Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3315: , Supreme Kendo!

However, when the flames and sword intent aperture burst out, Ye Fei's "Sword God Universal" had already unreasonably shattered the Vermillion Bird illusion that penetrated him!


Ji Qingxuan Gubo's face changed drastically, his pupils suddenly opened, with a deep panic and incomprehension, and the stormy sea turned up in his heart!


Ji Qingxuan didn't have the calmness he had before, and at the moment Ye Fei pierced his heart with a sword, his figure suddenly flashed, and used the top secret body technique "Suzaku Glance" to avoid Ye Fei's attack!

laugh! ! ——

Between the electric light and flint, Ye Fei and Ji Qingxuan passed by, and a **** flower shot out!

Ye Fei didn't stop until he rushed out hundreds of meters with his back to Ji Qingxuan!

Ji Qingxuan glanced at his arm, his luxurious robe was torn open, and his arm was cut open with a **** scar with deep bones!

Ji Qingxuan's eyes were about to split, and extreme anger appeared on the heroic face!

I was actually injured by an ant!


This is impossible! !

At this time, the four guards were also stunned and stupid, looking at this scene with a dazed expression!

Such a powerful emperor was actually injured?

how is this possible? !

This is totally unacceptable to them!

Qin Linglong and others were even more surprised and happy, and they were full of endless confidence in Ye Fei!

However, at the same time of surprise, they were also worried for Ye Fei in their hearts!

After all, Ye Fei injured Ji Qingxuan, so he will endure Ji Qingxuan's endless anger!

At this moment, Ji Qingxuan stood still in the air, looking at Ye Fei with a grim look. Without the calmness and prestige he had before, he roared fiercely: "Smelly boy! You are dead!!"

The voice fell off.

Ji Qingxuan raised his hands and mobilized a steady stream of true power, and the burning flame on his body expanded a few times again!

"The **** bird Suzaku! Burn all the heavens! The heavens are wiped out! ——"

Accompanied by Ji Qingxuan's shocking cry!

I saw that a fire dragon and vermilion bird in the sky spread directly, and thousands of fire dragons and vermilion bird appeared in the sky, making piercing dragons and screams!

Moreover, the fire dragons and vermilion birds in the sky are rolling waves of flames, like the sea roaring and rolling in the sky!

The endless high temperature spread out, and the surging coercion swept out, as if to destroy all the world!

As for the volcanoes within a radius of a few miles, they had all been smashed and flattened by the pressure and aura that spread out!

In the distance, Qin Linglong and others shuddered all over, their faces turned pale, even if they were thousands of meters away, they still felt short of breath and their heartbeats speeded up, as if someone had strangled their neck!


Ji Qingxuan screamed and waved a big hand!

In an instant, the sea of ​​flames with thousands of fire dragons and vermillion bird tumbling in the sky, with endless potential for destruction, rushed towards Ye Fei below!

Ye Fei looked at this scene with a shocked expression on his face, his body trembled involuntarily!

Could this be Ji Qingxuan's real power?

Ye Fei gritted his teeth, knowing that it is impossible to avoid it, and the defense is even more useless!

Therefore, Ye Fei also mobilized all his strength, waved the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, and prepared to display the "Emperor Sword Formation"!

Perhaps, only this trick can barely contend with it!

However, the moment Ye Fei was about to do it...

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

I only heard a burst of tyrannical dragon roars, and saw that black blazing mad dragons rushed from a distance, directly colliding with the fire dragon, vermillion bird and the sea of ​​fire formed by the true flames above!

Boom! ! ! ——

Accompanied by a loud bang, black explosions, infinite true flames and vermillion flames burst out, forming waves of energy like waves rushing in all directions!

However, under the impact of these black blazing mad dragons, Ji Qingxuan's infinite true flames directly died with the blazing mad dragon, and the flame suzaku and the fire dragon were also destroyed!


Ji Qingxuan screamed, turned his head and looked over!

Ye Fei, Qin Linglong and others also looked up!

I saw that a Ye Guhan, wearing a black-gray gown and carrying a black profound iron heavy ruler on his back, swept over from a distance, and stopped in a blink of an eye!

