Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2586: , Suffering!

The Dragon Lord shook his head, smiled kindly, and said: "Junze, I am already an old bone. It doesn't matter if I die, but you are still young and have a great future.

So, I'll hold Fengshen later, and you quickly flee here...Just wait until the kid Ye Fei arrives, and you can survive.

I have left a suicide note to No.1. If I unfortunately die in this battle, then you will inherit the next dragon lord.

You grew up when I watched. You are kind and sincere, good at abilities, and far-sighted. I am relieved that you will be the dragon lord..."

"Dragon Lord, if you want to live together, or die together, I will never leave you alone!"

Shi Junze looked at the dragon master firmly, and said something in a shaking voice.

"Junze, now is not the time to get angry, hurry up!!"

The dragon master roared, and then suddenly pushed Shi Junze out!

"I said, today, none of you want to leave alive!"

Fengshen said coldly, and then raised his arms, his eyes glowed with blue light, and a powerful magical energy was immediately released!

"Devil Storm!!"

Accompanied by a scream, Fengshen shot a magical energy directly at the dragon lord!

Wow! !

A sturdy tornado swept directly, containing explosive energy, and with a fierce killing intent, it invaded towards the dragon master!

At first glance, this sturdy wind pillar is like a siege hammer, smashing it over!

"Shocking Dragon Fist!!"

The dragon lord slammed his right foot to the ground, lifting all the power of true energy in his body!

The platinum shocking dragon infuriating energy condensed in both hands, with vigorous and fierce strength, directly blasted two punches at the wind column!

"Dragon Lord!!"

Shi Junze clearly felt how destructive Fengshen's move was. He was shocked and shouted, wanting to go up and help!

However, before running a few steps, the dragon lord's double fists collided with the strong storm pillar!

At the moment when the fist collided with the pillar of the storm, the terrifying energy contained in the storm suddenly exploded!

boom! !

A loud noise!


Although the Dragon Lord tried his best, he still couldn't resist Fengshen's attack. He screamed sternly, and his body flew out directly!

Shi Junze quickly flashed and caught the dragon master.

He looked down at the hands of Dragon Lord, his heart was angry, unwilling and sad, tears welled up in his eyes.

The hands of the dragon lord have become **** and fleshy, and the skin is open and fleshy, and even the bones in vain can be seen clearly.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of the move Fengshen played just now.

At this time, the body of the dragon master had become dilapidated, and his physical strength was on the verge of exhaustion.

He was panting heavily, and his old face became pale, but he clenched his teeth to prevent himself from grunting.

"Dragon Lord, I will avenge you!!"

A look of decisiveness appeared in Shi Junze's eyes, his face was gloomy, and he strode directly towards Fengshen.

"Shunze! Come back!!"

Seeing the shock in his heart, the dragon lord shouted loudly.

However, Shi Junze continued to move towards Fengshen without looking back.

After so many years of working under the dragon master, Shi Junze's feelings for the dragon master have surpassed the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

In Shi Junze's eyes, the Dragon Lord is more like his elder.

If you can't even protect the person you want to protect the most, then what is the use of living in a lingering life?

Fengshen watched Shi Junze walking towards him, smiled indifferently, and said: "Shi Junze, you are the Dragon Soul instructor and the Demon King of the Temple, but your strength is too weak.

You know, even the purgatory king of your temple is not my opponent, let alone you? "

Shi Junze stared at Fengshen firmly, and said coldly: "My boss is no longer stronger than before, and now my boss wants to kill you, it's so easy!"

"Is it?"

Fengshen sneered and said, "Then I really want to see how strong the purgatory king kid is now... It's a pity, I shouldn't have the chance to see him..."

"What do you mean?!"

Shi Junze frowned tightly.

"You are already a dying person, it's okay to tell you..."

Fengshen sneered and said: "The king of the gods has sent the three main gods to intercept the purgatory king, and the strength of the three main gods is better than me.

Do you think the purgatory king has any hope of surviving in the face of the three main gods? "

Shi Junze opened his eyes suddenly, his face changed a lot, and then he came back to his senses!

No wonder why the boss hasn't arrived yet, it turns out that someone intercepted it!

The three main gods go to intercept the boss, can the boss really defeat it?

Shi Junze felt heavy and worried.

However, thinking of the current strength of the boss, Shi Junze shook his head again, feeling that he was too worried.

He raised his eyes to Fengshen, smiled freely, and said: "My boss's strength has long become unfathomable. His real opponent this time is the King of Gods!

As for the three main gods you mentioned, even if they go, they are only a dead end! "

"Just relying on the purgatory king to defeat the three main gods, it is a big joke!"

Fengshen squinted his eyes and said: "I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, now I will send you to **** first!!!"

With that, Fengshen's eyes flashed with blue light, his right arm was raised, and he waved a burst of magical energy towards Shi Junze!

"Storm impact!!"

boom! !

The sound of breaking through the air!

A storm light wave blasted towards Shi Junze like a heavy artillery!

"Dragon Claw Hand! Dragon travels the world!!"

Shi Junze screamed and poured the power of Vientiane Dacheng's vitality into his hands, his hands became claws, and he slammed two claws toward the storm light wave!

Swish! !

Two golden dragon claws were slammed out, and several golden arcs were drawn in the air. The strength was fierce and powerful, as if to tear everything apart!

In an instant.

With a bang, two golden dragon claws collided with the storm light wave!

Although Shi Junze's dragon claw hand is very skilled, but because his cultivation can't keep up, he can't release the full power of the dragon claw hand!

This violent impact directly sent Shi Junze out more than 20 meters away!

boom! !

Shi Junze fell heavily on the deck, stupefied that the deck made of steel plate was smashed into a dent!


Shi Junze felt the blood tumbling in his body, and couldn't help but spit out a thick blood.


The dragon lord, who was leaning on the mast, saw Shi Junze's injury, his heart was cut, and he burst into tears.

"I...I'm fine..."

Shi Junze swallowed the blood flowing into his throat, then supported his body and stood up.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his internal breath a little, and then slammed his legs to the ground, like lightning, and swept toward Fengshen again!

"I can't help myself!!"

Fengshen saw that Shi Junze dared to stand up and attack himself, feeling that his majesty had been challenged, and his heart was extremely angry!

He opened his arms, then suddenly raised it towards the top, screaming in his mouth!

"Storm Sawtooth!!"

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The seawater on both sides of the battleship was directly rolled up by the storm, forming thick and sharp water blades, which were wrapped around, flanking from left and right, and stabbing towards Shi Junze on the battleship!

The water-blue blade emits a blue light under the sunlight, which is very gorgeous and dazzling!

However, the lethality is also extremely terrifying!


A burst of screams rang out, and the warriors and warriors on the battleship who were fighting were affected, and their bodies were directly pierced and shattered!

"Everyone quickly get out of here! The farther away the better!!"

Shi Junze yelled when he saw this.

Those fighters and warriors also knew that they couldn't compete with Fengshen with their own strength. In order to avoid casualties, everyone evacuated!


"Long Fei nine days!!"


Under the encirclement and suppression of the hundreds of sharp water blades, Shi Junze quickly lifted all the power of true energy, and directly hit the dragon claw hand with three moves!

Swish! ! ...

The golden dragon claws centered on Shi Junze, tearing through the air, and carrying the domineering dragon power, rushing in anger in all directions, colliding fiercely with the hundreds of sharp water blades!

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