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated, and an uneasy feeling in vain was born in his heart.

This seemingly weak woman, the breath and pressure that radiated from her body, and the silver white sword that looked like a lake above the sky, made people feel palpitation and fear.

Somehow, he actually had an illusion, as if he would be killed by this woman in the next second.

Thinking of this, the Hunter God did not hesitate anymore, but quickly issued an order to the cyclops in front of him!

"Cyclops! Hurry up! Go and kill that woman!"


After hearing the command of the Hunting God, the Cyclops roared to the sky!

The sound is like thunder, shaking the whole world!

Just hearing the roar of this cyclops, the tens of thousands of temple warriors present felt panic, cold sweat!

At this time, after the Cyclops roared up to the sky, he immediately shook those two thick legs and ran towards the Dugu Yiren!

Klang Klang! …

Every time this cyclops ran, the air trembled!

Elena and Lu Qinghong wanted to stop, but it was too late!

Because the two people's attacks could not hurt this cyclops at all!

"Master, be careful!"

Ye Fei's face changed drastically, and he was about to step on his sword to fly into the sky to help.

But at this moment, Dugu Yiren slowly raised his jade-like left hand and waved at the tens of thousands of silver-white swords in the sky, an ethereal voice resounding in the sky!

Although this voice is pleasing to the ear, it is full of grandeur and domineering!

"Ancient swordsmanship...Three thousand weak waters!"

In an instant.

Whoosh whoosh! …

The tens of thousands of silver-white swords seemed to move consciously, like a huge wave, tossing up in the sky above the Dugu Yi, and whistling directly towards the Cyclops!

Huh! —

Thousands of long swords burst out of the air, slashing through the air, and the tearing sound irritated everyone's eardrums, as if the void was about to be torn apart!

boom! ! —

Next second.

The huge wave of sword tumbling out collided with the rushing Cyclops, making a sound that shook the sky and the earth!

The seemingly weak sword intent burst out of a terrifying power in an instant!



There was a roar!

The dazzling silver-white rays of light flickered in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, making it impossible to look directly at it!

A full minute passed.

When the tens of thousands of silver-white long swords gathered again, they were suspended in the air.

I saw that the huge cyclops below was standing in place, as if frozen.

However, when everyone looked up, they were simply dumbfounded.

This huge one-eyed giant has countless holes in his body densely, and the whole body is like a hornet's nest.

Elena and Lu Qinghong, who were not far away, were directly stunned.

Just now, the two of them teamed up and failed to penetrate the body of the cyclops.

But now, as soon as this woman who was as beautiful as a fairy made her move, the body of this cyclops was like a piece of paper, and was beaten into a sieve.


Really incredible!

Elena and Lu Qinghong looked at each other, and saw shock and awe in each other's eyes!

They all know that there are also crushing strengths that can cause a devastating blow to this cyclops!

Immediately, there was another "bang" blast, pulling everyone's thoughts back again!

Everyone raised their eyes again, and they saw that the cyclops had completely shattered, turned into dots of black light, and disappeared above the sky!

one move!

Just a trick!

The Cyclops was completely destroyed!

Everyone looked at the Dugu Yiren as if they were seeing a god!

May I ask who can explode such a powerful lethality between gestures?

Apart from the gods... who else can do it?

After the cyclops was destroyed, the Hunter finally recovered from the shock!

He was extremely angry, his chest was fluctuating with anger, and his face became even more hideous!

"Little are you?!"

The hunting **** stared at the Dugu Yiren, and roared.

Dugu Yiren just looked at the Hunting God indifferently, and said in a cold voice: "You, don't deserve to know."

This sentence once again caused tens of thousands of temple warriors to worship.

Look, what is domineering?

This is called domineering!

If you ask someone's name, they don't even bother to talk to you!

Standing on the battleship below, Ye Fei was relieved when he saw Dugu Yiren raising his hands and destroying the Cyclops, and a soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After not seeing him for a while, Ye Fei could clearly feel that not only the temperament of Duguyi had changed, but also the earth-shaking changes in his cultivation and strength.

A woman's cultivation has reached the Heaven and Human Xiaocheng Realm, and her comprehension in kendo has also taken a step forward.

However, what makes Ye Fei very curious is where the woman has gone to practice during this period of time, and how can she improve so quickly?

Or, is there a great opportunity for a woman?

Ye Fei shook his head and looked up at the sky again, ready to observe the women's battle, and it would not be too late to ask later.

At this time, the Hunting God was stunned by Dugu Yiren, and his heart was even more embarrassed and annoyed!

He screamed: "Little bitch, don't think that you ruined my cyclops, I can't do anything to you!

I will tear your body apart, destroy your soul, and kill you completely! "

As he said, the Hunting God opened his arms and chanted the magic spell again in his mouth.

For a time, the wind gusts and the wind blows, and the sea is also drawn by magical power, and it roars and roars!



Moreover, above the hunting god's head, more and more dark clouds gathered, and purple thunders flickered in the dark clouds!

Hunting God's whole person, beard and hair fluttering, robe dancing, giving people an extremely eerie and weird feeling!

Feeling that the magical energy in the Hunting God's body had once again increased, Elena and Lu Qinghong also knew that this power was beyond their ability to resist, so they hurriedly stepped away, avoiding the battlefield as much as possible!

"Hunter's Light!"

The Hunting God opened his eyes and shouted directly.

I saw that dense black rays of light like violent storms shot out from the black clouds, with the power of destroying the flesh and tearing the soul, shooting in the direction of the Dugu Yiren!

Seeing this black ray of light like a thousand zhangxia rays lasing towards him, Dugu Yi Renqu still stood there calmly, without any fluctuations in the expression on his face.

"Hole flowers and water moon!"

Dugu Yiren gave a soft drink, and lightly swung his right arm towards the tens of thousands of silver-white swords above the sky!

In a flash.

The tens of thousands of silver-white long swords quickly gathered in front of Dugu Yiren, like a giant snow lotus of swords, dazzling!

Boom boom boom! …

The soul-hunting light released by the hunting **** launched a violent impact on the snow lotus of the sword, making a roar!

Just when the Hunting God thought he could attack the defense of Dugu Yiren, he discovered that no matter how fierce the impact of the Soul Hunting Light was, he couldn't shake the snow lotus of the sword at all!

Dugu Yiren stood quietly behind the snow lotus of the sword, with a calm face, looking at the hunting god's gaze, as if watching a child messing around.

"No... it's impossible!"

Seeing that his second move still didn't work, the hunting **** was shocked, his face changed drastically, and he shook his head vigorously, unable to believe what he saw before him!

"I don't believe it... I can't break your **** defense!!"

The hunting **** seemed to be mad, he roared, and then waved his hands again, casting out a wave of surging magical power!

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