"Brother, why are you here?!"

When Ye Fei saw the visitor, he asked suspiciously.

Li Xuankong and the others looked at Ye Guhan with a puzzled look. They didn't expect Ye Guhan to arrive at this critical moment.

However, the arrival of Ye Guhan gave them a glimmer of hope.

After all, Ye Guhan is a real ten sage powerhouse, if he joins hands with Ye Fei, he may not be able to defeat Ji Qingxuan.

Ye Guhan looked at Ye Fei, curled his lips, and said, "Brother, I was drinking, but suddenly received news from the Dark Moon Pavilion that someone had passed the trial in the Secret Realm, and Lao Ji went to the Valley of Burning Flames.

I thought that the person who passed the trial must be you, my brother. I thought that you would definitely not agree to Lao Ji's solicitation, and I was afraid that there would be conflicts, so I came over to take a look.

But I didn’t expect you guys to really fight..."

Ji Qingxuan looked at Ye Guhan coldly, and said, "Ye Guhan, what are you doing here, are you going to help this kid?"

Ye Guhan pulled out his ears and said, "Lao Ji, you are also a generation of emperors, and a powerful five emperor. You can't get along with a young man, and you have lost your status!"


Ji Qingxuan snorted coldly, and said: "I intend to recruit this kid, but this kid doesn't know how to promote him. If he dares to violate my words, I will naturally kill him!"

"You can't kill this kid."

Ye Guhan shook his head and said lightly.


Ji Qingxuan squinted his eyes and said, "Give me a reason not to kill him."

Ye Guhan squinted Ye Fei, and said, "This kid is my beloved brother. I'm the elder brother, so naturally I won't let others bully him."


Ji Qingxuan sneered, and said: "The dignified Xuantian evil saint actually recognized a stinky hairy boy as a brother, you really can look down on him!"

"Well, I am really optimistic about this kid."

Xuantian Xie Sheng nodded, and then smiled evilly: "Old Ji, you are also very optimistic about this kid, or why do you have to recruit him, and if you fail to recruit him, you still have to fight?

I think you are worried that this kid will grow up in the future and will fight you right? "

"Joke! Would I be afraid of him?"

Naturally, Ji Qingxuan would not admit it, and flicked his sleeves and said: "Even if you give him another ten years, he may not be able to beat me!"

"Yes, yes, Lao Ji, you are a generation of emperors, five emperors strong, naturally you will not be afraid of this kid, but..."

Having said that, Ye Guhan paused for a while, and continued: "Some friends around this kid, you must pay attention to..."


Ji Qingxuan sneered, glanced at Li Xuankong and the others, and said, "Are you referring to them? Even if these guys add up, I can crush them with one finger!"

Ye Guhan nodded and said, "Yes, they are average, and they really don't pose a threat to you. However, all of this kid's other friends are not easy to provoke!"

Ji Qingxuan proudly said: "It's really funny! In the entire Zhenwu world, there are only a handful of strong men who can pose a threat to this emperor!

No matter how many friends this kid has, they are just some ants. Why should this emperor be afraid? "

"Old Ji, I am also this kid's friend, am I also an ant in your heart?"

As soon as Ye Guhan smiled, his voice gradually became colder.

"Why, don't you want to be my enemy too?"

Ji Qingxuan stared at Ye Guhan closely and said: "Ye Guhan, I know your strength is very strong, but you are still not my opponent, even if you join hands with this kid, what can you do for me?"

"Yes, if I join forces with this kid, I may still lose to you, but if other friends of this kid come to help, you have no chance of winning..." Ye Guhan said in a cold voice.

"Okay, don't sell it off, if you want to be honest, who is this kid's friend?" Ji Qingxuan said impatiently.

"Qinglian sword sage Li Bai..." Ye Guhan said lightly.

"Qinglian Sword Saint?!"

Ji Qingxuan's pupils shrank slightly, and his face sank.

"Yes, Qinglian Sword Saint pointed out that this kid can be regarded as his half master."

Ye Guhan nodded and continued: "Of course, besides Qinglian Sword Saint, this kid has other friends..."

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