Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3310: , Hidden mystery!

The six Ye Fei waited while chatting on the top of the mountain, and waited for more than 20 minutes in a blink of an eye.

However, there was still no movement in the secret realm.

Ye Fei thought that almost an hour had passed since he and the others came out of the secret realm, and his heart became more and more worried.

If you don't leave, and wait until Ji Qingxuan arrives, it will be difficult for you to wait for someone to leave again.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei said: "We have been waiting for too long, and we must leave now, and we must not let Ji Qingxuan find us."

"Brother Fei, what do the seniors do?" Lu Qinghong asked.

"I will leave a signal here, and when Linglong and Xuankong come out, let them come directly to the Western Imperial City of the White Tiger Empire to find us."

Ye Fei replied, and then raised his right hand, condensing a golden-red flame giant sword, preparing to engrave on a mountain...

Suddenly, the whole land was shaken, and the surrounding volcanoes shook!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a vermilion flame beam from above the sky, hitting a volcano not far away, forming a mysterious formation on the top of the mountain!

"Transportation array?!"

Ye Fei was stunned and said, "It seems that someone has come out of the secret realm!"

The five of Lu Qinghong also raised their eyes and looked over, wanting to know who the one who came out of the secret realm was.

However, they were all praying in their hearts, and it would be good for them to get out of the secret realm and be the Poison King.

This flame beam lasted for a few minutes before slowly disappearing.

At the moment when the flame beam disappeared, I saw ten figures appearing on the top of the mountain opposite, really Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong ten people!

"Linglong! Xuankong!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei shouted in surprise.


"Brother Fei!"

Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong heard the shouting, and hurried over to look for reputation. When they saw that it was Ye Fei six, they shouted with joy.

"Go, let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Fei directly swept his sword towards the opposite mountain.

The five Lu Qinghong Yukong followed.

When he came to the opposite mountain, he found that all ten Qin Linglong were injured, especially the Poison Kings, who were more severely injured and dripping with blood.

Ye Fei frowned, and quickly took out the healing pill from the space ring and handed it to Qin Linglong and others, saying: "Take the pill to heal your injuries!"

Qin Linglong and others took the medicine and took it.

Ye Fei looked at Qin Linglong, who was bloodstained and scarred in front of him, and asked distressedly: "Linglong, I have worked hard for you, and you have suffered such a severe injury."

Qin Linglong smiled sweetly, shook her head, and said, "Husband, as long as I can bring everyone out safely, it's okay for me to get hurt!"

"Silly girl."

Ye Fei pettedly touched the girl's head.

Seeing Ye Fei's intimacy in front of so many people, Qin Linglong's pretty face became hot, and she climbed up two blushes.

The Poison King took a breath and said, "This time, thanks to both Miss Qin and Mr. Li, otherwise, we old guys would really have to confess in the secret realm."

"Yeah, the trial of this secret realm is too difficult and dangerous, I thought I would not be able to survive this time!

However, fortunately, I showed great power at the time, and only then passed the trial and error! "Thousand-armed people Tu yelled.

"Rentu, don't brag, you haven't played a big role!

If it weren't for the help of girl Linglong and this kid surnamed Li, we would definitely not be able to get out! "

Old Monster Xingyue stunned.

"What makes me useless?"

Thousand-Handed Man Tu Blow the beard stared, and said, "It sounds like your boss played a big role!"

"It's more useful than you anyway!"

Old Monster Xingyue rolled his eyes and replied.


Thousand-handed man slaughtered his sleeves, and said, "Come here, it just happened that my cultivation base broke through in the secret realm. Let's compare again and see who is better!"

Hearing the words of Thousand-Handed Man Tu, Ye Fei realized that, as expected, Qin Linglong's ten people had made breakthroughs in their cultivation bases!

Qin Linglong broke through to the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng, and Li Xuankong broke through to the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng!

As for the Poison King, Evil Emperor, Thousand Hand Man Tu, Xingyue Old Monster, Raksha Ghost Lord, Gongsun Old Ancestor, Ji Family Ancestor and Qin Family Ancestor, the cultivation bases of the eight people have also broken through to the imperial **** realm!

"Bi Bi Bi, who is afraid of you!"

