Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3313: , Unfathomable!

Therefore, this Promise True Flame directly tore Ye Fei's body of the ultimate sword intent, and burned on Ye Fei's body!

If you change to a general warrior, I'm afraid it will be burned to ashes in an instant!

Because Ye Fei had always practiced "Emperor Overlord Body Art" to forge his body, coupled with the strengthening of the flame aura, facing the burning of this Promise True Flame, only his skin was burned, but he did not burn Ye Fei to ashes!

However, the temperature of this Promise True Flame is really terrifying, if it keeps burning like this, Ye Fei feels that he can't hold it for long!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei lifted his left hand, condensing a thick sword-inspired flame, and then pushed it out suddenly, as if a high-pressure water cannon burst out instantly, rushing out!

Bang! ! ! ——

Relying on the strong anti-shock force generated by the collision of the sword intent flame and the Promise true flame, Ye Fei directly shook Ye Fei out!

Ye Fei was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down for hundreds of meters, only then barely stabilized his body!

Seeing Ye Fei avoiding the offensive of this flame, Qin Linglong and others breathed a sigh of relief!

However, before Ye Fei could react, I saw that this vast boundless true flame condensed directly above Ye Fei, forming a giant flame palm, like a Mount Tai, slammed down at him!

Nah! Nah! ! ——

The flame giant palm pressed down and squeezed the air into a crackle, and even the space seemed to be crushed, and it trembled!

Ye Fei suddenly felt a strong pressure and burning sensation sweeping over him, and the battlefield could have made him raise the golden red flame giant sword in his hand to resist!

Puff! ! ——

Accompanied by a loud noise!

This giant flame palm slapped Ye Fei's giant sword. Ye Fei felt as if he was hit by a huge mountain. His body fell like a meteor, and fell into the magma below the volcano with a thump. , Shaking up the magma a hundred feet high!


"Brother Fei!!"

In the distance, Qin Linglong and others were shocked, and they screamed, their hearts were raised in their throats!

However, apart from the lava tumbling and flowing below, there was no more movement.

"Brother Fei... Brother Fei won't be... is it dead?!"

Tang Yu paled, and said something trembling.

"Impossible...Fei Ge will never die!"

Lu Qinghong shook his head sullenly.

Qin Linglong's eyes were red, and she raised her eyes to look at Ji Qingxuan, and hissed: "Uncle Ji, why are you doing this?

My friend only wants to improve his cultivation and strength, and has never thought of taking refuge in any strength, let alone being an enemy of you.

They just don't want to stay in the Suzaku Empire, but you want to kill them. Why? "

Ji Qingxuan looked at Qin Linglong indifferently, and said, "Linglong, I and your father are both emperors. In our eyes, everyone living in the world is a ant! Those who follow me live, those who oppose me die!

Ants disobeyed the emperor’s orders, it was a rebellion, shouldn’t they be killed? "


Qin Linglong sneered, "It's a world where everyone is ants. My father, like you, thinks that he is an emperor. Everyone should listen to him. Those who disobey him will die!

I know him too well, so I hate him, I don't recognize him as my father!

Because, you so-called emperors are a group of despicable, shameless, murderous executioners! ! "


Ji Qingxuan's face turned gloomy, and she said in a shocking voice: "Seeing that you are Ling Xiao's daughter, I won't do anything to you, but if you continue to be disrespectful, I will stop blaming this emperor for being rude to you!"

"Really? Haha..."

Qin Linglong smiled poignantly, and said softly: "If my husband dies, I will never survive! I will kill you even if I try my best!

If I die, then our Phoenix Empire will never give up with you! ! "


Ji Qingxuan was furious and was about to do it. Suddenly, the whole earth was shaken!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the lava below violently tumbled, as if it caused a violent tsunami!

Immediately, I saw that a golden figure directly rushed out of the waves and jumped to the sky!


"Brother Fei is fine! Great!!"

Seeing Ye Fei rushing out of the magma, Qin Linglong and others were suddenly surprised.


