Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3312: , Tensei advancement!

"I don't know how to praise!"

Ji Qingxuan snorted coldly, and the majestic real power was instantly mobilized, and then he waved his hand!

"Fen Tian Hao Yan!"

Wow! !

I saw that the scarlet flames burning above seemed to set off huge waves, like a big river rushing into the sky!

The fire wave rolled, covering the sky over several thousand meters, sparkling, and the momentum was extremely magnificent!

Such a big deal can only be completed in an instant!

Lu Qinghong, Li Xuankong and others just fought fiercely against the fire-type generals of the Vermilion Empire in the secret realm not long ago. They have a deep understanding of the strength of those generals!

But what they didn't expect was that Ji Qingxuan's Fire Element Cultivation Technique was so terrifying, many times stronger than those generals in the secret realm!

No wonder Fei wants to let them evacuate, even if they stay with such powerful strength, it is simply difficult to contend!

Just as the flame river rushed into the sky, Ji Qingxuan pressed down with one arm!

The fire waves roared and roared in the air, and rushed down like a high-pressure artillery, blasting towards Ye Fei!

"Sword waves are overwhelming! Sword intent burns wasteland! Fusion!!!"

Ye Fei directly swung a sword with his right hand, venting a violent sword intent, while his left hand condensed a group of sword intent flames and pushed it out at the same time!

In an instant, a sword wave composed of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords appeared in the sky. Moreover, this sword wave was also wrapped in a thick layer of sword-inspired flames, as if it had become a thick sword. Crazy dragon!

The two ultimate moves are perfectly integrated, and the strength has increased dozens of times!

"It's worthy of the sword intent of the king, really powerful..."

Ji Qingxuan squinted her eyes slightly, and said, "It's a pity, your understanding of this king's sword intent is not deep enough, so you will definitely die today..."

"Don't say it too early!"

Immediately, Ye Feizhen shouted, lifted his left hand, and slammed forward!

Boom! !

In an instant, this sword wave enveloping the flames of sword intent with a whistling force, like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, slammed into the huge wave of vermillion flames!

In mid-air, the sword waves collided with the vermilion flames, competing against each other, making waves of shock like waterfalls!

However, even if the two moves were fused, they still couldn't hold back the impact of Ji Qingxuan's "Fen Tian Hao Yan" move. Jian Lang supported it for a few seconds before it was directly destroyed!

Ye Fei also fought against many warriors who practiced the fire system, but Ji Qingxuan's fire system was the strongest he had encountered so far!

After this violent raging flame smashed the sword waves, it continued to rush towards Ye Fei himself, the speed was so fast that it was going to be swallowed in the next second!

"Be careful, husband!!"

"Brother Fei, be careful!!"

Qin Linglong and others shouted.

Facing the roaring raging flames, Ye Fei had nowhere to hide, he could only carry it hard!

Therefore, Ye Fei directly swung his sword, and the sword intent condensed into countless golden red flame giant swords, and then formed a huge prismatic sword and shield!

Boom! ! ——

However, this huge shield was just formed, it was directly smashed to pieces!

After smashing the sword and shield, this fierce and terrifying anger flame continued to rush up with the force of destruction!

However, at the moment when the raging flames rushed, Ye Fei thought, and the tyrannical sword intent was vented from his body, directly condensing into tens of thousands of golden-red flame giants above him!

Thousands of gold red flame giant sword burst out of the air, and hit this vast flame fiercely!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Under the impact of these tens of thousands of golden flame giant swords, this vast flame rushed and torn directly, turning into sparks and floating in the air!

"Hey, it's interesting..."

Ji Qingxuan saw that Ye Fei's huge sword of golden flames had defeated his "Fen Tian Hao Yan", and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The four guards in the distance were also stunned, looking at Ye Fei incredulously.

They thought that the emperor's killing Ye Fei was completely effortless, but they did not expect that Ye Fei would be able to defeat the emperor's attack.

This guy has such strength at a young age, which is really enviable and jealous.

At this moment, Ji Qingxuan stared at Ye Fei coldly, frowning slightly.

