Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2583: , Swear to protect!

"That guy is a Gu master, and our people were all infected by the Gu worms he released!!"

A warrior pointed at the Gu King not far away, and said cruelly: "Go, let's go and kill that guy quickly!

As long as he is killed, his Gu worm will not be effective! "

"it is good!!"

"Let's go together!!"

Several warriors nodded, holding swords in their hands, and rushed towards King Gu.

"A group of ignorant guys still want to kill me?"

King Gu disdainfully smiled, and said: "Then all die for me!!"

The voice fell off.

King Gu directly clenched his thin fists, and blasted two punches at the warriors who rushed over!

"Scorpion King Fist!!"

Boom! !

With two punches, although the power is not great, the black poisonous mist released is inevitable!

Before the warriors who rushed over could react, they inhaled the black poisonous mist in their mouths and noses, and their bodies turned black and vomited bubbles...

Only a few seconds later, these warriors fell to the ground, their breath was gone, and their deaths were quite tragic!

"Everyone cover your nose and mouth, don't breathe in this black poisonous mist!"

A warrior yelled at the others, and quickly performed occlusion qigong, then waved the big knife in his hand, leading the person to rush towards King Gu!

"Huh, overwhelming!"

Gu King snorted coldly and waved his arms, "Deathing Blood Beads!!"

I saw that blood-red beads shot out from his two sleeves, hitting the warriors who rushed over!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

After the blood beads hit the warriors, they immediately exploded, and a lot of sticky blood splashed out!

Moreover, the blood splashed out is more terrifying than sulfuric acid, directly corroding the flesh and even bones of these warriors!



The screams of screams continued to sound, and the piercing pain directly caused them to lose their combat effectiveness.


King Gu laughed wildly, and continued to shoot blood beads.

Blood beads exploded on the bodies of these warriors and fighters, and the viscous blood-red liquid melted their bodies into a pool of blood...

At this time, the other side.

A man wearing black tights, covering his face, holding double knives in his hands, every time his body flashes, dozens of afterimages will be brought out!

Moreover, these dozens of afterimages were the same as the body of the masked man, and they carried out a massacre on the warriors and warriors of China!

The key is that although these afterimages have the same attack power as the main body, the afterimages are after all only afterimages, even if these afterimages are defeated by Chinese warriors and warriors, they will not be able to damage the main body!

Because this masked man was fast and there were his afterimages everywhere on the deck, the warriors and warriors of China couldn't prevent it at all, so they were killed inexplicably!

This man is just the preparatory **** disciple of the Alliance of Gods, code-named "Phantom", and he does not practice magic, but ninjutsu!

There is also a powerful preparatory **** disciple, code-named "Puppet", who practices puppet magic!

Standing on the deck, the puppet threw a wooden sculpture with a human face into the air!

When the wooden sculpture of the human face was thrown into the air, the hands, feet, torso, head, and entire body began to become huge!

This human face wood carving exudes a green light, and within a few seconds, it suddenly turned into a huge tree man with a height of 30 to 40 meters!

Huhuhu! !

Hundreds of vines were instantly released from the torso of this giant tree man, like a green snake dancing wildly, entangled the necks of all the Chinese warriors and warriors who rushed over, and then strangled them alive!

Moreover, a cloud of blue mist was spit out from this giant tree population!

When the cyan mist enveloped the corpses, the corpses actually stood up from the ground as if they were alive!

These corpses were expressionless, their eyes were hollow and their skin turned blue. They were manipulated just like the walking dead and puppets, and they used the swords on the ground to rush towards the warriors and warriors of China!

Although the puppet itself has no combat power, his magic that can manipulate a corpse as a puppet is extremely difficult to deal with!

To put it bluntly, as long as there are puppets, it means there are thousands of troops!

Because, as long as it is a corpse, it will be controlled by him and used by him!

Therefore, the only way is to destroy the puppet and the giant tree man above the sky!

However, the soldiers and warriors present did not have such powerful strength at all, capable of destroying the giant tree people and beheading the puppets!

In addition to the electromagnetic weirdo, the Gu king, the phantom, and the puppet, there are more than a dozen magical preparations for the gods are also quite powerful, making the warriors and warriors of China miserable and difficult to fight!

Not after a while.

Thousands of warships of the Alliance of Gods have approached, and the large forces have also arrived!

An even greater battle has completely begun!

The sound of beatings, roars, and screams resounded in the sea, which shook the entire sky and the sea!

A corpse fell on the deck of the battleship, and there were also corpses floating on the sea. There were warriors and warriors from China, as well as people from the Alliance of Gods!

The blood stained the deck and even this sea area! !

At this time, the Dragon Lord and his party who had taken all the wounded fighters and warriors away from the battlefield also arrived!

The dragon lord saw so many Chinese warriors and warriors dead, and his heart was sad!

With tears in his eyes and knowing that this is not the time for grief, he yelled: "Everyone, kill with me! Revenge for our dead soldiers!!"


All Chinese warriors and warriors ignited an angry flame in their hearts, and their fighting spirit rose!

Under the leadership of the Dragon Lord, all Chinese warriors and warriors were not afraid to die. Although they were not as many as the number, none of them flinched and was timid. Instead, they launched a counterattack toward the Alliance of Gods!

The people of the Alliance of Gods thought that killing these warriors and warriors of China would be like killing pigs and dogs!

However, what they never expected was that when it came to life and death, these guys in China became more and more courageous, and they were not afraid of death as if they were crazy!

Even if some warriors and warriors had been seriously injured, they still dragged their scarred bodies, and they dragged on the backs of a few people from the Alliance of Gods and died together!

This suicidal style of play also deeply shocked the people of the Alliance of Gods!

The people of the Alliance of Gods finally understand...

No wonder that in the long history of history, China has suffered so many blows and hardships, but it still has not been crushed, nor has it fallen. Instead, it has worked hard and gradually rises, and now it is standing proudly on the top of the world!

With these united efforts, no fear of life and death, with the indomitable soldiers, it will be difficult for China not to rise!

At this moment, Fengshen saw that his popularity was a bit suppressed, his eyes were cold, and he said in a shock: "Listen to everyone! These guys in China are just struggling to death, fighting between trapped beasts!

Don’t be frightened by the momentum of the ants. You must know that you are from the Alliance of Gods, the most powerful organization in the world!

We are stronger than them in terms of numbers and strength. Should we still be afraid of them? ! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

When all the people in the Alliance of Gods heard the wind, they rekindled their fighting spirit and launched a frenzied attack on the Chinese warriors and warriors! !

At this time, after the Dragon Lord killed dozens of people from the Alliance of Gods in a row, his body was like a gust of wind, and he swept directly in front of Fengshen!

The long gray hair of the dragon lord is already a bit messy, blood is splashed on his face and body, but his eyes are still energetic!

He stared at Fengshen with scorching eyes, and said angrily: "Fengshen, two hundred years ago, your alliance of the gods invaded my Chinese ancient martial arts world, and finally ended up in a disastrous defeat!

Our Huaxia is based on benevolence and righteousness, and let you have a way of life, but unexpectedly, not only did you not be grateful, but on the contrary, today, two hundred years ago, you will make a comeback again!

Are you not afraid of the complete destruction of your alliance of gods? ! "


Fengshen laughed loudly and said evilly: "It should be your ancient Chinese martial arts who should be destroyed! Our Alliance of Gods has prepared for two hundred years, and the strength of each main **** has long surpassed that of the past!

Now, we want to destroy your Chinese ancient martial arts, it's easy! ! "

"wishful thinking!!"

The Dragon Lord screamed, clenched his fists with both hands, his body suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards Fengshen!

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