Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2587: , Straighten your waist!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of explosions resounded!

Gorgeous golden light and dark blue light flickered in the air, stabbing people's eyes so hard to open!

Because the power was too fierce, the entire battleship shook violently!

However, even though Shi Junze played three consecutive dragon claw hands and tore dozens of sharp water blades, the remaining water blades were intact at all and continued to stab Shi Junze!

"heavily clouded!!"

Seeing those sharp water blades continue to stab, Shi Junze's figure flickered and moved, like a dragon walking in a tiger's step, swinging his two claws toward the sky again!

Swish! !

Two huge dragon claws swept out directly toward the sky!

Accompanied by a violent bombing sound, these two huge golden dragon claws once again tore through dozens of sharp water blades!

However, when Shi Junze wielded his claws again, it was too late. The remaining one hundred blades of water continued to be crushed downwards with infinite power of destruction!

Feeling this devastating pressure, Shi Junze's mouth showed a touch of bitterness.

If I knew this earlier, even if I was busy before, I still had to cultivate and improve my strength.

If one's own strength can be stronger, then he won't become a fish on someone else's chopping board now, and let him be slaughtered, and he won't even be unable to protect the person he wants to protect!

At this moment, he fully understood why the boss kept letting himself practice and practice...

After all, the enemy is much stronger than you think. If you don't want to die in battle, you must make yourself stronger!

These thoughts flashed through Shi Junze's mind, his face sank, and his hands gathered the power of true energy again, ready to fight to the death!

However, at the moment when those sharp water blades pierced down, a few figures swept over like an emergency!

"White Horse Sword Technique!!"

"Loying the palm of God!!"

"Psychic Fist!!"

"Swamp the sky!!"

I saw that the gorgeous infuriating qi shot out, dazzling people, and directly faced the attack of Fengshen!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The explosion sounded one after another, and the air wave rushed out frantically, shaking all the nearby battleships!

The sea water was shaken to a height of several feet!

With the assistance of several heads, although Fengshen’s move was destroyed, Shi Junze and the heads who came to help were all shaken out and fell to the deck one after another!

Fengshen looked at Shi Junze and the others who fell to the ground coldly, mocking the truth: "You can dare to contend with me based on your rubbish, it's just looking for death...

Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you..."

As he said, Fengshen opened his arms and began to chant magic spells, and a wave of ferocious magical energy was released from his body!

The entire sky changed color, and the sea rolled violently, directly causing a tsunami!

"Storm Arrow!!"

In an instant, the faint blue magical energy above the sky formed a sharp long arrow!

A dense cluster of storm arrows shrouded the sky, there were more than thousands of them, covering all of the sky!

Feeling the pressure of these thousands of storm arrows, Shi Junze, Liu Quanxiu and Su Yuechen were shocked and their faces turned pale!

"He wants to kill us all at once!!"

Liu Quan's face was heavy, and he saw Fengshen's purpose.

"Everyone quickly disperse! Don't let this guy succeed!!"

Su Yuechen screamed at the soldiers and warriors on several nearby battleships.

"Want to run? Is it possible?"

Fengshen smiled contemptuously, and said: "Don't even want to run any of you, just give me all to die!"

As he said, Fengshen directly waved his arms!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

Thousands of faint blue storm arrows in the air were pulled by magical power, breaking through the air, and shooting directly at the dragon master, Shi Junze, Liu Quanxiu and others below, as well as everyone on several nearby battleships. Past!

Seeing these thousands of storm arrows shot down in anger, everyone's faces showed a look of despair!

"Is this the power of the main god...too strong...too strong..."

"This is a monster..."

"It's over, it's all over..."

Liu Quanxiu, Su Yuechen and others murmured to themselves, with grief in their hearts, only hating their lack of strength.

However, at the moment when these thousands of storm arrows were shot down, everyone suddenly noticed a surging coercion sweeping from behind!

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of silver-gray infuriating dragons roared with the sound of dragons, and directly greeted the thousands of storm arrows!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

A deafening explosion sounded in the air, piercing the entire sky and sea!

Everyone on the battleship was stunned, not knowing who made the move at a critical time!

Moreover, everyone was puzzled, no one seemed to have such strength!

Until the explosion stopped, until the silver-gray light and the blue light in mid-air disappeared.

The Dragon Lord, Shi Junze and others all raised their eyes to look at the sky, and found that there were no more storm arrows in the sky.

"Who is it?!"

Fengshen frowned and shouted angrily.

"I am the lord of the night palace, Dongfang Xuanqing!"

A puffy voice came from behind.

The Dragon Lord, Shi Junze and the others turned their heads and saw that a group of men in black jumped onto the battleship and walked over here.

Among them, walking in the forefront is a man wearing a black gold-rimmed gown, slender and tall, with a crown-like face, handsome in appearance, and holding a black iron fan in his hand.

Hundreds of people following him, all wearing black martial arts uniforms, holding quaint black broadswords in their hands.

Seeing the arrival of this group of people, the faces of the Dragon Lord and others were all puzzled.

"Which school are they from?" Dragon Lord asked.

"I don't know... The man just said he was the Lord of the Night Palace... What kind of school is the Night Palace?"

Liu Quanxiu also said that he had never heard of this school.

The other leaders also shook their heads, saying that they didn't know.

"Anyone who dares to be an enemy of China, kill me without mercy!"

Dongfang Xuanqing gave the order directly.


Hundreds of people who followed him respectfully responded, and then scattered in all directions, rushing towards the people of the Alliance of Gods!

After the order was given, Dongfang Xuanqing's figure flashed, as fast as a gust of wind, blocking the front of the dragon master and others.

"Little brother, who are you?"

The dragon lord asked aloud.

"My name is Dongfang Xuanqing."

Dongfang Xuanqing didn't turn around, thought for a while, and added, "Ye Fei is my brother."

"Do you know Ye Fei?"

The dragon lord looked happy and asked.

"We met a long time ago."

Dongfang Xuanqing replied, and then said: "If you have anything to say later, you first evacuate here, I will deal with this guy."

"Little brother, then you have to be careful."

The dragon lord reminded him that he knew that staying here would become a burden, so he led everyone to evacuate back.

Fengshen looked at Dongfang Xuanqing with an indifferent expression, and said, "Finally there is someone who can fight..."

"Are you the main **** of the Alliance of Gods?"

Dongfang Xuanqing met Fengshen's gaze and asked faintly.


Fengshen responded proudly.

"That fellow Ye Fei has always said how powerful your Lord God of the Alliance of Gods is. Now I want to see if it is really what he said..."

Dongfang Xuanqing squinted his eyes, and then directly lifted the Qi of the Universe from the dust.

When Dongfang Xuanqing raised his breath, Fengshen's expression changed slightly, and his expression became serious.

After all, his current magic cultivation level has only left the realm of Chen Dacheng, and because of this, the king of the gods sent him to deal with the people here in the South China Sea.


Dongfang Xuanqing screamed, directly raised the Qiankun iron fan in his hand, and swept towards Fengshen!

"The iron fan of the universe! Panlong vent!!"

Huh! !

A Qi of the Universe swept out, like a giant silver-gray dragon swept over, roaring towards Fengshen!

Seeing this true energy swept across, Fengshen was shocked!

The strength of this guy is really extraordinary!

Seeing this silver-gray infuriating dragon pounced towards him, Fengshen lifted his right hand and directly shot out a burst of magical energy!

"Wall of Wind!!"

A faint blue wind wall quickly condensed in front of him.

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