He felt that the sword intent flame released by Ye Fei seemed to contain a strong flame aura, which made him feel very strange.

You must know that a warrior who can absorb flame aura for his own use must have the Suzaku bloodline, otherwise, he will definitely be eaten back by the flame aura and cause huge damage to the body.

But why does this kid absorb the flame aura, and still look like a okay person?

Does this kid have the blood of Suzaku and belong to the Suzaku clan?

But how is this possible?

If this kid is a member of the Suzaku clan, how come he doesn't know him?

After all, a talented tribe like this is the gold in the sand, and it is impossible for him not to discover it.

However, even if this kid is a member of the Ji family, he must die.

He doesn't need to kill the obedient tribe, and it doesn't matter if the disobedient tribe is killed.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and saw that the tens of thousands of golden and red flame giants had already stabbed at him frantically at this moment!

Ji Qingxuan calmly and unhurriedly, directly mobilized the surging flame power in his body, and suddenly waved his big hand!

"Promise True Flame!!"

With a soft drink, around Ji Qingxuan, a group of red, gold and scarlet flames were directly enveloped!

Boom! !

There was a bang!

The three-color flame formed a gorgeous flame beam, which rose into the sky, directly connecting the earth and the sky, and the clouds in the sky were burned!

The brilliant light emitted by these three-color flames is like a dream and dazzling!

However, Ye Fei, Li Xuankong and others in the distance could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in these three-color flames!

Compared with the "Fen Tian Hao Yan" just now, this "Wuji True Flame" is even stronger in terms of temperature and destructive power!

It is worthy of the Suzaku bloodline that is respected by fire. Ji Qingxuan's control of flames has reached the point of perfection, and it really is!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by loud noises, the tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords that came from the impact were crushed into dregs directly after touching the Promise true flame, and they could not touch the half of Ji Qingxuan's hair at all!

Ji Qingxuan stood still in the beam of the Promise True Flame, looked at Ye Fei quietly, and said: "Boy, the sword intent of the king you understand is different from those guys. Every move and every style reveals the supremacy. Kendo, the power is strong to fierce...

It's a pity that the gap in cultivation and strength between you and me is too big, so if you want to defeat me, it's impossible..."

As he said, Ji Qingxuan lifted his right hand, and saw that the airflow in the palm of his right hand seemed to have turned into a whirlpool. The Promise true flame that enveloped his body was absorbed and compressed, condensed in his hand, and turned into a ball with only slaps. The size of the flame!

When Ye Fei saw this, his face was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Ji Qingxuan to be able to instantly compress such violent flames to the extreme!

Moreover, he clearly felt that the energy contained in the burning flame in Ji Qingxuan's hand was extremely terrifying, as if a person was holding a nuclear bomb in his hand!

However, before Ye Fei came back to his senses, Ji Qingxuan gently pushed out with his right hand!

I saw that the energy contained in this group of condensed and compressed to the extreme Promise true flame burst out instantly, like the divine bird Suzaku spitting out a blazing divine flame!

This flame tumbling and flowing, covering all the sky and the earth, covering an area of ​​several thousand meters, whether horizontally or vertically, is like a river bursting a bank and the sea is roaring, rolling out of the gate, and rushing towards Ye Fei. !

Ye Fei clearly felt the terrifying power contained in this Promise True Flame, so he didn't dare to hold it big, and with a thought, a dozen prismatic swords and shields were gathered in front of him! !

Boom boom boom! ! ——

This Promise True Flame rushed on the sword and shield, and it was like a broken bamboo. The dozen or so swords and shields were not supported for long, and they were instantly destroyed!

"not good!!"

Ye Fei's face changed drastically, it was too late to avoid him!

In an instant, this Promise True Flame hit Ye Fei's chest fiercely, like a waterfall hitting a stone slab!


Ye Fei let out a painful cry, and felt as if his internal organs were about to be smashed into pieces!

Moreover, the temperature of this Promise True Flame is very terrifying, even several times higher than the temperature of the magma in the secret realm!

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