Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2608: , Do not use Qianlong!

Obviously, the old beggar did not expect that after the Star God was driven into desperation, his attack magic would be so powerful!

The "Shock Baili" in Jianglong's palm that he played could not compete with it? !

Seeing the starry galaxy approaching infinitely, the old beggar didn't dare to hesitate any more, but stood still in the air, his body shook suddenly!

"Shenlong Overlord Body!!"

Boom boom boom! !

A torrent of the power of heaven and earth like a scourge was released from the old beggar's body, and there was a roaring sound above the entire sky!

I saw that the old beggar's body suddenly burned with golden red flames, and in his eyes, the two roaring dragon head phantoms became clearer and clearer!

This "Dragon Overlord Body" and "Dragon Palm" are matched, it is a kind of external power that focuses on the body!

The old beggar had been cultivating the "Dragon Overlord Body" and forging his body until he broke through to the Heaven and Human Realm before this external skill had some effect!

Now, in order to kill the Star God, the old beggar can only display his second set of stunts!

Everyone in the Alliance of Gods can clearly feel that the strength of the old beggar has skyrocketed dozens of times again!

Moreover, to everyone's horror, the old beggar had a golden red dragon phantom entwined on his body, which is really incredible!

"Dropping Dragon Palm!! Lishe Dachuan!!"

After raising his body dozens of times again, the old beggar slapped down again!

boom! !

The sound of breaking the sky sounded!

I saw that a huge palm surrounded by the golden red dragon phantom, like a dragon-shaped mountain, was suppressed towards the starry galaxy below!

Boom! ! ——

In the blink of an eye, this palm once again collided with Xingyao Galaxy! !

Because the old beggar lifted up the power of internal and external power at the same time, even if the power of the stars and galaxies played by the star gods was terrifying, they still couldn't resist this palm!

Accompanied by a loud "boom", this star shining galaxy was directly extinguished by this palm! !


"This... how is this possible?!"

"How could Lord Star God be able to beat this old guy! Absolutely not!!"

The wizards of the Alliance of Gods were frightened and shouted.

"Reaper, the Star God is no match for the old beggar, hurry up and help!"

Zhishen frowned and issued an order to Death.


Reaper responded, his body turned into a black light, and he swept towards the distant battlefield!

At this time, the Star God, who had already risen from the ground, saw that his Star Yao Galaxy was destroyed, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes!

"How can this be?!"

The Star God stared at the old beggar in the sky, and roared: "You and I are both in the realm of heaven and human, why are you stronger than me?!"

The old beggar looked at the Star God with an indifferent expression, and said in a shocking voice: "Although your cultivation bases are both in the heaven and human realm, my cultivation bases are based on real cultivation!

I practice both internally and externally. While cultivating internal strength, I constantly forge my own body. How can you masters who rely solely on magic to compare? !

My Chinese ancient martial arts have been handed down for thousands of years, with a long history, profoundness and profoundness. How can you compare to such a small magic? !

In the final analysis, a word! Magic used to be inferior to ancient martial arts, not as good now, and even worse in the future! ! "

"Shut up!!!"

Hearing the words of the old beggar, the Star God suddenly became furious, his handsome face twisted together!

Every word of the old beggar is like a steel needle inserted in his heart, causing him great pain!

Once, he also thought about such a problem.

Is Western magic or ancient martial great?

However, his previous failures made him doubt the magic he cultivated, and for a long time he even felt that magic was indeed inferior to Guwu.

However, even if he had this idea in his heart, he would not admit it!

After all, once you admit it, it will undoubtedly overthrow the magic power that you have believed in for so many years! !

Therefore, I cannot admit it, absolutely cannot admit it! !

"Particle Lightwave!!! Burst!!!"

The Star God roared and raised his arms, sending out shock waves composed of particles!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Waves of blue and white particles are like shimmering ribbons, and roaring pythons, sweeping towards the old beggar in the sky!

"Shenlong wagging its tail!!"

The old beggar looked indifferent. Seeing this wave of particle shock waves hitting him, he immediately lifted a palm and hit the particle shock waves rushing directly from below!

boom! !

With one palm, a huge golden-red dragon was tossed in the air for a week, directly slamming the dragon's tail, and bombarding it with particle shock waves! !

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Happiness! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of muffled thunder and explosions, these particle shock waves were directly destroyed!

After destroying these particle shock waves, the golden-red dragon roared and continued to rush down towards the star **** below!

"No... it's impossible!!"

The Star God was shocked, hissed and his face was full of horror.

He wanted to continue attacking or defensively, but at this moment, it is too late!

Seeing this golden-red dragon rushing madly, a trace of dazedness flashed in the eyes of the Star God!

Is magic really inferior to Guwu? !

However, at this very moment, the Star God suddenly discovered that a huge magic shield burning with black flames had condensed above him!

boom! ! ——

As for the golden-red dragon that the old beggar played out, it slammed into the magic shield!

The power of heaven and earth and the power of defensive magic once again collide head-to-head!

Huhuhu! !

The power of heaven and earth is intertwined with magical power, like ripples, impacting in all directions!

Until the explosion sound and the light shining human eyes disappeared, the golden red dragon phantom above the sky disappeared, and the shield burning with black flames also disappeared!

I saw that there was a black ray all over his body, wearing a black robe, pale skin of Death was standing in the air, holding a magic scepter inlaid with black gems in his hand!

Seeing that he was saved, the Star God was finally relieved.

He picked up the magic scepter, flew high in the sky again, stood side by side with the death god, and looked at the old beggar.

The **** of death glanced at the star god, and asked indifferently: "Is your injury serious?"

"Can't die."

The Star God wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and replied.

"That's good."

The **** of death nodded and said, "This old guy has a good strength. If you want to kill him, you can only join hands with me."

The Star God nodded, and said nothing more.

After all, he also had a general understanding of the strength of the old beggar through the previous contest.

Although both are in the realm of heaven and humanity, it is indeed impossible for him to kill the old beggar by himself.

Therefore, joining forces is the best way.

The old beggar glanced at Death, and said with a sarcasm: "Why, I saw that my companion is dying, so I can't help but want to make a move?"

Grim Reaper stared at the old beggar with his black glowing eyes, and said, "Old beggar, I didn't expect that after so many years of absence, your strength has increased so much. It really surprised me..."

"There are so many things you can't think of."

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "Okay, less nonsense. Since you want more people to bully fewer people, come on!

Although my old beggar is a lot of age, it is more than enough to beat you two! ! "

The corner of Death's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled coldly, and said, "Old man, you are still as arrogant as before...but I want to see if you have any arrogant capital!!"

With that said, the **** of death directly waved the magic scepter in his hand, blasting out a burst of death magic energy!

"Nether Fire! Burning Wasteland!!"

Wow! !

Suddenly, black flames ignited above the entire sky, and swept toward the old beggar like a huge wave!

The black flame burning above the sky, the temperature is very high, directly burning the houses below, turning all the flying rocks into coke!

The whole earth and sky seemed to be covered by a sea of ​​fire!

The old beggar frowned, his body moved at high speed in the air, avoiding the invasion of this ghostly fire!

However, what made the old beggar alarmed was that wherever he ran, the ghostly fire burned to wherever he went, and he couldn't escape at all!

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