Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2579: , Look back and smile!

When the more surging magical energy was shot out, the whole world became dark and heavy, as if it had fallen into a dead zone!

"Soul-hunting spirit! Demons and sprites!!"

The Hunting God opened his arms and let out a sharp shout in his mouth.

For a time, I saw countless ghosts and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, and other ghosts and spirits jumping out of the dark clouds, and launched a crazy impact on the snow lotus of the sword in front of Dugu Yiren!

This is not an illusion that frightens people, but the soul of a real monster!

The hunting **** is good at hunting, but the prey he hunts is not animals and people, but souls!

Then, he manipulated the captured soul in a unique way for his own use!

This is much stronger than the ghost mage in the alliance of the gods that Ye Fei faced before, and it is not of the same level at all!

Simply put, if the ghost released by the ghost wizard can destroy an army at one time, the monsters and ghosts released by the hunting **** can destroy hundreds or even thousands of armies at once!

The tens of thousands of temple warriors who were present were shivering with fear just by looking at them, let alone being able to fight with them!

After all, such a battle, for them, is not a battle they can participate in at all!

At this moment, seeing the dense monsters, demons and ghosts attacking him, Dugu Yiren frowned.

With a wave of her right arm, the huge snow lotus of the sword changed again, protecting her whole person inside.

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

No matter how the monsters and demons and ghosts impact, they are like sinking into the sea, unable to shake the defense of Dugu Yiren!

On the contrary, as soon as the monsters and monsters approached the snow lotus of the sword, they were directly destroyed by this sword of strength and softness!

Just a few seconds.

Those tens of thousands of demons and ghosts were completely destroyed by this sword intent and disappeared into the air.

"Soul Hunting Thunder!"

Seeing that the monsters, demons, ghosts, and ghosts he released hadn't worked, the hunting **** was extremely angry, and immediately changed his ultimate move again and directly drove the thunder and electricity!

The thunder and lightning that resembled a maniac in the black cloud was drawn by the magical energy of the hunting god, and slashed directly in the direction of Dugu Yiren!

Boom! !

Rumble! !

Waves of violent thunder and lightning smashed heavily on the silver-white long swords, and black and purple electric currents flowed on those swords, flickering, and burst out sparks, but they could not be destroyed at all!

Those hundreds of thunder and lightnings are like mud cows entering the sea, and they have no effect at all, and soon disappeared in the sky!

The tens of thousands of temple warriors present saw the weird scenes above the sky, and their hearts were shocked one after another!

"Oh my God! This woman is too tough, right?"

Rex screamed: "How do I feel that this woman is playing with this old guy?"

Alston glanced at Rex and said, "What is feeling? In my opinion, from the beginning to the end, this woman didn't seriously fight this old guy.

Didn’t you see that this woman has always been defending? "

"This woman is not only strong in attack, but also incredible in defense..." The Wild Lord said indifferently.

The others nodded, thinking the same as Alston and the Wild Lord in their hearts.

Gu Qingcheng, Xiao Lengyu and other women saw this scene with admiration in their hearts.

This woman is not only as beautiful as a fairy, but even her strength has reached the realm of countless people's admiration.

No wonder this woman can be a perverted fellow Ye Fei, no wonder...

At this time, Thor saw that the second move still didn't work, and the whole person was going crazy!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Dugu Yiren, hissed: "Okay...very...Little bitch, don't you rely on these broken swords? Then I will destroy all of your will!!"

As he said, the Hunting God waved his arms again, and there was a scream in his mouth!

"Soul-hunting light!! Devoured!!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that the black clouds above the sky began to converge frantically, and then spun rapidly, as if forming a huge vortex!

This vortex is profound and mysterious, and you can't see it at a glance, just like a black hole in the universe, wanting to swallow everything!

When this black hole was formed, a series of powerful magical powers were released from it!

Like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, it swept out endlessly, desperately pulling the silver-white long swords released by the Dugu Yiren!

Dugu Yiren looked at the hunting **** blankly, did not resist, but let the black hole swallow all his swords!

Seeing a silver-white long sword being sucked into the black hole, the Hunting God was overjoyed and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahaha...little bitch, you are resisting! Why don't you resist? No matter how strong your sword intent is, you can't resist the swallowing power! Hahaha..."

At this moment, the tens of thousands of fighters standing on the battleship were very puzzled. They didn't understand why the Dugu Yiren didn't resist and let all their swords be absorbed into the black hole.

However, just when everyone was puzzled, I saw that Dugu Yiren gently waved his right arm, and struck a sharp force!

This force made everyone present except Ye Fei feel very strange!

They only feel that this power is terrifying, but they don't even know what power it is!

The power of heaven and earth!

Therefore, what Dugu Yiren played is the power of heaven and earth!

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and let go of the last worry in his heart.

The cultivation base has reached the Heaven and Human Xiaocheng Realm, and she is a woman who has comprehended the power of heaven and earth. The Hunting God has no hope of living at all.

"Look through the autumn water!!"

Accompanied by a soft drink from Dugu Yiren.

I saw that silver-white sword light pierced out of the black hole!

The vast array of sword intent rapidly expanded in that black hole, which was frightening!

It is as if this black hole contains the power of a nuclear bomb, and it may explode at any time!

Next second.

Boom! ! ——

The violent explosion sounded loudly and shook the world! !

That huge and deep black hole was directly pierced and destroyed by the tens of thousands of silver-white long swords!

The silver-white light that had disappeared from the sky once again appeared in the sky, still so dazzling!

Seeing this scene, tens of thousands of temple warriors were relieved and grinned.

It turned out that it was just a false alarm.

"This... how could this be... how could this be..."

The hunting **** was completely stunned, muttering to himself.

"Are you... over?"

Dugu Yiren looked at the hunting **** who had been frightened and faintly asked.

The Hunting God swallowed his throat and looked at Dugu Yiren anxiously.

At this moment, he could not afford any resistance in his heart.

At this moment, he also finally understood how big the difference in strength between himself and this woman was.

He frowned tightly, knowing clearly that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely follow in the footsteps of the gods of water and fire and be beheaded here.

Thinking of this, the Hunting God didn't have the courage to fight anymore, but quickly turned around and turned into a black light, ready to escape.

"Damn! This guy wants to run!!"

"Stop him! Never let him go!!"

"Chasing! Go chasing!!"

Seeing the hunting **** running away, everyone shouted.

At the moment Elena, Lu Qinghong and Satan were about to chase, a cold, indifferent and ethereal voice resounded through the sky again!

"Ancient swordsmanship... dripping through rocks!!"

In a flash.

Tens of thousands of silver-white long swords suspended in the sky quickly converged and turned into a silver-white giant sword several hundred meters long and ten meters wide! !

This huge sword stands above the sky, like a huge silver-white pagoda, illuminating the entire sky and sea, shocking everyone's hearts!


Dugu Yiren waved his hand.

cough! ! !

This huge sword cuts through the sky like a psychic, and like a white rainbow, it passed over the heads of Elena, Lu Qinghong and Satan, and in the blink of an eye, it caught up and escaped thousands of meters away. The hunting god!

Hunting God raised his eyes and saw the silver-white giant sword that was horribly suspended above him, shivering, and his face became pale!

He clearly felt the sword power and irresistible pressure carried by this huge sword!

Immediately, the silver-white giant sword fell from the sky with a "swish" sound, stabs down toward the hunting **** below!

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