Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2605: , Bafang Yundong!

Next second.

With a "boom", the golden red dragon phantom directly hit the thunder-type mage, his body exploded directly, and his flesh and blood flew!

Seeing this scene, all the people of the Alliance of Gods present were stunned!

Even the ten major gods standing in the air were slightly stunned, obviously feeling incredible!

They knew how strong the Thunder Master was!

Although he is not the strongest mage, he is also the elite of the mage, and his strength should not be underestimated!

However, such an elite mage was directly killed by the old beggar with three tricks!

No, to be precise, the old beggar only used one move to kill this Thunder Master!

Because of the first two moves, the old beggar was defending, and the one who really killed the Thunder Master was the last one!

This is completely the crush of strength!

"Everyone! Kill him! Kill him quickly!!"

A mage returned to his senses and yelled directly at a dozen other mages.

A dozen other mages also recovered from the shock, and they displayed their strongest magical energy, preparing to give the old beggar a fatal blow!

"Petrochemical imprisonment!!"

A mage took the lead in hitting a magical energy!

A cloud of gray light was released from his hand and swept toward the old beggar!

The old beggar felt that the gray light was a little weird and was about to dodge, but suddenly he felt like his legs were imprisoned and couldn't move!

When he looked down, he found that his two legs were covered with a thick layer of stones. The stones were connected to the ground and locked them firmly there!

What's more, what surprised the old beggar was that the stone continued to spread upward, as if to petrify the old beggar!

"I have imprisoned this old guy, everyone quickly shot and killed him!"

The rock mage was surprised and yelled.

Seeing this, a dozen other wizards immediately shot their magical energy at the imprisoned old beggar!

"Explosive bullets!!"


"Xuanbing Blade!!"

"Earthbound Spirit!!"


I saw that the cannonballs burning with flames, the water dragons formed by water magic, hundreds of blades formed by ice magic, and other magical energy swept toward the old beggar!

Not only that, soil thorns and black tentacles appeared on the ground, attacking the old beggar!

Moreover, even magical energy dropped in the air!

There are gorgeous magic attacks everywhere in the sky and underground!

If you change to a general warrior, I'm afraid you will be crushed long ago!

However, in the face of so many gorgeous magic attacks, the old beggar didn't have any fear on his face. Instead, his eyes opened, his eyes burst out, and there was a scream in his mouth!


Boom! !


The thick layer of rocks covered on the old beggar's legs broke directly into dregs!

Immediately, the old beggar slammed his foot on the ground, his body violently retreated toward the rear, and jumped into the air, instantly avoiding more than a dozen magical energy attacks!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Bang bang bang! ! ...

There were harsh explosions and roars!

I saw that a dozen magical energies directly exploded the place where the old beggar was standing just now into a huge pit!

"Damn it!! Let him avoid it!!"

The rock mage roared and said: "Everyone keep on attacking, you must kill him!!"

Just as these dozen or so mages were preparing to continue their attack, the old beggar standing in the air did not give these guys a chance to fight back at all!

He raised his arms, mobilized a force of heaven and earth, and then slapped two palms at the dozen or so wizards below!

"Drop Dragon Palm! Lishe Dachuan!!"

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho! !"

Four dragons roared, and I saw four golden and red dragons phantom, roaring, tumbling, and rushing toward the dozen or so wizards directly!

These four golden-red dragon phantoms, under this night sky, are like real Chinese dragons, full of the majesty of the primitive vicissitudes and the powerful oppressive force of destroying everything!

"Quick! Dodge!!"

A mage yelled.

After all, it is too late for them to use defensive magic at this moment!

However, when the dozen or so wizards turned around, the four golden-red dragons had already rushed over in anger, torrential waves, like ten thousand beasts coming out of the cage! !

Boom boom boom! ! ——

A thunderous bombardment resounded!


Accompanied by bursts of miserable screams, the bodies of the dozen or so wizards burst into pieces and their bodies were shattered!

When the screams stopped, when the four golden and red dragons disappeared, time and space seemed to have stopped!

There was a huge pit with a diameter of several tens of meters and a depth of ten meters in the place where the dozen or so mages were standing just now!

All the surrounding houses collapsed, were razed to the ground, and became bare!

Seeing this scene, the people of the Alliance of Gods present were all sluggish!

All of the mages were so scared that their faces turned pale, their hearts were chilling, and their bodies trembled!

They couldn't imagine that the joint attack by these dozen or so mages was useless against an old beggar, but was instantly annihilated by the old beggar!

This old beggar is incredible!

They also deeply understood that the strength of themselves and others is not the opponent of this old beggar at all!

The old beggar stood still in the air, staring at the ten major gods, and said coldly: "Aren't you planning to make a move?"

He knew that if these ten major gods could not be killed, it would be of no avail even if all the other mages were killed!

Therefore, he didn't want to waste his energy to deal with those weak mages, but wanted to see if he could kill a few main gods before his strength was weakened!

"Old beggar, I will meet you!!"

Wearing a starry sky robe and holding a sapphire scepter in his hand, the star **** came to the front of the old beggar.

Although his strength ranks at the end of the ten major gods, his strength has already reached the realm of heaven and human.

Moreover, just watching the battle from the sidelines, the Star God also had a general understanding of the strength of the old beggar.

The old beggar's cultivation is also in the realm of heaven and human, and he can fight him.

"very good……"

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "Finally, a decent guy has stepped forward...Let me see how strong you are!"

"Old beggar, you will regret it..."

The Star God looked at the old beggar indifferently, and said, "You don't understand how terrifying our Western magic is!"

In a flash.

The Star God directly released the magical energy in his body, and his eyes were shining with blue light, like the galaxy in the universe, dazzling!

Feeling the engulfing of this magical energy, the old beggar frowned, and his heart was suddenly shocked!

Although the Star God practices magic, he can also judge his strength through his breath and coercion!

Heaven and Human Realm!

Although it was only Xiaocheng, the strength of this guy did indeed break through to the realm of heaven and human!

The old beggar glanced at the other nine main gods a hundred meters away, and suddenly an uneasy thought arose in his heart!

Could it be said that the strength of the other nine main gods also broke through to the realm of heaven and human?

Even higher? !

If this is the case, then this battle is really hard to fight!

After releasing all the magical energy, the Star God opened his arms and quickly chanted a magic spell in his mouth, and then shouted: "Starry sky field! Stars are falling!!"

In an instant.

The sky covered by dark clouds turned into a azure blue, and countless bright spots of light descended from the sky, densely like heavy rain, falling towards the position of the old beggar!

The old beggar did not dare to be careless, and directly enveloped the power of heaven and earth for defense, and then his body moved at high speed in the air to avoid the bombardment of the magical energy like stars!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In the process of evading the old beggar, the falling stars directly exploded huge pits on the ground, and the whole earth shook, as if it caused a strong earthquake!

"Quick! Hurry and hide away!"

The Lord of Darkness sensed the energy of these stars and immediately roared, leading more than two thousand people, and escaped five to six hundred meters away!

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