Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2710: , Fight more!

The people in the distance could not see Ye Fei and Laura at all, they could only see a golden sword shadow and a silver-gray ray across the sky!

"Want to go, it's not so easy!!"

Greedy Wolf yelled, and his body turned into a black light, chasing Ye Fei and Laura.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fei, Laura and Greed Wolf had disappeared above the city.

The people below stared blankly at the sky above, unable to recover from the shock just now, feeling that everything that happened just now was so unreal.

However, when they saw the collapsed buildings, bridges, and dilapidated streets in the city, everyone suddenly came back to their senses.

Everything that happened just now is real.

Although many people took photos, because the distance was too far, only three figures were captured, and the front face was not visible at all.

"what happened?"

Zhang Baokun scratched his head and said, "Why did Brother Fei suddenly run away?"

Gu Qingcheng shook his head and said, "Ye Fei must be worried that the city will be destroyed if he hits like this, so he left here..."

"Sister-in-law, where do you think Brother Fei will go?" Tang Yu asked.

"I do not know either."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, looking at the direction where Ye Fei left above, inexplicably worried in his heart.

at this time.

After Ye Fei and Laura left Ninghai City, they came directly to the sky near the sea.

Here is the vast sea, with no people around, fighting here can also prevent the city from being destroyed.

However, as soon as Ye Fei and Laura's front foot arrived, Greed Wolf's back foot had already chased them.

"Do you think you can run away?"

Greedy Wolf looked at Ye Fei and Laura with contempt, and said proudly: "In my hands, you only have a dead end..."

"Who said we are going to run?"

Ye Fei asked indifferently.


Greedy Wolf squinted his eyes and said, "Then why are you here?"

Ye Fei moved his body for a while, and said with a wicked smile: "You can have a good fight when you come here!

Come on, let me see how strong you are! "

With that said, Ye Fei thought, and directly called out tens of thousands of golden swords!

"Ten thousand swords are coming!!"

In an instant.

Over the entire sky, tens of thousands of golden swords appeared like stars, appearing in the sky, and the entire sky and the sea were illuminated!


Ye Fei burst into a shout, body like lightning, rushing directly towards the greedy wolf!

At the moment Ye Fei's body moved, those tens of thousands of golden swords were also like a thousand horses, like a violent storm, swept toward the greedy wolf!

The sky full of golden swords swept away, like dense golden thunder and lightning!

Seeing that tens of thousands of golden swords swept toward him, because the covered area was so large, Greedy Wolf couldn't avoid it for a while.

However, Greedy Wolf didn't even think about avoiding it. Instead, he opened his arms and burst into a shock!

"Sorrow of destruction!!"

I saw that a group of black energy centered on the greedy wolf, spreading in all directions!

Under the impact of this sharp force, the sea below rolled up and raised more than ten feet high!

Immediately, after the formation of that black energy, it was like a big net covering the sky and the sun, enveloping these tens of thousands of golden swords!

It was as if a huge black cloth bag had held these tens of thousands of golden swords!

Buzzing! ! ...

The tens of thousands of golden swords danced wildly, shaking loudly, trying to break through this group of energy!

However, it can't be done at all!


Greedy wolf squinted his eyes and spit out two words.

Boom! ! ! ——

This group of black energy quickly gathered and compressed, and then exploded directly, just like a supernova detonating in the sky!

A burst of earth-shattering explosions resounded!

Over the entire sea, only the golden and black intertwined light flashes, dazzling!

"One sword hides the air!!"

Ye Fei saw that these tens of thousands of golden swords were destroyed, and the moment his figure approached the greedy wolf, he slammed it down!

Huh! !

A sword fell, and the speed reached the extreme, as if he had never swung this sword!


Greedy Wolf gently raised his hand and saw a huge black wolf claw appear in the sky above, like a sharp weapon of a divine weapon, with a loud cry, it directly blocked the sword that Ye Fei had cut!

Immediately, Greedy Wolf waved his right arm and let out a soft drink!

"The wolf strikes thousands of miles!!"

In an instant, a huge black wolf with tens of thousands of heads and eyes glowing with white light appeared in the sky!

These wolves are not only huge in size, their teeth and claws are as sharp as blades, even their mane is like steel needles, roots are erected, and under the shining of the moon, they exude sharp black awns!



Then, these tens of thousands of black wolves rushed towards Ye Fei with violent coercion!

Seeing these tens of thousands of black wolves rushing forward, Ye Fei did not evade and swung his sword directly!

The sword intent with golden light reaches 100 meters, stunned like a mad dragon ascending into the sky, as if to tear the sky! !

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was a burst of explosions!

The sword that Ye Fei swung directly wiped out hundreds of black wolf phantoms!

However, there are so many black wolves that it is very difficult to eliminate them with one sword!

Therefore, Ye Fei directly called out several golden swords, circling and flying around him, resisting the impact of the black wolves!

However, Ye Fei not only launched a defense, but the attack did not fall!

Ye Fei's whole body seemed to have turned into a golden sword light, flashing in the sky, the infuriating giant sword in his hand was constantly swung out, bringing out a golden sword intent!

Those black wolves couldn't get into Ye Fei's body at all, and were either wiped out by the golden swords flying around Ye Fei, or they were destroyed by the sword intent he wielded!

For a time, only the golden sword shadows flickered in the air, and even Ye Fei's figure could not be seen clearly!

It was less than a minute.

The tens of thousands of black wolves were all wiped out.

However, the energy contained in the tens of thousands of black wolves is also terrifying. Although it has been eliminated, the several golden swords flying around Ye Fei's body have also been destroyed!

"Damn it!"

Greedy Wolf obviously didn't expect Ye Fei's combat effectiveness to be so strong, so he raised his hand without hesitation and shouted!

"Glimpse of Divine Light!!"

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by the muffled thundering sound, I saw that above the greedy wolf, black beams of light were like a violent waterfall, rushing in the direction of Ye Fei!

Ye Fei didn't expect the attack of Greedy Wolf to come so quickly. One inadvertently, his body was hit by a few black beams, and he flew out directly!

"Brother Ye Fei!!"

Laura exclaimed, raised her arms, and yelled out!

"Space barrier!!"

I saw that in front of Laura, the space suddenly twisted and fluctuated, as if it had formed an invisible barrier!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Beams of light impacted on the space barrier, bursting out the sound of explosions of ballistic missiles!

Although Laura's space barrier is very defensive, facing the impact of a beam of terror energy beams, the space barrier seems to have been torn apart and cracks appeared!

However, Laura has strengthened the transmission of magical energy, so this split space barrier healed again in the blink of an eye!

"Huh, little bitch, do you think you can stop it?"

Greedy laughed sullenly, and suddenly folded his arms.


In an instant, the dense black light beams instantly merged into a thick light beam, the energy converged, and it skyrocketed in an instant!

This sturdy beam, like a siege hammer, rushes towards this space barrier!

"Kang Dang" with a crisp sound, the spatial barrier that Laura created could no longer withstand the impact of this beam of light, and it shattered directly!

Seeing this beam of light continue to impact towards herself, Laura frowned, her figure flashed, and she directly displayed the space teleport, avoiding the impact of this beam of light!

"No magic! No chain link!!"

Laura moved to the distance, with one arm, quickly switched offense, and shot out a surge of non-linked magical energy!

All of a sudden, I only heard sharp tears in the air in all directions!

The invisible giant palms patted at the greedy wolf from all directions!

"Little magic dare to contend with me, and he can't help it!"

Greedy wolf screamed, opened his arms, and let out a burst of shouts in his mouth!

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