Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3309: , Trial reward?

On the column of "Xuanxing", two clusters of scarlet flames were burning. Compared with the column of "Soul Star", the color was slightly brighter!

There are two flames burning in this column, which means that two people have obtained the "Xuanxing" rank!

The three of them got the "Soul Star" grade, and the two of them got the "Xuanxing" grade, which was enough to shock everyone present!

After all, for so many years, there are very few who can pass the trial of the secret realm. In the best year, only four people have passed the trial!

Although Suzaku the Great has changed the rules this year and can form a team to enter the secret realm for trials, it is still difficult to get out of the secret realm alive!

Even if you are in a team, if your personal strength is poor and you enter the secret realm, there is only one dead end!

Of course, what shocked everyone even more was that in the first column, the two characters "Sky Star" also burned a blazing vermilion flame!

Eye-catching can no longer be eye-catching the two characters "Sky Star", the blazing flame seems to illuminate the entire square, piercing the eyes, as if to declare its supremacy to the world!

"My God... it's only six days, and there are six people who have passed the trial! And... and there are people who even got the grade of'Sky Star'?!"

"For so many years, as far as I know, only one person seems to have obtained the grade of'Sky Star'!"

"That's not it, the warrior who obtained the rank of'Sky Star' has become one of our Ten Sages of True Martial Arts, it's not awesome!"

"Unexpectedly, after many years, someone else won the'Sky Star' grade... This also means that another genius turned out!"

The people in the square were so shocked that they were talking loudly, unable to calm down for a long time.

At this time, outside the square.

Several men wearing grey gowns and holding swords stared at the "Star List" for a long time before finally coming back to their senses.

"Heaven Star was born! This is really rare! Go! Hurry up and report to the Emperor!"

A gray-clothed man who took the lead waved his hand, and then took the others, rushing towards the palace!

However, just as these gray-clothed men left, in a corner of the square, a few black-clothed men also quietly left the square and swept in the direction of the Suzaku Secret Realm...

Suzaku City, Imperial Palace, Imperial Study Room.

Ji Qingxuan was sitting behind a desk made of white jade, holding a picture scroll in his hand, and his face changed.

And the picture on this scroll is a young man. If Ye Fei was there at this time, he would definitely recognize him at a glance. The young man on this scroll was himself.

Ji Qingxuan stared at the picture scroll for a long time, only then narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered: "Ye Fei...hehe, kid, it really is you..."

Tuk tuk!

However, at this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door!

"Come in."

Ji Qingxuan responded.

The door was pushed open, and four men wearing grey gowns and holding sabers quickly walked in!

These four men are the Ouchi guards of the Suzaku Empire!

"Meet the emperor!!"

The four guards kneeled on one knee respectfully.

"Get up."

As soon as Ji Qingxuan raised his hand, the four guards stood up.

"Let's talk about it, what can you do with me?" Ji Qingxuan asked indifferently.

A guard bent over and bowed his head, and said: "Report to the emperor that someone has passed the trial of the secret realm!"

"Oh? So fast?"

Ji Qingxuan's eyes lit up, but he was not as surprised as he had imagined. Instead, he smiled and asked, "What grade did the person who passed the trial get?"

A guard hurriedly reported: "Return to the great emperor, this time there are six people who have passed the trial! Three of them have obtained the rank of'Soul Star', and two have obtained the rank of'Xuanxing'!

Another person received the rare ‘Sky Star’ grade! "

"What?! Six people passed the Secret Realm Trial?! Someone else got the ‘Sky Star’ grade?!"

Ji Qingxuan shook his hand, and the scroll in his hand fell on the desk.

Although he had already been mentally prepared, after all, he had already determined the identity of Ye Fei, who was the young man he saw in the square six days ago.

That young man named Ye Fei was a masterful genius who had passed through the two secret realms of Phoenix and Xuanwu in succession before.

Therefore, in his opinion, with Ye Fei's strength, it should not be difficult to pass the trial of the secret realm.

However, what he never expected was that six people passed the trial this time, which really surprised him!

Ji Qingxuan took a deep breath, glanced at the four guards, and asked: "Are you sure you read it right, six of them passed the trial?"


The four guards nodded at the same time.

"it is good!"

Ji Qingxuan slapped the table and said, "Go, let's go to the Valley of Burning Flames and meet the six people!"

"Emperor, don't you go and have a look at Tianxing Square?" a guard asked.


Ji Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "The most important thing now is to go to the Burning Flame Valley and see these six people first!

If it's late and the six people ran away, then it would be hard for us to find! "

With that said, Ji Qingxuan quickly left the palace with four guards, and directly rose from the sky, rushing to the Valley of Burning Flame...


at this time.

The Valley of Burning Flame, the location of the secret realm.

Above one of the volcanoes.

Ye Fei, Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, the old beggar, and Dongfang Xuanqing were sitting cross-legged on the hill to adjust their breath.

Twenty minutes ago, after the six Ye Fei came out of the secret realm, they did not find Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong.

Thinking that Qin Linglong and the others should have not come out of the secret realm, the six Ye Fei planned to adjust their body while waiting for Qin Linglong and the others to leave the secret realm.

Time passed by every minute.

In a blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed.


Ye Fei let out a foul breath and opened his eyes.

This time the trial in the secret realm went smoothly, without much injury.

Moreover, this time trial, I have gained quite a lot.

The sword intent has undergone a qualitative change, the body has been strengthened, and even the cultivation base has broken through to the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng.

The trial of the Vermillion Bird Secret Realm has already yielded such a big gain, I really don't know how much the White Tiger Secret Realm and the Azure Dragon Secret Realm should have gained?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei also looked forward to it.

At this time, the five Zhang Baokun also adjusted their breath one after another and opened their eyes.

Ye Fei looked at the five old beggars and asked, "Big brother, how are you feeling about your health? Is there any discomfort?"

"Haha, brother, thanks to the high-grade pill that you gave, otherwise, the old beggar's injury on my body would not be able to heal so quickly." The old beggar said with a smile.

"Brother Fei, we are all right now."

Lu Qinghong also replied, and then glanced at the entrance of the secret realm not far away, worrying: "I just don't know if Senior Poison King can successfully pass the trial..."

Tang Yu also turned to look at the entrance, frowning slightly, and their faces were also full of worry.

After all, they had only experienced the trial of the secret realm, and they were deeply impressed by the difficulty of the trial.

If it weren't for Fei Ge's leadership, it would be impossible for the five of them to pass the trial.

Although Ye Fei was worried, he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, with the leadership of Linglong and Xuankong, everyone will be able to get out of the secret realm safely!"

"Brother Fei, you said we passed the secret realm trial this time, what grade did we get?" Tang Yu changed the subject and asked with a smile.

"The purpose of our trial is to improve cultivation and strength, not to gain any grade."

Ye Fei replied, then frowned, and said, "I'm afraid, now that the news that we have left the secret realm has been known to the people in Vermilion Bird City.

Soon, Ji Qingxuan will definitely bring people to find us, and will draw us to work for him.

If we do not agree, he will use force to keep us.

Therefore, we can't stay here for a long time, once Linglong and they come out of the secret, we will leave quickly. "

"Brother Fei, you are so powerful, are you still afraid of that guy Ji Qingxuan?" Dongfang Xuanqing pouted.

Ye Fei sighed and said solemnly: "Although my strength and cultivation base have been improved now, facing the Five Emperors, I am still not sure that I can defeat them.

Therefore, it is better to be careful. "

Several people from Dongfang Xuanqing nodded, and said nothing more.

Since Fei Ge said that Ji Qingxuan is very strong, he must be a powerful perverted master, but they can't provoke them now.

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