Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2606: , The butcher thing!

However, the slow-running wizards and the Black Armored Army were shocked by the energy exploded by the stars, spitting blood and suffering serious internal injuries!

The Dark King, the Holy Dragon Knight and others saw this scene, and they felt their souls were trembling!

Is it just the magical remnant power that shook these elite mages and the black armour? !

If you were hit by these stars directly, wouldn't you be crushed to pieces? !

At this moment, they knew how far they were from the strength of these main gods!

Although they and others are hailed as kings by the people in the world, they know that in front of these main gods, their so-called kings are basically similar to ants!

"Tsk tusk tusk, these guys are really perverted, I feel the pressure of being so far apart.

Although some of us are the kings of the world, in the eyes of these people, I am afraid that they are not even farts. "The holy dragon knight sighed, said.

"This world is much bigger than we thought..."

The Dark Lord stared at the distant air battlefield and said: "Before seeing these main gods, I also felt that I was very strong and could surpass the entire world.

But now, I know that I was wrong, so wrong...

We may be like ants in front of these main gods and powerful ancient warriors, but I think these people are also like ants in the eyes of people on another level..."

"Isn't it?"

The corner of the sacred dragon knight's mouth twitched and said: "Darkness, do you mean there are more powerful masters than these perverts?!"

"I'm just guessing. As for whether there is any, I don't know about it..."

The Dark Lord shook his head.

"I don't expect to be able to surpass these abnormalities, I just think, if we can become as strong as them in the future, then I will be content." The Holy Dragon Knight said.

The Mosuo giant squinted his eyes, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and said: "Whether it is to practice ancient martial arts, magic, or supernatural powers...all need talents. Some people can reach the top, while others stop.

As kings, we are also strong and weak. For example, the purgatory king, his current strength has long surpassed us...

You know, many **** disciples and main gods in the alliance of the gods died in his hands..."

"Speaking of the Purgatory King, I remember."

The sacred dragon knight turned his head to look at the Mosuo giant, and said, "Do you think that kid of Purgatory King will come and help the Ancient Alliance?"

"I have no idea."

The Mosuo giant shook his head and sighed: "To be honest, I am also friends with the Purgatory King anyway. I really don't want him to participate in this battle.

After all, no matter how strong he is now, I am afraid it will be difficult to beat these ten major gods..."

"If he doesn't come, that's fine."

The Dark King said solemnly: "If he comes, he will be our enemy."

The Mosuo giant sighed heavily, and said nothing more.

Although he didn't want to be an enemy of Ye Fei, he and his position were different. If Ye Fei really came, then he and him could only meet each other.

At this moment, in the distant air.

Although the old beggar used the power of heaven and earth to form a defense, he was not injured by the falling stars.

However, the power contained in these falling stars is also quite terrifying. When they fall on him, he is shocked to shake his body in the air.

Moreover, the energy produced by the explosions of the stars shook his body, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

If you blindly avoid, I am afraid that not only will you not be able to kill the Star God, but you will also be injured by the bombing.

Thinking of this, the old beggar moved at high speed in the air while looking for opportunities to fight back.

The old beggar dodges several times in a row. After avoiding the impact of a large wave of stars, he suddenly raised his arms, mobilized a surging power of heaven and earth, and then slapped two palms at the Star God!

"Drop Dragon Palm!! Don't use Qianlong!!"

Two palms shot out, and two phantom dragons burning with golden and red flames rushed out in anger!

Those falling stars have no effect on these two giant dragon phantoms at all!

Seeing the two golden red dragon ghosts rushing, the star god's expression did not panic, but lightly waved the scepter in his hand.

"Star Shield!"

I saw a huge azure six-pointed star shield appeared in front of him!

On this shield, dazzling blue light and the light of stars are shining, and there are some weird and mysterious characters circulating on it, and the defensive power contained in it is extremely powerful!

Boom! ! ——

In an instant, the two golden and red dragons played by the old beggar slammed into the shield of the starry sky, bursting into a thunderous explosion!

The coercion caused by the collision of the two forces caused a violent wave and distortion in the air!

However, what horrified the old beggar was that this small shield directly blocked his palms!

The two golden red dragon ghosts also broke directly!

However, although the Star God blocked the old beggar's attack, the shield of the starry sky he played out also shattered into a little bit of starlight!

The Star God frowned, and he didn't expect the old beggar's attack power to be so powerful, so he quickly waved the magic scepter in his hand!

"Xing Yao Aurora!!"

Boom! !

There was a shocking explosion in the sky!

I saw that a thick white beam of light, like an aurora, directly broke through the dark clouds above the sky, like a waterfall rushing down wildly, rushing towards the top of the old beggar's head!

Perceiving the energy contained in this light beam, the old beggar was shocked and violently retreated tens of meters away before avoiding the impact of this aurora!

boom! ! ——

The whole earth was shaken!

This aurora rushing down, like a thick electric drill, directly punched a deep hole in the ground below that could not be seen at a glance!

Moreover, with this deep hole as the center, the earth with a radius of 100 meters was directly shattered!

Seeing this scene, the wizards of the Alliance of Gods who were present all felt frightened, and even their breathing was almost stagnant!

This magical energy is too powerful, right? !

Seeing the magic stunts performed by the Star God, all the mages were fascinated!

The nine main gods above the sky in the distance watched this scene quietly, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The Star God's starry sky magic has also made great progress. It seems that maybe we don't need to make a move, and this old beggar won't be his opponent." The **** said with a smile.

"Simply killing an old beggar will not help. If there are a few old men, why are they not here?"

The God of War stroked the magic sword in his hand, smiled evilly and said: "I am still going to kill all those old men!"

Zhishen looked at the distant battlefield indifferently, and said: "Don't worry, since the old beggar is here, then the other old guys must have known what happened here.

It won’t be long before they will come..."


The God of War smiled coldly and said: "Come on now, the magic sword in my hand can't wait to drink blood..."

However, before everyone recovered from the shock, a series of stars and aurora descended from the sky, like a torrent of death, rushing towards the old beggar's position in a rush!

The old beggar frowned, moving in the air, moving at high speed, avoiding the impact of this aurora!

After all, the old beggar is also a top-level powerhouse with both internal and external training. No matter its power, speed, or reaction, it is not comparable to ordinary warriors!

Therefore, no matter how terrifying the power of this falling aurora, it still cannot hit the old beggar!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Those failed aurora hits the ground, punching deep holes in the earth!

The whole earth shook violently, as if there was a strong earthquake!

After the old beggar avoided several aurora shocks in succession, he moved and swept towards the Star God himself!

After all, the old beggars once competed with these main gods, and they naturally knew where their weakness was!

Although these main gods are good at magic and long-range attacks, their melee strength is actually not that great!

Seeing the old beggar rushing towards him at high speed, the Star God also knew what the old beggar was thinking of!

His face became cold, and he quickly waved the magic scepter in his hand!

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