Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2580: , Three thousand weak water!

"Hunting the barrier!!"

At this juncture of life and death, the Hunter knew that it was impossible to escape, so he released all the magical energy in his body, and formed a thick black barrier around his body to resist the suppression of the giant sword. !

Looking around, you can see that above the sky, a dazzling silver-white light and a black light are facing each other, just like the opposition between good and evil!

boom! ! ——

In the blink of an eye, this silver-white giant sword pierced down, fiercely piercing the black barrier punched by the hunting god, and then torn apart!

After this silver-white giant sword penetrated the black barrier, it continued to stab at the hunting **** below!

"no no!!!--"

The hunting **** was horrified to the extreme, his complexion savage, hissing and shouting.

Immediately afterwards, there was another roar!

The hunting god's whole person was pierced directly from the top of his head by this silver-white giant sword, and his body exploded like a balloon filled with air!

The flesh and blood flew across and fell on the surface of the sea, and the dead could not die again.

What is a spike...

This is the real seckill, one move to kill!

When the hunting **** died, the dark clouds that gathered in the sky gradually dissipated.

The blue sky, white clouds, and sunlight reappeared, the coercion of death was lifted, and everything was restored as before.

Everyone witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and was shocked, and their breathing became rapid.

They couldn't understand at all, what miracle did they see just now? !

"This woman is really amazing... it's a fight against my king!!"

"It's not just amazing, it's just abnormal!!"

"No wonder this woman can be my king's master... It's too shocking, it's really too shocking..."

All the warriors of the temple began to discuss, looking at the eyes of Dugu Yiren, there was an impulse to worship.

However, it was the death of these three main gods that also brought strong confidence to all temple warriors.

They all know that the main **** of the Alliance of Gods is very strong, but now that it is nothing more than that, there is still a possibility of defeating them.

At this time, Elena, Lu Qinghong and Satan all turned back.

They were originally worried that the hunting **** would run away, but now they looked at it and worried that it was completely unnecessary.

"Elena, Qing Hong, are you all right?"

Ye Fei stepped forward and asked a concern.

Both shook their heads, saying that they were all right.


Satan on the side coughed slightly and said, "Purgatory King, why do you just ask them and not me?"


Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "You are a pervert, I am not worried that something will happen to you at all."

"Depend on!"

Satan rolled his eyes and Chong Yefei raised his middle finger.

At this time, Dugu Yiren waved his jade hand after killing the hunting god.

The silver-white giant sword above the sky disappeared into the air.

Immediately, Dugu Yiren turned around, turned into a silver-white sword light, and returned to the battleship where Ye Fei was in the blink of an eye.

The arrival of the Dugu Yiren immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone was attracted by the appearance and temperament of the Dugu Yiren.

Moreover, everyone looked at Dugu Yiren's eyes, full of reverence and awe, without any blasphemous color.


Dugu Yiren looked at Ye Fei with a gentle face and called out.

Everyone thought that Dugu Yi Ren had no expressions and no emotions.

But now seeing the affectionate and gentle appearance of Dugu Yiren, everyone knows that this fairy is not without feelings, but it depends on who is right.

"Master, it's great that you can come back."

Ye Fei's eyes were red, and he said something blankly, then stepped forward and hugged Dugu Yiren tightly.

With the soft fragrance in his arms and the fragrance in his mouth and nose, Ye Fei had a very fulfilling feeling, as if he had embraced the whole world.

Ye Fei has been missing this woman for so many days and nights.

Now that this woman finally came back, she returned to her side, how could Ye Fei not be excited.

Gu Qingcheng and other women on the side could also see that Ye Fei deeply missed and fettered this fairy.

Moreover, the women were careful, and they also saw that Ye Fei and this fairy seemed to be not only the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice, but also the affection between men and women.

Of course, although everyone understood in their hearts, they didn't say much.

After all, staying with such a beautiful woman for so long would be tempted by a man, not to mention a big rascal like Ye Fei.

Dugu Yiren stroked Ye Fei's face, her pretty face blushed slightly, a little bit ashamed of her little daughter's family, and said: "Feier, do you still call me Master now?"

Ye Fei froze for a moment, then grinned silly and said, "Oh, yes, yes, you are my woman now, I can't call you Master anymore, I want to call you, Yiren..."

"Sister Fairy, your martial arts are so good, can you teach me in the future?"

Gu Xiaoran ran over very familiarly and smiled sweetly at Dugu Yiren.

Dugu Yiren glanced at Gu Xiaoran and said, "Feier, who is this?"

"Sister Fairy, my name is Gu Xiaoran, and I am also the woman of this beast!"

Before Ye Fei could speak, Gu Xiaoran grinned and took the sentence.

Dugu Yiren Mingwu nodded, and then looked at Gu Xiaoran, a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes like autumn water, and said: "Your physique is very suitable for cultivation, and your talent is also very high...I am willing to teach. You practice.

But if you want to break through to a higher realm, you will have to withstand the trials that ordinary warriors can't bear, so I'm afraid you won't be able to endure the hardship..."

"Don't worry, Sister Fairy, as long as I can improve my strength, I am not afraid of hardship!" Gu Xiaoran said seriously.

Dugu Yiren smiled faintly, and said: "That's good, I will teach you to practice after this war is over."

"Thank you Sister Fairy, Sister Fairy, you are so kind!"

Gu Xiaoran was so excited that he rushed forward and hugged Dugu Yiren in a big bear hug, which made Dugu Yiren a little embarrassed.

"Tsk tusk tusk, sister fairy, I can understand that you are the master of this beast.

But how can a woman who is so beautiful and temperamental like you like Ye Fei? "

Bai Ningbing came over and said something.

When Ye Fei heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Beasts, diaosi... Isn't you such an image in the hearts of women?


Dugu Yiren stunned, blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked, "What does Diaosi mean?"


Bai Ningbing was immediately stunned.

The other women also looked at Dugu Yiren stupidly, and they were a little confused, not knowing whether Dugu Yiren really or not.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and flicked on Bai Ningbing's smooth forehead, and said, "Okay, don't say some Internet language. Yiren usually doesn't move around in the secular world, so she can't understand what you say.

And haven't you noticed that her clothes are different from yours, she doesn't use a mobile phone, and she doesn't even know how to surf the Internet. "

The women carefully looked at Dugu Yiren, only to find that Dugu Yiren was indeed different from their dresses, and more inclined to the ancient style, as if they had come from ancient times.

Therefore, everyone also believed Ye Fei's words.

Unexpectedly, there are really women who can't eat fireworks in this world.

Afterwards, Ye Fei briefly introduced Dugu Yiren to everyone, and Gu Qingcheng and others also introduced themselves, which was considered to be a acquaintance.

After the introduction, Ye Fei glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, although the three main gods in the Alliance of Gods have been wiped out by us, don't be happy too soon!

Now, the war has just begun, and the main force of the Alliance of Gods has not been affected. In the future, there are more difficult challenges waiting for us!

Therefore, I hope that everyone will cheer up, meet the next challenge, and completely wipe out the Alliance of the Gods! ! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, excited, and filled with high morale!

Later, Ye Fei looked at Elena and the others, and said in a solemn voice: "Elena, the three main gods sent by the Alliance of Gods, their purpose is to intercept us and hinder us from moving forward.

Presumably, their large forces must have arrived at China South China Sea by now... I am afraid the real battle has already begun!

Therefore, Yiren and I are going to rush over to help first, and you will rush there later! "

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