Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2588: ,Life and death!

In an instant.

boom! !

The silver-gray dragon hit by Dongfang Xuanqing slammed against the wind wall, making a terrifying explosion!

The violent air wave vented out, stupefied that the hulls of the nearby steel battleships were cut open!

Boom boom boom! !

The masts on the battleship also collapsed, making a sound!

As for the wind wall condensed in front of Fengshen, it was directly destroyed by Dongfang Xuanqing!

The Dragon Lord, Shi Junze and others who stood in the distance saw this scene, and their hearts were even more shocked!

Just now so many of them teamed up together, they couldn't defeat Fengshen's defense, and they were so embarrassed by Fengshen that they were almost killed!

But now, Dongfang Xuanqing alone can contend with Fengshen, which is enough to show that Dongfang Xuanqing's strength has far surpassed them!

"It's really hard to imagine that Huaxia has another amazing young man...This is the blessing of China!" Liu Quanxiu said with emotion.

"Brother Liu is right."

Su Yuechen nodded and sighed: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward. As long as these outstanding young people can stand up, then this time the battle with the Alliance of Gods, we will definitely win!"

The other leaders also nodded, and hope ignited in their hearts!

"Everyone also quickly take advantage of this time to recover... Even if the recovery is not at the peak, but as long as the recovery is half, then we can work with the fighters to fight the enemy together!" The dragon lord leaned on his waist and said with a cough.

"Dragon Lord, you have suffered too much injury, you should go for treatment as soon as possible!"

Shi Junze couldn't bear to see the weakness of the dragon master.

"Yes, Dragon Lord, the next battle will be handed over to us, you should go to rest, you are strongly supported." Su Yuechen said.

The dragon lord waved his hand and said, "I know how my body is. Now is the critical period of the war, I can't leave..."

Seeing that the Dragon Lord was determined to stay, everyone was helpless, so it was hard to say more.

At this time, the battle between Dongfang Xuanqing and Fengshen continued.

In just a few minutes, the two have fought dozens of moves, but they have not been able to tell the outcome.

"Jiaolong is wrong!!"

Dongfang Xuanqing's face sank, and the right hand holding the Qiankun iron fan flashed quickly, and he slapped two true qi towards Fengshen in a row!

These two true qi quickly turned into two silver-gray flood dragons, attacking the Fengshen with their teeth and claws!

Seeing Dongfang Xuanqing's attack coming so fast, Fengshen's face changed slightly, and he used the imperial wind technique and flew directly into the air!

With this leap, Fengshen avoided the attack of Dongfang Xuanqing's trick!

Swish! !

The two true qi swept away almost close to Fengshen's feet, and swept to the surface of the sea!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was a violent explosion on the sea, and huge splashes of water were shaken to a height of more than ten feet!

Seeing Dongfang Xuanqing's move failed, Fengshen narrowed his eyes and opened his arms!

"Bound of the wind!!"

Cough cough! !

I saw that the wind magic energy instantly formed dozens of sturdy wind tentacles, sweeping towards the East Xuanqing!

"Julong Hug!!!"

Seeing a wave of wind tentacles coming towards him, Dongfang Xuanqing directly raised the Qiankun iron fan in his hand and waved it several times in the air!

I saw that the four silver-gray dragons rushed directly toward the wind tentacles!

boom! ! ——

Only heard a burst of earth-shattering explosion resounding!

Those dozens of wind tentacles and four silver-gray dragons collided fiercely!

Those dozens of wind tentacles were destroyed, and the four silver-gray dragons shot by Dongfang Xuanqing also shattered!

laugh! !

Immediately afterwards, only a violent rubbing sound was heard, and Dongfang Xuanqing was pushed back by this powerful force!

Two black marks were rubbed out on the deck, and after retreating for more than ten meters, Dongfang Xuanqing stabilized her body!

"Tornado Storm!!"

Fengshen waved his arms.

I saw that the speed of the air flow suddenly accelerated, forming dozens of strong tornadoes, from all directions, toward the East Xuanqing surrounded and crushed!

"The Eight Palms of the Universe!! The cloud ascends to heaven in another!!!"

