Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2598: ,perish together!

"Brother Ye, the battle between you and Fengshen just now was really thrilling...I thought I had caught up with you, but I didn't know that you had thrown off me again..."

At this time, Dongfang Xuanqing came over, which eased the embarrassment.

"Brother Dongfang, thank you for coming to help, otherwise the warriors and warriors of Huaxia will really be exterminated by these guys from the Alliance of Gods."

Ye Fei smiled and said something, then his eyes dazzled and frowned, "Brother Dongfang, why do you seem to be poisoned?"

The Dragon Lord said: "Ye Fei, this young man was murdered by the Gu King of the Alliance of Gods during the battle with the Wind God, so he was poisoned."

Ye Fei nodded, then stretched out his hand to grasp Dongfang Xuanqing's pulse.

One minute later.

Ye Fei released his hand and said, "This little poison doesn't bother me. Let me treat you. As long as the poison is forced out, your body will be fine."


Dongfang Xuanqing was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Brother Ye, do you know how to heal?!"

"Know a little bit."

Ye Fei nodded, and then gave Dongfang Xuanqing a few shots.

In just a few minutes, Ye Fei retracted the Bianstone Needle.

Dongfang Xuanqing adjusted his breath, looked at Ye Fei with surprise, and said, "Brother Ye, I thought you were just martial arts, but I didn't expect your medical skills to be so superb!

In terms of cultivation base and strength, I can catch up with you, but in terms of medical skills, I want to chase you, I am afraid it is impossible..."

Ye Fei just smiled and shook his head, and then said: "Dragon Lord, Junze, Uncle Liu... I will treat you too."

"Okay, thank you so much!"

The Dragon Lord and others all thanked him.

After ten minutes, Ye Fei treated the injuries for Dragon Lord and others.

After the treatment, Ye Fei suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously: "Lord Dragon, why is there only Fengshen here, other main gods and kings of gods?"

When Ye Fei said this, the Dragon Lord and others were taken aback.

Just focusing on the fierce battle with the people of the Alliance of Gods, none of them thought about this issue.

Thinking about it now, they suddenly realized that the matter was suspicious.

The dragon lord frowned and said, "Ye Fei, except for Fengshen and some magicians, I didn't see any other lord gods just now..."

"Not long ago, on the way I came with the temple warriors, I encountered obstacles from the three main gods, and did not see the king of the gods and other main gods..."

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and said something.

The dragon lord thought for a moment, his pupils shrank sharply, and said in surprise: "Broken!"

"Dragon Lord, what's wrong, what's going on?!" Liu Quanxiu asked quickly.

The Dragon Lord clenched his fist and said angrily: "These people sent by the Alliance of Gods are just to hold us back, and their purpose is to create time for the main force of the Alliance of other Gods!

If I am not wrong, it is possible that other main gods and the main force of the alliance of gods may have already entered the ancient martial world! "

"What?! That's okay?!"

Su Yuechen lifted his spirits and hurriedly said, "Then what are we waiting for, let's hurry to the ancient martial arts world!

Just a wind **** is so difficult, if the other main gods have gone to the ancient martial arts, I am afraid that even the five ancient martial arts families, the warriors of the Eight Martial Arts can hardly resist the slaughter of those guys! "

"Brother Su is right!"

Liu Quanxiu nodded and said: "Let's go to the ancient martial arts world!"

"Dragon Lord, Uncle Liu, Uncle Su, you are all injured, if you go to the ancient martial arts world, I am afraid it will be dangerous.

So, you should stay, I will lead someone to rush over. "Ye Fei said.

"You take people to rush over, do you have enough manpower?" the dragon lord asked.


Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Actually, the final battle is a contest between masters.

Therefore, no matter how many people go, it will not help. "

"Ye Fei made sense."

The dragon lord nodded and said: "We are all injured. I'm afraid we won't be able to help much when we go, but it will become a burden instead."

