Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2604: , The fate of chess pieces!

They couldn't resist the attacks of these magical energies at all, they could only escape.

People began to flee frantically in panic and panic, and the whole market became crowded.

However, in addition to the magical energy falling in the sky, there were more than two thousand people led by the Dark King on the ground chasing and killing these refugees.

Even though they tried their best to escape, they couldn't escape at all, and groups of people were beheaded and fell into a pool of blood.

There is no way to the sky, no way to the earth.

At this moment, in the crowded crowd, a woman was holding a child in her left hand and a five or six-year-old girl in her right hand, fleeing with the crowd.

The mother and daughter were already very slow, but a group of young men ran from behind and squeezed the little girl to the ground.


The little girl cried immediately, heartbreaking.

The mother turned her head and was about to pull her daughter up, but saw a thick purple thunder descending from the sky!


The mother screamed directly when she saw death coming, and collapsed in despair.

They are just ordinary people, how can they stop this devastating lightning magic? !

There is no way to stop it, there is only a dead end!

But at this moment, a dragon phantom burning with golden-red flames rushed from another direction and directly greeted that stout violent thunder!

boom! !

A thunder-like explosion burst out in the air, sparking gold-red and purple energy sparks!

The two forces collided, and the burst of air rushed out in all directions, smashing the houses on both sides of the street!

But fortunately, at the very moment, this thick and fierce golden-red dragon blocked this violent thunder!

This mother thought that she and her two children would be killed by this violent thunder, but now she saw that she had been rescued, she was stunned!

At this moment, a golden red figure swept down from the sky, and it was the old beggar who arrived in the first place!

The old beggar glanced at the corpses lying in a pool of blood on the street and the destroyed bazaar. He was instantly angry and angered to the extreme. In a pair of sharp eyes, he could even see two roaring dragon heads. film!

"Run! The farther you go, the better!"

The old beggar screamed deeply at the mother and daughter.

"thanks, thanks!…"

The mother thanked her several times, and then took her two children along with the crowd and hurried away towards the distance.

At this time, everyone in the Alliance of Gods also noticed the old beggar.


Everyone's eyes focused on the old beggar!

Zhishen looked at the old beggar indifferently, and said indifferently: "Old beggar, why are you alone here, where are the other old immortals?"

The old beggar stared at the ten main gods, did not respond to Zhishen's words, but said bitterly: "Two hundred years ago, we wanted to give you a chance to reform, so let you go!

But I didn't expect you guys with ambitions to be so ignorant of what is good or bad, and you dare to come and pick things!

It's fine if you come to us for revenge, but why don't you even let these ordinary people go? ! "

Zhishen looked at the old beggar blankly, and said indifferently: "Your ancient martial arts world is so big, do we have to look for you one by one? That would be a waste of time..."

"So you thought of such a cruel way to draw us out through killing?"

The old beggar asked in a deep voice, and slowly clenched his fists.

"Yes, that's right."

Zhishen nodded and said, "After all, this is the most direct and fastest method."

Hearing Zhishen's words, the old beggar's heart was cold.

Although the various sects of the ancient martial arts have disputes on weekdays, everyone has their own principles and bottom line, that is, they will not harm ordinary people in the ancient martial arts.

However, these guys of the Alliance of Gods, in order to achieve their goals, simply do not break their hands, and they have no principles and bottom lines at all.

The old beggar smiled desolately, and said slowly: "We, China, have always been a country of etiquette. Even if it is an enemy, we will not be forced to go nowhere.

But you beasts just want to drive us to a dead end... OK, very good... In that case, I should also be a butcher, old beggar...

Today, unless you kill me, or else, none of you want to leave! "

At the end, the old beggar almost roared, like a dragon roaring, resounding across the sky!

The voice is mixed with anger, violence, brutality and endless killing intent!

The old beggar stomped on the ground with his right foot, and the bluestone slab on the ground cracked and shattered!

The mighty, fierce, and surging power of heaven and earth swept out, like a violent storm blowing around an old beggar!

The old beggar is the eye of the wind, and the surrounding gravel, debris, and sand are swept into the air, like special effects in a movie!

Now, the old beggar's cultivation base has reached the celestial and human level, and the invisible coercion released by the comprehension of the power of heaven and earth has directly swept the entire market and the sky!

Feeling this vast power of heaven and earth, the ten major gods couldn't help but frown slightly!

As for the weaker mages and the Black Armored Army, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and a cold chill was felt in their hearts!

Everyone felt as if they had returned to the ancient battlefield, the sound of the golden horse and the iron horse echoed in their ears, and the corpses piled up in front of them, blood flowing, full of endless desolation!

"No matter how great he is, he is only one person! Let's go together and kill him!"

A powerful Thunder Mage roared, and then rushed towards the old beggar with more than a dozen mage!

"Nine thunders are booming!"

The Thunder Master screamed, and suddenly raised his arms, blasting a wave of violent magical energy!


In an instant, the sky shrouded in black clouds directly smashed down nine sturdy violent thunders, like a purple electric mad snake, and the target was directed at the old beggar below!

"Drop the palm of the dragon! The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Seeing the nine violent thunders slamming down, the old beggar was standing on the ground like a rock, motionless, directly raising his palms and hitting the sky!


The sound of two dragons resounded loudly, making people's eardrums sore!

I saw that two golden and red dragon ghosts rushed up directly and greeted the nine violent thunders!

Boom boom boom! …

Shocking explosions sounded one after another, shaking the sky!

The violent air wave rushed madly in all directions, smashing the houses below that were already incomplete, and shattering them!

However, what shocked all the people in the Alliance of Gods was that the old beggar defeated the bombardment of nine violent thunders with just two palms!

"Quick Light Movie!"

Seeing that his attack was destroyed, the Thunder Mage immediately raised his arms and shot magical energy at the old beggar again!

Zi Zi Zi! …

The sound of the electric current sounded, and I saw a dozen purple thunder and lightning, like an electric crossbow, lasing parallel to the old beggar!

"Huh! Little bugs!"

The old beggar snorted coldly, without resorting to the Dragon's Palm, but directly affected the power of heaven and earth, and slapped it out!


A giant palm burning with golden and red flames is like a mountain, rolling towards the dozens of purple thunder and lightning!

Wherever this giant palm passed, a wide ravine was crushed on the ground!

Under the impact of the giant palm, the dozens of thunder and lightning flashed out bursts of electric sparks, and then disappeared into the air, completely unable to turn over any wind and waves!

"This... how could..."

Seeing that he had been easily defeated by two consecutive moves, the Thunder Master was immediately stunned.

"You want to kill me even with this little magical energy? Overwhelming!"

The old beggar said coldly, and his back figure appeared in front of the lightning mage like a teleportation, and then suddenly lifted his palm and patted the thunder mage directly on the chest!

"Kang Long has regrets!"

With this palm, a golden-red dragon phantom rushed directly towards the chest of the Thunder Master!

"Lightning barrier!"

This Thunder Mage was shocked, and quickly played a defensive magic to resist the palm of the old beggar!

However, facing the palm of the old beggar, this thunder and lightning barrier was fragile and shattered directly!

Seeing that his defense was broken, the Thunder Mage was almost frightened. He wanted to turn around and escape, but there was no chance!

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