Boss Xingyue didn't persuade him at all, just rolled up his sleeves and got ready to go.

Seeing these two old men bickering, Ye Fei, Tang Yu and others couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought they were badly injured, but now, it's okay. They still have the strength to fight. It shouldn't be a big deal.

Ye Fei hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Okay, let's kill, boss, you two want to fight, stay behind and fight again.

Now we have to leave here quickly to avoid being blocked by Ji Qingxuan, but it's not good. "

"Why is Ji Qingxuan blocking us?" Poison King asked strangely.

The evil emperor and others also looked at Ye Fei, feeling inexplicable.

Ye Fei spread his hands and replied: "You don't know, any warrior who can pass the trial of the secret realm is a strong one in a million.

For the strong, the emperor of any empire wants to recruit and use it for himself in order to strengthen his power.

But now that all of us sixteen have successfully walked out of the secret realm at once, do you think Ji Qingxuan will let us go? "

"I'm going! So that's what happened?!"

Old Monster Xingyue's expression changed, and said: "Then let's go, I don't want to stay and work for that Ji Qingxuan!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up!"

Qianshou Rentu also took the sentence. As for the fight with Old Monster Xingyue, I decided to talk about it later.

"Go, now we will go to the Western Imperial City, which is a distance from the White Tiger Empire!"

Ye Fei said something, when he was about to rise from the sword, suddenly, his heart was awe-inspiring!

What is this coercion? !

Immediately afterwards, a sound like Hong Zhong came from a distance!

"Everyone stop!"

Hearing this sound, everyone's complexion changed drastically, turning their heads to look at the source of the sound, their eyes solemn!

Because everyone's cultivation base has broken through, their perception is more sensitive than before, so they all felt a coercion that made their hearts tremble swept over!

From the direction of the imperial city, a vermilion cloud of fire, burning with blazing flames, came to the sky above the Valley of Burning Flame in the blink of an eye!

The fire cloud dissipated, and I saw five people standing in the sky over tens of meters!

Suzaku Great Emperor Ji Qingxuan and the four guards!

The cultivation bases of these four guards were all in the Divine Martial Realm. As for Ji Qingxuan's cultivation bases, they were unfathomable, and Ye Fei couldn't perceive them at all!

If Ji Qingxuan's cultivation was in the Primordial Realm, Ye Fei could perceive it, after all, he had also fought against the warriors in the Primordial Realm.

Since I can't feel it, it means that Ji Qingxuan's cultivation base must have surpassed the prehistoric realm!

Ye Fei secretly said badly!

I thought I could leave before Ji Qingxuan arrived, but I didn't expect this old monster to come so quickly!

Well, since you can't go, you can only deal with it head-on!

Ye Fei met Ji Qingxuan's gaze, did not speak, but maintained a high degree of vigilance, ready to be ready for battle at any time!

Qin Linglong, Lu Qinghong and the others were all tense, ready to fight at any time!

Ji Qingxuan glanced at Ye Fei and his group, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

He thought that only six people passed the trial of the secret realm, but he didn't expect that there were ten others who also passed the trial.

Sixteen people passed the trial in the secret realm, which has never been the case for thousands of years.

If these sixteen people can use it for themselves, then the Vermilion Bird Empire will definitely become the largest empire in the True Martial Realm, even the Azure Dragon Empire can’t compare.

Although Ji Qingxuan was excited, he did not show it on his face. Instead, he looked at Ye Fei and said faintly: "It is this time that you have been making a lot of noise in the True Martial Realm. You have passed the Phoenix Secret Realm and the Black Martial Secret Realm in succession, and got two. Ye Fei, the highest-ranking sword **** in the Great Secret Realm, right?"

Ye Fei also felt normal for Ji Qingxuan to be able to find out his own details.

So Ye Fei did not deny it, but nodded and said: "Yes, I am Ye Fei!"

Ji Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei with his gaze full of appreciation, and said with emotion: "Six days ago, your cultivation was only a small achievement in the Divine Martial Realm, but I didn't expect that six days later, your cultivation would break through to the Great Divine Martial Realm.

Such a talent, no one among the younger generation in the Zhenwu world can compare with you.

No wonder Qin Lingxiao and Gongsun Mingjing both want to draw you to work for them, your kid is not easy. "

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