The heads of Liu Quanxiu, Su Yuechen, Li Tanhua, and Zhou Dongqing nodded their heads, and had no choice but to give up their plans to go with them.

"Boss, let me go with you!"

Shi Junze stood up.

Ye Fei looked at Shi Junze's resolute face, and said solemnly: "Junze, you know, this time, what we have to face is the true main force of the Alliance of Gods.

Other main gods and kings of gods, their strength must be much stronger than Fengshen.

Therefore, it is possible that if we go this way, there will be more and less good luck, and there may even be no return..."

"If you really can't come back, then don't come back."

Shi Junze smiled freely and said: "It's worth even death to be able to fight side by side with you, the boss."

Ye Fei patted Shi Junze on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go together."

"Brother Ye, don't leave me behind."

Dongfang Xuanqing stood up and said, "Although my strength is not as good as yours, I can also share part of the pressure for you."

"Hehe, Dongfang brother, you are one of our generals, I never thought of letting you stay."

Ye Fei smiled and replied.

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng, Elena, Xiao Lengyu and other women, as well as Satan, Alston, and Barr also rushed over.

"Everyone is here just right!"

Ye Fei glanced at the crowd, shaking his voice: "Now, this is just one of the battlefields. The real battlefield is in the ancient martial world!

Moreover, it is now possible that the other main gods and main mages of the Alliance of Gods have all been killed in the ancient martial world!

So, let's set off together and rush to Guwujie to help! "

Gu Qingcheng suddenly said: "No wonder how I said the strength of the people of the Alliance of Gods is so weak, it turns out that their real main force is not here."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly!"

Satan yelled, his eyes flashing with zealous fighting spirit, and said: "These guys are too boring to kill. I can't wait to compete with the other main gods of the Alliance of Gods!"

Ye Fei ignored this militant, but turned to Elena and said, "Elena, you should hurry up and select five hundred elite fighters to come here, and we will rush to the ancient martial arts together later!"

"Wang, are five hundred soldiers enough?" Elena said.

"There are not too many soldiers, but the spirit! No longer will be courageous, but planning!"

Ye Feizhen said: "If these five hundred fighters are among the elite, they can be worth tens of thousands of ordinary fighters!!"

"Wang, I understand, I will pick someone!"

Elena nodded, then vibrated the wings of light behind and left the warship.

After seeing Elena leave, Algernon walked to Ye Fei's side, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and said indifferently: "Boss, the reason you say this is because you don't want the brothers and sisters of the temple to be involved in the next one. Battlefield, right?"

Ye Fei also knew that although Algernon spoke few words, his thoughts were very delicate, and he could naturally guess what he thought.


Ye Fei lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and let out a long breath, and said, "Yes...Although the brothers and sisters of the temple have good combat effectiveness, they face the truly powerful wizards of the Alliance of Gods. They have no chance of surviving.

Therefore, I don't want them to follow me to death for nothing... If we are unfortunately sacrificed in the last battle, but at least there are brothers and sisters in the temple.

With them, the temple will not perish, and the hope of the temple will remain..."

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Algernon was silent for a long time, and then said: "Boss, as long as you are there, then we will not lose in this battle with the Alliance of Gods..."

Ye Fei threw away the cigarette **** and said with a smile: "Algernon, I am not a god, and I will not create miracles repeatedly.

In fact, I don't even know who the king of the gods is, I have never seen the king of the gods, and I don't know the strength of the king of the gods.

What I can do is to fight to the death, try my best to survive, and try to make more people survive..."

Algernon sighed softly when he heard it, and said nothing more.

After all, fighting is ruthless, with too many variables, and life and death can sometimes be in the blink of an eye.

In the following time, Ye Fei chatted with Algernon again.

Soon, Elena hurried over with five hundred temple warriors.

"Wang, each of these five hundred warriors have experienced hundreds of battles and their strength is good. They are among the elite of our temple!" Elena said.

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