Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2709: , Know nothing!

Huh! !

A huge blade like a tower of sky smashed down toward the wolf, and it is bound to wipe out the wolf completely!

This sword was swung, the sword intent was like a dragon's surprise, and the cold light hit the moon, swept up with an unrelenting violent momentum!

The golden sword intent had the potential to destroy the dryness and decay, as if torn the void, bursting into the air with the sound of swords!

Greedy Wolf also noticed that the power of Ye Fei's sword had increased a lot compared to before, which made him feel another shock!

"The light of destruction!!"

Greedy Wolf didn't hesitate, lifted his right hand, condensing a more powerful energy, and shot a thick black beam toward the sword that Ye Fei cleaved!

Between the electric light and flint, this black beam of light collided with the huge golden blade that Ye Fei had cut out!

boom! ! ! ——

The crazy explosion sounded in the air!

The black light beam and the sword intent are intertwined, and the burst of energy is truly devastating!

The surrounding buildings completely collapsed and were razed to the ground!

However, what horrified Ye Fei was that the golden blade that he cleaved could not withstand the impact of the black light beam, and it broke directly!

"how is this possible……"

Ye Fei's face was shocked, and he couldn't recover at all.

At this time, after the black beam of light defeated Ye Fei's sword, it continued to rush towards Ye Fei!

For a time, the two attacks of sonic attack and beam impact were combined, and they were ready to kill Ye Fei completely!

However, just when Ye Fei was about to use his defense, a tender voice resounded in the sky!

"No magic! Devoured!!"

In an instant, a deep black hole appeared in the sky.

This black hole spins rapidly, with super attractive force, and in the blink of an eye, it **** in the black light beam and sound waves in the air!

After absorbing the light beam and sound wave, the black hole in the sky disappeared!


Ye Fei was naturally familiar with this powerful magical energy. Unlinked magic was exactly what Laura was good at.

Soon, I saw a figure wearing a black gold-rimmed mage robe and a black hood like a black lightning. It swept over from a distance and stopped next to Ye Fei. It was Laura!

At this moment, Laura is completely different from the cute appearance before, completely transformed into another style, just like a tall and glamorous queen!

People in the distance saw another figure appeared above the sky, and they were all stunned!


Tang Yu saw this and said in shock: "Isn't this the king of the gods?!"

"Sure enough, Laura is here..."

Gu Qingcheng stared at the sky closely and said, "I hope Ye Fei and Laura can join forces to eliminate this saboteur..."

Tang Yu and Zhang Baokun nodded, after all, their strength is not enough, they can't help much, they can only cheer for Ye Fei and Laura in their hearts.

At this time, above the sky.

Ye Fei sighed and said with a smile: "Laura, you are here.

Damn, this guy is so weird, and the combat effectiveness is very strong, it's really hard for me to deal with it alone. "

At this time, Greed Wolf saw Laura coming, with a playful smile on his face.

He stared at Laura closely, and said indifferently: "Traitor, you finally appeared..."


Ye Fei was stunned when he heard the words of Greed Wolf.

It turned out that the traitor this guy said was Laura?

"Laura, do you know this guy?" Ye Fei turned his head and asked.

"do not know."

Laura shook her head and said, "But I feel that the energy in this guy's body is very powerful, even stronger than me..."

"What?! Better than you?! Doesn't that mean that this guy's cultivation is above Nirvana?!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

What kind of monster was he fighting with just now?

No wonder this guy can easily be destroyed no matter how he attacks, no wonder he will be injured by this guy.

Unexpectedly, this guy's cultivation base was so high, even stronger than Laura...

Laura stared at Greed Wolf, and said: "I don't know if this guy's cultivation level exceeds Nirvana, but if we two work together, we should be able to defeat him..."

Greed Wolf sneered and said: "Traitor, do you think you can kill me with a helper? It's really whimsical..."

With that said, Greedy Wolf directly raised his right arm and shot a black beam towards Laura, like a torrent of death!

"Space Collapse!"

Seeing this black beam hitting herself, Laura waved her right hand and opened an invisible space!

boom! !

When this beam of light rushed over, it disappeared into the air in an instant!

Next second.

I saw that above the high altitude, a black beam broke through the air and directly bombarded the greedy wolf below!

Greedy Wolf seemed to have predicted it a long time ago. When this beam of light impacted, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place!

Boom! ! ——

This beam of light fell into the sky and rushed to the ground fiercely, directly breaking the overpass below, and the ground was also pierced by this sharp energy!

"Space Magic really deserves its reputation..."

At this time, a faint voice rang behind Laura and Ye Fei.

As soon as the two turned around, they saw that, at some point, Greed Wolf had already arrived behind them, with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at Ye Fei and Laura.

Ye Fei froze for a moment and said, "Could this guy also teleport in space?"

"Do not……"

Laura shook her head and said: "He is just fast, so fast that he can teleport like shoulder space..."

"So it's like this..."

Ye Fei nodded slowly, his face sinking.

Own speed is already very fast, but compared to Laura's space teleport, it is still a bit short.

Unexpectedly, this guy can teleport shoulder-to-shoulder space just by relying on speed alone.

It seems that the strength of this guy is really not simple.

"It's a pity that your current strength is even worse than mine. Therefore, if you want to defeat me, it is impossible..."

Greedy wolf said something lightly, then opened his arms and let out a roar in his mouth!

"The wolf is furious! Jiying!!"

I saw that above the sky, a huge black wolf suddenly appeared, with teeth like sharp swords, claws like blades, and the mane on his body as sharp as steel!

Its entire body is huge, like a big mountain, covering the entire sky!

However, this black giant wolf is not a real wolf, but a ghost of a giant wolf, just because it is relatively solid, it looks like it is real!


Greedy wolf waved his hand.

This black wolf gave a long roar, and passed an afterimage in the air, and rushed directly towards Laura!

"Space confinement!!"

Laura's face changed, and she quickly played a space magic.

I saw that the air around the black giant wolf showed strong fluctuations and distortions, and then it smashed directly towards the black giant wolf!

"Greed wolf, smash this space barrier for me!"

Greedy Wolf gave the order directly.


The black giant screamed up to the sky, not afraid of the oppression of this space, and continued to rush towards Laura!

哐! ! ——

A sound of broken glass sounded!

This black giant wolf directly broke through the barrier of space, with a fierce and violent momentum, swung its sharp claws, and took Lara's head straight! !


Ye Fei burst into a shout, his figure flashed, and he directly blocked Laura's face, then with a sharp sword, he slashed towards the black giant wolf!

"The sword dominates the world!!"

The sound hasn't fallen.

Huh! !

A sword fell, like a broken bamboo!

Moreover, at the moment just now, Ye Fei lifted up the three strongest powers of Heavenly Dao Power, Physical Body Power, and Sword Intent!

Therefore, this sword is more powerful, stronger, and more terrifying than before!

Boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, this sword struck the black giant wolf heavily!


The black giant wolf let out a stern whine, then exploded and disappeared into the sky!

After destroying the giant wolf phantom, Ye Fei turned around and said to Laura: "Laura, we can't continue fighting here, otherwise, the entire city will be destroyed! Let's go and go to the sea!!!"

"it is good!!"

Laura nodded suddenly, and then followed Ye Fei towards the distance...

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