Ji Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei rushing out of the magma somewhat unexpectedly, and said: "You can be intact, your body... it's really different..."

Ye Fei stood in the sky, gasping for breath, scorched and carbonized in many parts of his body, dripping with blood.

However, fortunately, Ye Fei's body has a strong self-healing ability. These scorched skin pieces fell off, and the blood flowing out soon stopped.

Ye Fei was shocked, looked at Ji Qingxuan, frowning.

Fortunately, the body of the ultimate sword intent blocked the crit attack just now, otherwise, I am afraid that I will really be killed.

Although everyone was relieved to see that Ye Fei was still alive, after seeing Ji Qingxuan's strength, they also understood the difference in strength better.

Even Ye Fei was so embarrassed that if they were to go, they would probably be beheaded if they couldn't support a few moves.

Thinking of this, everyone was even more worried, wondering if Ye Fei could defeat Ji Qingxuan.

However, not only did Qin Linglong and others have no bottom in their hearts, but Ye Fei also had no bottom in their hearts.

However, even if he didn't know the result of the battle, didn't know the life and death, Ye Fei never thought of giving up.

War, there may be a silver lining!

Give up, then there is really only a dead end!

Ye Fei raised his eyes and stared at Ji Qingxuan, and said coldly: "What a world, everyone is ants... Even if I am a ant, Ye Fei will do everything to kill you!

Even if I can't kill you, I will hit you hard! ! "

"I can't help myself!!"

Ji Qingxuan yelled angrily and waved his right hand violently. The Promise True Flame, like a torrent of waves, rolled in the air and continued to rush towards Ye Fei again!

The Promise True Flame passed over the mountains, and the mountains crumbled and burned to ashes over the past century, as if they had burned not rocks, but bubbles!

Seeing that this Promise True Flame was about to swallow himself again, Ye Fei did not hesitate, with one arm, he continued to raise his sword intent, true power, and physical strength, and operated in an extreme manner!

Familiar with the general, Ye Fei's eyes burned with a more blazing golden red flame, like a torch!

And Ye Fei's whole body, the golden-red flames burned more and more vigorously, like a **** descending into the world!

"Nine-Five Supreme! Strengthen! Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!!"

After Ye Fei lifted his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to the extreme, he burst out instantly, with a shocking cry in his mouth!

As the sword intent rushed out, in an instant, nine huge stegosaurus, hundreds of meters long, with golden red flames burning on their bodies, seemed to crawl out of the Jiuyou Purgatory, hovering above Ye Fei!

The eyes of the nine stegosaurus were also beating with blazing golden red flames, and the dragon mighty, as if a real dragon came to the world!

At this moment, Ye Fei is the dragon, and the dragon is also Ye Fei, and the nine stegosaurus and Ye Fei have the same heart!

Therefore, before Ye Fei could speak, the nine stegosaurus roared and slammed into the rushing Promise True Flame!

Ji Qingxuan was originally a bit disdainful, thinking that Ye Fei's spread of sword intent to the nine sword dragons was a waste at all, and the lethality would not be too strong.

boom! ! ——

But in the next second, the three stegosaurus that rushed out directly hit the waves formed by the Promise True Flame, bursting out with a frantic explosion!

The tyrannical sword intent and fierce flames fought fiercely, shooting out in all directions, forming huge apertures, spreading out!

As for the several big mountains below, they collapsed directly!

Ji Qingxuan thought that Ye Fei's move looked garish and might not be very powerful!

However, when the aperture blooming in the sky dissipated, his legs suddenly shrank, and he realized that the Promise True Flame he had shot had been extinguished by the three stegosaurus!

Although the three stegosaurus were also destroyed, this was not what he wanted to see!

What he wanted to see was that Ye Fei's attacks would be defeated by himself!

The ants can contend with the emperor.

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The remaining six stegosaurus roared, roared, and rushed towards Ji Qingxuan with an indomitable momentum!

Ji Qingxuan's expression finally became serious, and a vermilion flame burned in his eyes, murderous and angry!

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