Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2582: , Fireworks in the world!

On the decks of other warships, in addition to the Black Armored Army and God Soldiers of the Alliance of Gods, most of them are members of some underground world organizations!

There are more than 10,000 people, and one stop there, just the momentum, it is frightening!

What's more, these people are still executioners who lick blood, and the killing intent on their bodies is even more panic!

Fengshen, who is leading these people, stood indifferently at this time, his pair of dark blue eyes looked into the distance!

He smiled coldly, and said in a shocking voice: "Listen, everyone, no matter how many missiles Huaxia launches, they will all be intercepted by me!

Let all the warships fire their cannons and kill me all those ants! ! "


Everyone shook their voices in response.

Under the command of Fengshen, the militants and fanatics of the Alliance of the Gods and the Underground World fired missiles frantically!

And Huaxia did not show any weakness, and the dragon master also commanded everyone to keep the cannon!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

You come and I go on both sides, with gunfire, thick smoke billowing, fire flickering, and explosions resounding throughout the sea!

Because the number of warships on Huaxia's side is more than double that of the Alliance of Gods!

Therefore, even if Huaxia can barely deal with it at the beginning, when it comes to the back, it can't deal with the continuous bombardment!

boom! !

Boom! !

Unfortunately, seven or eight battleships were hit, and they were directly blown up. The flames skyrocketed and turned into piles of scrap iron!


A series of screams sounded, and many soldiers and martial artists who had not had time to escape were all buried in the sea of ​​flames, and some were directly blown to pieces!

Seeing that the battle had just started, so many people died, the dragon Lord's eyes were red, and his heart was dripping blood!

He yelled at the people on the other warships: "Everyone, pay attention to safety, and you must protect yourself and avoid the area hit by artillery fire!

If you are capable, take the injured soldiers ashore quickly to avoid the second injury! ! "

The warriors and warriors heard the dragon master's order and hurried to take refuge in other places. Some of them took the wounded but not dead warriors out of the sea of ​​fire and rushed toward the shore!

"Junze, Fengtu, Zilong, go, let's hurry to save people!"

The Dragon Lord Chong Shi Junze and the others yelled.


Shi Junze and Bai Fengtu and other dragon soul fighters responded.

"Lord Dragon, we will also follow along to save people!" Liu Quanxiu said.

"Yes, let's go too!"

"And us!"

The heads such as Su Yuechen and Li Tanhua also stood up.

"Okay, let's go!!"

The Dragon Lord was moved and nodded vigorously.

Afterwards, the Dragon Lord and his party did not continue to stay in place to command, but dared not fear death, rushed into the sea of ​​flames, and launched a rescue operation!

At this time, the Alliance of Gods is there.

Thousands of warships are still pushing closer, and it is less than a thousand meters away from the warships on the Huaxia side.

Fengshen glanced at the front and laughed loudly: "Huaxia is already in chaos. Now is the best time for us to eliminate them!!"

With that said, Fengshen said to the preparatory **** disciples and the Black Armored Army: "Go, let's kill it first!"

"Yes, Master Fengshen!!"

All the preparatory **** disciples and the Black Armored Army couldn't wait any longer, and naturally nodded and agreed.

Immediately, Fengshen raised his right arm and directly cast a wind magic, and said softly: "Imperial Wind Technique!!"

Wow! !

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across, bringing Fengshen and hundreds of reserve gods and the Black Armour into the air, and swept towards Huaxia!

The distance of eight or nine hundred meters, in the blink of an eye, has already arrived!

"The people from the Alliance of Gods are here! Kill with me!!"


When the soldiers and warriors on the battleship saw the arrival of Fengshen and others, they didn't have any shock at all, and they killed them directly!

A melee suddenly started! !

Because those Chinese warriors and warriors have the foundation of ancient martial arts, so for the time being they can be able to those black armies!

However, the strength of those preparatory gods is really terrifying, and the magic that they have played is beyond defense!