Seeing these several tornadoes hitting him, Dongfang Xuanqing gave a soft sigh, without any fear, as if the gods descended to the earth, lifted the palm that condensed the true energy of the universe, and hit the tornado that flanked. !

With two palms out, the power is amazing!

Coordinating with the profound meaning of fighting to turn the universe, vigorous and fierce, the momentum is like a rainbow!

As the outer gate of ancient martial arts, the night palace, everyone in the gate cultivates Qiankun Zhenqi, and on the basis of Qiankun Zhenqi has evolved many exquisite martial arts!

This "Eight Palms of the Universe" is one of the advanced martial arts!

Moreover, with the improvement of the Eastern Xuanqing cultivation base, the power of the Eight Palms of the Universe can be exerted to the maximum!

Boom boom boom! !

With two palms out, several sturdy tornadoes were directly shattered!

After the two palms were shot, Dongfang Xuanqing did not stop there, but stepped on the mysterious step of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", moving back and forth, bringing out the afterimage of the road!

Moreover, at the moment of movement, Dongfang Xuanqing palm after palm, uninterruptedly, hitting the remaining tornado storm!

"The bottom of the leaf wears clouds!!"

"Overlord toast!!"

"Qinglong nodded!!"


The silver-gray palm shadow was impermeable to the wind, flashing in the air, turning into countless shadows, like violent storms, bombarding the dozens of tornado storms, and a burst of "bang-bang-bang" sound erupted!

The qi of the East Xuanqing is exploding in the air, like lightning and thunder, like the waves of the sea, trembling endlessly!

When Dongfang Xuanqing's figure stopped again, the remaining dozens of storms had been completely defeated by him!

"how is this possible?!"

Feng Shen saw that Dongfang Xuanqing had crushed his dozens of storms, his face changed drastically, and his brows wrinkled tightly!

"Hehe... the main **** of the Alliance of Gods is nothing more than that!"

Dongfang Xuanqing sneered, his body leaped, and he used the Imperial Sky Technique to directly hit the Fengshen!

In his opinion, Fengshen is only good at magic and long-range attacks. If it is changed to melee, this guy must not be his opponent!

Fengshen stood still in the air, saw Dongfang Xuanqing rushing towards him, and saw Dongfang Xuanqing's purpose. He smiled coldly, and naturally wouldn't let Dongfang Xuanqing succeed!

"The roar of the wind!!"

With a violent wave of his arms, the sea below rose to the sky, and under the storm, it seemed to form a huge mountain!

One of the mountains blocked Dongfang Xuanqing, and the other mountains rolled towards him!

Dongfang Xuanqing's face sank, and he could only give up approaching Fengshen for the time being. Instead, he raised his arms and patted the mountains formed by several storms and water!

Boom boom boom! !

Bang bang bang! !

The violent and fierce palm bombardment slapped on the mountains, and shattered the mountains!

When Fengshen saw this scene, his face was sullen, and he once again shot out a wave of magical energy!

A series of fierce storms swept hundreds of tons of seawater, forming even larger mountains, which continued to be crushed towards the East Xuanqing!

Dongfang Xuanqing's figure was moving fast in the air. Because the speed was too fast, the Dragon Lord, Shi Junze and others in the distance could only see a silver-gray shadow flickering!

Dongfang Xuanqing bombarded the mountains with palm after palm, and the banging sound kept exploding, just like grenades exploding in the air!

However, what makes Dongfang Xuanqing angry is that no matter how he fights, Fengshen will continue to strike out storms, sweeping the sea, forming mountains and crushing it!

If he drags on like this, he will not be able to kill Fengshen, but he will be dragged down!

In that case, it is better to destroy them all at once!

Thought of this.


Dongfang Xuanqing roared, and the momentum of his whole body skyrocketed again!

I saw that Dongfang Xuanqing's hand turned into a tiger shape, and the other hand looked like a dragon. As he walked through the clouds, his whole body exuded an indomitable momentum!

"Chisel the rocks and open the mountains!!! Extinct!!!"

Dongfang Xuanqing's palms burst into a fierce and terrifying aura, like a big wave scouring the sand, like a violent wind stirring the waves, struggling to shoot both palms toward the mountain that is constantly rolling over!

boom! ! ——

An earth-shattering thunderstorm exploded! !

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