Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2607: , The power of stars!

"The Arrow of the Stars!!"

In an instant.

Thousands of arrows shining with blue light appeared above the entire sky, dyeing the entire sky blue!


Without saying a word, the Star God directly waved the magic scepter in his hand!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of sharp breaking through the air, these thousands of arrows with indomitable and powerful lethality, intensively like a violent storm, shot at the old beggar!

Seeing the dense arrows of stars shooting towards him, the old beggar could no longer continue to approach the Star God, so he could only stop temporarily, preparing to defeat these arrows of stars first!

The old beggar raised his arms, and a stern force of heaven and earth poured into his body, and then he slammed three consecutive palms toward the front!

"See the dragon in the field!!"

"Hongjian Yulu!!"


Happiness! !

The bursting sound of the air resounded, mixed with waves of vigorous dragons!

Three palms came out in a row, and suddenly six golden red dragon phantoms slammed in the air, roaring and rushing towards the star-shielding arrow!

Although there are a lot of arrows of the stars, the six golden and red dragons phantom are not shocked, rushing across the dense arrows above the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of dense explosions resounded!

The arrows of those bright stars were all pierced by the six golden-red dragons, shattered, turned into a little bit of starlight, and disappeared into the air!

The Star God's spirit lifted, and his face changed slightly. Obviously, he did not expect the power of the old beggar's three palms to be so powerful!

The tens of thousands of arrows of stars that he had hit were defeated in the blink of an eye? !

However, what shocked the Star God even more was that the six golden and red dragons, after destroying the arrows of the stars, continued to rush towards the Star God's original person!

Star God's face changed drastically, and he did not dare to underestimate the power of this golden and red dragon, but quickly waved the magic scepter in his hand!

"Black hole swallowed!!"

Huhuhu! !

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and the dust filled it!

I saw that a cloud of blue magical energy suddenly appeared in front of the star god. This magical energy was spinning rapidly, as if forming a huge vortex, releasing a wave of violent pulling force, really like in the universe. The black hole is average!

The six dragons burning with golden and red flames couldn't get close to the star **** at the moment they rushed over. The golden and red dragon rushing in front was directly sucked in by this black hole!

The other five golden and red dragons were still struggling, but they couldn't resist this powerful attraction. In an instant, they were all sucked in!

Moreover, when the six golden and red dragons were sucked in, the entrance of this black hole quickly became smaller, then blocked, and disappeared into the air!

"Old beggar, in the face of my starry sky magic, your dragon palm will not do anything at all!"

The Star God sneered and said something. When he looked up, he found that the old beggar's voice was no longer tens of meters ahead.

People? !

Star God was shocked, but he hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly there was a thick and energetic voice above his head!

"The dragon is fighting in the wild!!"


Along with this wild roar, there was also a sound of dragon chants that shook the world!

When he suddenly looked up, he saw that a huge dragon phantom with a length of one hundred meters and a golden-red flame burning on its body fell from the sky and rushed towards him!

Moreover, the speed of this giant dragon's impact was so fast that it almost reached the top of his head in the blink of an eye!

He could almost see a huge roaring dragon head, biting at him!

With this unpredictable palm, the star was overwhelmed, and his face turned pale!

However, he didn't have time to think more, but quickly waved the magic scepter in his hand!

"Star Barrier!!"

I saw that an azure light mask was shot out, directly enclosing the Star God's whole person in it!

boom! ! ——

In a flash.

This sturdy golden-red dragon slammed into the starry sky barrier he hit, like two stars colliding, making a loud noise, bursting with dazzling light!

The Star God thought that his defensive magic could withstand the attack of the old beggar!

But in the next second, only a "click" was heard!

The starry sky barrier around his body was directly smashed by this golden red dragon!

The nine main gods and other wizards in the distance saw this scene, and their expressions changed one by one. Obviously, they did not expect that the two people who were evenly matched just now would have changed the situation at this moment!

Moreover, the Star God was down!

At this moment, after the golden-red dragon smashed the starry sky barrier, the remaining power it carried continued to bombard the Star God!

"Star Shield!!!"

The Star God gritted his teeth, and at the moment that golden red dragon hit it, he once again played a defensive magic!

Boom! ! ——

Another violent collision sounded!

Although the Star God once again played a defensive magic at the very moment of his death, he still couldn't resist the impact of this crazy dragon!

His whole person, like a star, fell from the sky a hundred meters high!

boom! ! ——

His body directly hit an attic below and collapsed, and his body fell heavily to the ground!

The whole earth was shaken, and a deep "human pit" was directly knocked out! !


The Star God was originally good at long-range attack magic, but his physical fitness was actually not very good, so under the impact of this fierce violent dragon, he spouted a mouthful of blood and suffered a serious internal injury!

The nine main gods and other wizards in the distance were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

Obviously, everyone did not expect that the Star God was shot down, and he was beaten to vomit blood!

It's incredible! !


The Grim Reaper, who was slightly stronger than the Star God, yelled angrily, and said: "Unexpectedly, the strength of the old beggar has increased a lot after not seeing you in these years!

It seems that if you want to kill him, you can't do it with the Star God alone! I'll help the Star God! ! "

With that said, just as the **** of death was about to leave, I saw an angry shout resounding!

"Xing Yao Yinhe!! Destruction!!!"

boom! !

Everyone looked around and saw that where the Star God was shot down, a thick beam of light mixed with red, orange, red, and blue-violet colorless rays rose from the ground!

This sturdy beam of light shone with colorful lights, and there was a little white light shining in it, really as gorgeous as the universe and the Milky Way!

However, this starry galaxy is not faint but gorgeous, and its lethality and destructiveness are also very terrifying!

When this starry galaxy soared into the sky, the surrounding houses and attics were all destroyed and shattered!

At this time, the old beggar was about to swoop down from the sky and kill the Star God in one go, but the starry galaxy rising into the sky blocked his way!

Perceiving the destructive power of this star shining galaxy, the old beggar did not dare to support it, but instead released the more vast and surging power of the world and slapped a palm downward!

"Dropping Dragon Palm!! Shocked Baili!!!"

Everyone looked around and saw that a golden-red dragon shot out by the old beggar, carrying the might of the heavens and the earth, rushed towards the stout starry galaxy below!

In the blink of an eye, the star-bright galaxy collided with the golden-red dragon!

boom! ! ! ——

A loud noise like the collapse of the sky blasted in the sky!

This is the absolute collision of magical power and Guwu power! !

This is a strength competition between the two masters of the heaven and human realm! !

The magic power and the power of heaven and earth are intertwined in the air, and the energy fluctuations and air waves generated are like a surging river, rushing in all directions!

Accompanied by a burst of "boom boom boom" sound, in between, houses a few hundred meters in radius were all collapsed!

The dust is full, the boulders are flying, the wind is swept, it is simply the power to destroy the world!

However, because this Star Yao Yinhe was a super magical attack by the Star God forcing it to a dead end, the old beggar's palm couldn't resist it at all!

This huge golden-red dragon fought against this starry galaxy for half a minute, before it collapsed!

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