Coupled with the presence of Fengshen, these Chinese warriors and warriors have no advantage at all in the fierce battle!

"Wind Blade Cut!!"

Fengshen stood on the deck, calm and relaxed, and directly cast a wind magic on the Chinese warriors and warriors who rushed towards him!

The blue wind magic energy formed an indestructible wind blade, slashing towards the Chinese warriors and warriors!

Puff puff! ! ...

Those Chinese warriors and warriors couldn't get close at all, and their bodies were cut open by these wind blades!

Some had their arms and legs cut off and lost their combat effectiveness, while others had their throats cut open and blood flowed and died directly!

"Death Storm!!"

Fengshen felt that killing people with the wind blade was a bit too slow, so he directly hit a series of death tornadoes!

A series of tornadoes carrying terrifying magical energy swept across the battleship, and swept all those warriors and warriors into the sky!

Pong Pong Pong! ! ...

When these warriors and warriors were swept into the sky, they directly turned into a cloud of blood fog, with no bones left!

"Wind Arrow!!"

Fengshen waved his arms again, and the magical energy in his body was released instantly!

I saw that thousands of faint blue arrows formed by the wind were suspended in the air, with a cold and violent killing intent!


Fengshen shook directly and waved his right hand lightly.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

Thousands of faint blue wind arrows shot out like a dense rainstorm, with bursts of sharp breaking air, directly piercing the bodies of those warriors and warriors!

The bodies of those warriors and warriors kept falling down, but none of the other warriors and warriors flinched. Instead, they went forward and continued to rush towards Fengshen!

Fengshen just looked at these people who were dying and struggling with indifferent expression, and shot out a wave of wind magic energy to wipe out all these people!

Moreover, in the eyes of Fengshen, these Chinese warriors and warriors are nothing more than a bunch of trash and ants. If you kill them, you will kill them!

Seeing that Fengshen took the lead and launched an attack, the other preparatory gods did not slack off, and launched a massacre on those fighters and warriors!

"Thunder and lightning!!"

The electromagnetic weirdo condensed the lightning magic energy in his body on his hands, and then threw it into the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Purple thunder and lightning landed down, exploding several battleships into fire everywhere!

The carpet bombardment launched by the intrepid Thunder will kill a large area as soon as it is recorded, and the flesh and blood will fly!

Some fighters and warriors avoided the attacks of these several thunders, approached the electromagnetic weirdo, and launched a counterattack!

"A group of wastes dare to contend with our great magician. It's simply overpowering!"

The electromagnetic weirdo smiled jokingly, and condensed two groups of purple thunder and lightning with both fists, and then blasted them toward these warriors and warriors!

After all, most of these warriors are the warriors of the outer gate of ancient martial arts. Their cultivation and strength may be very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but facing these powerful magicians of the Alliance of Gods, they have no way to parry!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

A burst of muffled thunder sounded, and once the bodies of those soldiers and warriors were hit, the whole person was directly chopped into coke by the thunder and lightning, and those who died could not die again!

"Electromagnetic weirdo, it's very hilarious to kill, do you want to see who kills more people?"

After the Gu King on the side poisoned dozens of people with poisonous fog, he smiled and said something to the electromagnetic weirdo.

"Bibibi, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

The electromagnetic weirdo glanced at King Gu with disdain, and then continued to slaughter the warriors and warriors.

" are determined to lose..."

King Gu gave a gloomy smile, then waved his arms, a hoarse voice resounded.

"The corpse worm dances wildly!!"

In an instant.

I saw that a large swath of blood-red bugs appeared in the air, and then bit at the warriors and warriors!

The warriors and warriors did not take these blood-red bugs seriously, but after those warriors and warriors were bitten by these blood-red bugs, their eyes became scarlet, went crazy, changed their direction, and turned towards themselves. People launched an attack!

"This...what the **** is going on?!"

A warrior saw that his fellow junior was mad and killed himself, and suddenly became stupid.

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