Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2596: , Without self-confidence!

If it hadn't been for seeing it with their own eyes, everyone present would have thought they were dazzled!

So many golden swords suddenly formed a huge sword and shield!

This is a masterpiece of superb workmanship!

This requires not only a strong cultivation base, a strong strength, but also a strong sword intent and absolute control over it in order to do it!

How can the average swordsman do this, manipulating his sword intent as he pleases? !

Just Ye Fei's manipulation of the sword intent has already surpassed the scope of the swordsman!

Under everyone's horrified eyes, the thousands of wind blades made a devastating impact on this sword and shield!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Sounds like the collapse of a mountain rang!

Everyone only saw that the blade of wind was completely like rotten wood. It couldn't shake this sword and shield at all, so it shattered directly!

Seeing this scene, Fengshen was mad!

He attacked several times in a row, but he didn't even have any effect on Ye Fei!

This was a great blow to his self-confidence, and it completely trampled his dignity under his feet!

"'s not like's not like could it be like this..."

Fengshen shook his head vigorously, unable to believe everything in front of him.

Ye Fei looked at Fengshen indifferently, and asked with a smile, "Your attack is over?"

Fengshen looked up at Ye Fei blankly, not understanding what Ye Fei meant.

Ye Fei smiled indifferently, and said, "I said that, it will make you taste the pain of your body... Now that I have said it, then I will naturally do what I say..."

With that said, Ye Fei gently waved the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and uttered a shock in his mouth!

"Ten thousand swords are coming!!"

In the blink of an eye, the tens of thousands of golden swords that made up the sword and shield instantly dispersed and hovered in the air!

This tens of thousands of golden swords were suspended in the air, and the golden light emitted directly illuminated the entire dark sky!

It was like a sunset, dazzling everyone present!


Without any hesitation, Ye Fei directly swung the giant sword in his hand!

For a time, Ye Fei became the emperor of a generation of swords, the commander of thousands of troops and horses, launched an attack towards Fengshen!

Cough cough! ! ...

Thousands of golden swords heard the emperor's command, and directly tore the air, whizzing towards Fengshen with the sound of piercing the air that pierced people's eardrums!

Seeing the overwhelming golden sword attacking him, Fengshen's heart trembled, and he didn't think much about it, and hurriedly used all the magical energy out and hit it out!

"The Guardian of the Wind!! Storm Bulwark!!"

I saw that a hurricane blew out of thin air around Fengshen, as if forming an oval wind barrier, enclosing Fengshen's whole person!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

This tens of thousands of golden swords launched a crazy impact towards the storm barrier, bursting out golden flames and blue magical energy!

Fengshen thought he could withstand the crazy impact of this tens of thousands of golden swords!

However, the next second, what made him desperate was that his storm barrier was fragile like a bubble. With a "bang", it broke directly and turned into a little bit of energy and disappeared into the air!

Without the barrier of the storm barrier, the golden sword like a torrential rain directly obliterated Fengshen in it!

Puff puff! ! ...

Immediately afterwards, I only heard the sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh!


In the golden light, Fengshen's screaming screams came out, making everyone's hearts chill and frightened to their countenance.

Everyone trembled and couldn't imagine what kind of torture Fengshen was suffering now.

A few minutes passed.

When the golden light in the sky disappeared, everyone looked up and saw a blood man swaying in the air, as if about to fall down at any time.

At this moment, Fengshen's body was filled with blood holes, and blood kept pouring out.

However, to everyone's horror, all other parts of Fengshen were penetrated by the golden sword, but only the head and heart were not penetrated.

Under the attack of so many golden swords, every individual will be beaten into a sieve. How can it be possible that only the two fatal parts are not injured?

When everyone thought about it, they discovered a terrible fact!

This is exactly what Ye Fei did deliberately, and its purpose is to let Fengshen taste the pain of the body's riddled with holes!

This is simply inhuman torture!

Looking so far away, everyone felt cold and shivering in their hearts!

"This kid is simply a demon..."

The Dragon Lord squinted his eyes and murmured.

Shi Junze took a deep breath and said, "The boss has never been a benevolent person... Otherwise, people in this world would not call him the purgatory king...

Moreover, the boss will never be swayed by anyone, who treats him well...he will be returned a hundred times, and whoever hurts him will still be returned a hundred times..."

The dragon lord nodded and understood what Shi Junze said.

If Ye Fei is too kind and kind, it is impossible for him to lead the group of demons in the temple.

As for the warriors present, they were all fortunate that they did not become an enemy of Ye Fei, otherwise, this fate would not be acceptable to ordinary people.


Fengshen's body was shaking in the air, and the pain on his body made him hiss.

It was the first time that he suffered such pain, and it was better to die than life.

At this moment, he realized that his current strength and Ye Fei were already a world apart.

Ye Fei looked at Fengshen with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "Is this feeling good? I have suffered the same pain as you now..."

Fengshen gasped heavily and stared at Ye Fei, his face was extremely ferocious, hissed: "The Purgatory King!! Even if I die, I will pull you back!! No one can stop the king of the gods. Big plan!!!"

Accompanied by a roar of anger, Fengshen directly gathered all the magical energy in his body, and then exhausted all his strength, rushing towards Ye Fei!

"Doomsday Storm!! Destroy!!"

In this desperate state of life and death, Fengshen's speed is also approaching the extreme!

His whole body was shrouded in a cloud of dark blue light, passing under the dark clouds, and the energy contained in his body made everyone present palpitate!

At this time, Fengshen gave people a feeling that there seemed to be a nuclear bomb hidden in the body, which was about to explode at any time!

"Feier be careful!!"

At this time, the Dugu Yiren who had already killed all the wizards noticed something wrong, and quickly reminded them loudly!

In fact, even if Dugu Yiren didn't remind him, Ye Fei was aware of Fengshen's purpose!

Because he felt the terrifying and explosive energy emanating from Fengshen's body!

Therefore, this guy wants to blew himself up, pulling himself to death!

"All beings punish!!!!"

Without waiting for the Fengshen to approach, Ye Fei violently swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand and slashed towards the Fengshen!

Huh! !

Cut it down with a sword, and brought out a huge golden light blade with a length of 100 meters, like a golden thunder, it slashed towards the Fengshen hundreds of meters away!

This sword is about to reach the extreme, and even a trace of afterimage can not be captured!

Next second.

This huge golden light blade hit Fengshen's body heavily!

Fengshen's body was cut in half directly!

The bluish magical energy was intertwined with the golden sword intent, and it really exploded in an instant!

boom! ! ! ——

An earth-shaking bombing sounded like the sky collapsed!

The faint blue light is intertwined with golden light, in a semi-arc shape, spreading in all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The fierce and violent air waves and coercive force rushed out, causing the surrounding sea to be shaken to a height of tens of feet!

As for the several battleships that were relatively close, they were completely destroyed by this energy, and they whimpered and sank directly to the bottom of the sea!

At the moment when the magical energy in Fengshen's body exploded, Ye Fei and Dugu Yiren in the air also retreated hundreds of meters away, thus avoiding the impact of waves of air and pressure!

Until the moment when the bluish light that spread to hundreds of meters disappeared, until the moment when the bombardment ceased, the world was quiet again!

It wasn't until the dark clouds in the sky dispersed and the sun poured down again that all the Chinese warriors and warriors present felt a little warmth, and then they suddenly came back to their senses...

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