Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2597: , The strong willful!

Everyone looked at the sky blankly and blankly, only Ye Fei and Dugu Yiren were still standing on the sword, where there was the shadow of Fengshen.

In the terrifying explosion just now, Fengshen had already been bombed to the point that there was no possibility of surviving.

All the people of the Alliance of Gods present were completely desperate.

The Fengshen they trusted and those powerful wizards all died, and they died in the hands of two people.

This pair of young men and women is really terrifying, they are simply turning their hands for the clouds and raining, playing Fengshen and all the mages in the palm of their hands.

They felt that their faith had collapsed at this moment, and even had a plan to escape in their hearts.

But at this point, can you escape?

As for the warriors and warriors on Huaxia's side, they couldn't restrain the excitement in their hearts, their eyes were red, and they threw their fists and shouted!

"Long live the leader!!"

"Long live the leader!!"

"Long live the purgatory king!!"

"Long live the purgatory king!!"

Although these warriors and warriors only have less than a thousand people left, everyone shouted in unison, and their voices were enough to shake the world!

Standing on a silver-white long sword, Dugu Yiren looked at Ye Fei with blurred eyes, smiled happily, and said: "Feier, you did it..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said: "I didn't look at Fengshen. My goal is other main gods, the king of gods..."

"I will accompany you to face the other main gods and kings of the gods."

Dugu Yiren looked at Ye Fei affectionately, just like a gentle and virtuous wife looked at her husband with admiration.

"Okay, Yiren, let us face it together."

Ye Fei grinned and nodded.

At this time, the dragon master and others on a battleship hadn't recovered from the scenes just now.


The dragon lord trembled and asked.


Shi Junze nodded, and said: "Blood to pieces."


The dragon lord exhaled heavily, and he didn't know what to say.

After all, the shock that Ye Fei brought to him this time was too great.

"Ye Fei!!"

"My king, here we come!!"

"Boss! Here we come!!"

"Purgatory King, your kid is too interesting, so I ran over and played so hi!"

At this moment, rough voices came from afar.

Everyone looked up and saw that battleships were approaching from a distance.

Looking around, it seems that the entire sea is covered by these steel battleships, there are more than a thousand ships!

Moreover, every battleship was full of people.

Although everyone dresses differently, everyone exudes murderous aura.

The remaining five or six thousand people from the Alliance of Gods could not help but start to tremble when they saw this scene.

The existence of Ye Fei and Dugu Yiren was enough to scare them.

But now, there are more than 10,000 more temple warriors...

How to fight this battle? !

Not long ago, they had suppressed these warriors and warriors in China, and almost wiped them out.

However, with the arrival of Ye Fei, Dugu Yiren, and Temple Warriors, all their advantages disappeared.

After a while, the thousands of warships were already approaching.

Every battleship was full of people, and the overwhelming tens of thousands of people, just exuding aura, made people feel scared.

Ye Fei stood still in the air, looking at the faces of the soldiers on the thousands of warships below, and said in a shock, "Brothers and sisters, listen to me!!

From now on, you will join forces with the Chinese warriors and warriors to kill all these guys in the Alliance of Gods, leaving none! ! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

All the soldiers raised their arms and shouted, even the beast army on several battleships roared, seeming to be responding to Ye Fei's orders.

Immediately, tens of thousands of temple warriors roared and shouted, like a torrent of flood, rushing towards the five or six thousand people of the Alliance of Gods!

"Listen, brothers! Our reinforcements have arrived! It's time for us to avenge our dead brothers. Let us all follow me and kill these guys!!"

A Chinese warrior roared, and brought the remaining six or seven hundred Chinese warriors and warriors, and joined the temple army, and rushed towards the people of the Alliance of Gods in an encircling force!

A shocking battle of tens of thousands of people started instantly!

For the faith in the heart, for the glory, to be famous, and to live in the war!

Therefore, everyone has taken out their own housekeeping skills!

Ancient martial arts, magic, fighting skills, assassination skills, ninjutsu, abilities... and so on, all kinds of kill skills are displayed in this battle!

This battle is also destined to be recorded in history!

Even Gu Qingcheng, Xiao Lengyu and other women, as well as a group of five-and-three rough men, such as Satan, Auston, and Barr, joined the battle and slayed the enemy side by side with the warriors of the temple!

"Crazy Demon!!"

Satan has long been unable to restrain himself. He directly changed the first state. Although his body was not elevated and deformed, his strength had increased more than a hundred times!

"World Devil Fist! Crit!"

His figure moved at high speed in the crowd, and every time he flashed through the crowd, a large group of people from the Alliance of Gods fell in a pool of blood!

Satan's killing is completely unreasonable. It is either a headshot, a crushing neck, or a heart-shattering!

"Aptune Kaishan Fist!!"

Alston also rushed into the crowd like a giant whale on the sea, waving his fists, and killing all the people of the Alliance of Gods!

"Bajiquan! Stick to the mountain!"

Zhang Baokun's hands are itchy for a long time, he is like a bull, running rampant in the crowd!

Every time a collision, a large number of people will fly!

Moreover, all the bones of all the people who were hit by him were broken, and their bodies were twisted and deformed!

"Rainbow pear flower needle!!"

"Qinglian Sword Song...Kill one person in ten steps, don't stay for a thousand miles!!"

"Barbarian King Divine Fist!!"

"Magic Light Impact!!"

For a while, Tang Yu, Lu Qinghong, Wild Lord, Elena and others were not to be outdone, and launched a devastating massacre towards the people of the Alliance of Gods.

The war is still going on, screams, roars, shouts, crashes, and weapon collisions resounded across the sky and the sea, like a death movement...

Ye Fei didn't waste his energy on these remnants of the Alliance of Gods, but together with the Dugu Yiren, stepped on the flying sword, and slid onto the battleship where the dragon master and others were.

"Ye Fei!!"



Dragon Lord, Shi Junze, Liu Quanxiu, Su Yuechen and others all greeted him.

"Ye Fei, fortunately you and this girl arrived in time, otherwise, our soldiers and martial artists will really be killed..." The Dragon Lord said with gratitude.

"Dragon Lord, since I said that I will participate in this war, I will naturally do what I say."

Ye Fei replied lightly.

The dragon lord smiled with relief, then looked at Dugu Yiren, and said, "Ye Fei, who is this girl?"

"She is my master." Ye Fei briefly introduced.


The Dragon Lord was taken aback for a moment, and then said in shock: "I remember, when you were injured and unconscious by Fengshen, this girl took you away!"

As he said, the dragon lord looked at Dugu Yiren and said gratefully: "This girl, thank you and Ye Fei for coming to rescue our soldiers and warriors."

"I'm here just to help Feier."

Dugu Yiren's face was cold, her voice was ethereal, and she said indifferently, "What do these warriors and warriors do to me?"


This sentence, stunned, directly blocked the dragon master speechless.

He said in his heart, this girl looks like a fairy, why can't she talk so much?

The key is that this girl is too strong. Even if she feels unhappy, everyone dare not say anything. I'm really afraid that this girl will be upset and they will be wiped out with one move.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Ye Fei was a little funny.

He has been with Dugu Yiren for so many years, and he knows a woman's character very well.

Because women rarely walk in the secular world, they don't know much about humanity.

Except for herself, women are cold to other people...

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