Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3316: , Whoever goes against me perishes!

"Who else?"

Ji Qingxuan asked in a deep voice, but his eyes looked at Ye Guhan a little more disturbed.

"Zhen Wu Rulai Du E Zen Master."

Ye Guhan said another person.

Ji Qingxuan's face sank again.

At the beginning, Ye Fei helped Fengming Temple to fight against the Eight Major Sects, and it was not uncommon to be friends with Zen Master Du'e. This was something he had already investigated.

However, he initially thought that Ye Fei had only Zen Master Du'e as a sage friend, and it was nothing to worry about. Even if he killed Ye Fei this kid by himself, Zen Master Du'e would not get any benefit from him.

But I didn't know that this kid not only knew Zen Master Du'e, but he also knew Ye Guhan and Li Bai, and one of them was elder brother and the other was Master, which made him feel tricky.

Ji Qingxuan stared at Ye Fei closely. Although Gu Bo was not surprised on his face, there was a huge wave in his heart, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

What kind of person is this kid? He is just an unsatisfied hairy kid. Why does he make so many sage friends?


At this time, Ye Guhan coughed slightly and continued: "Apart from me, Qinglian sword sage Li Bai, and Zen Master Zhenwu Tathagata Du'e, this kid also knows the nine-fingered beggar Hong Qigong, the medical sage Hua Tuo!"


Ji Qingxuan couldn't help exclaiming, his expression could no longer be stretched, and a touch of fear emerged.

His face was stunned, his eyes changed when he looked at Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei was still just an ant in his eyes, the person standing behind the ant was not easy to provoke.

Even if he is a powerful five emperor, but if he is required to fight against several great saints at the same time, no matter how proud he is, he will know that he is invincible.

You know, the two great saints join forces to drink a pot by themselves.

What's more, this kid knows so many sage friends.

Ye Guhan, Li Bai, Du'er, Hong Qigong, Hua Tuo...Even if Hua Tuo's combat effectiveness is not good, if the other four great saints join forces, they have no chance of winning at all!

Ji Qingxuan's complexion changed, with blue veins jumping on his forehead, and he still knew too little about this kid!

As for the four guards not far away, one by one was already stupid.

In the real martial arts world, if they knew a saint, it would be enough for them to play for a lifetime, but they didn't expect that this ordinary kid would know so many saints? !

Especially the guard who was arrogant to Ye Fei before was so scared that his face was pale. Fortunately, he didn't offend this kid, otherwise he would be dead.

At this time, Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing and others all smiled triumphantly when they saw the change of expression on Ji Qingxuan's face.

Ji Qingxuan, aren't you awesome, are you still awesome now?

Brother Fei has friends all over the world, and each one is fierce. Isn't it more than enough to deal with you?

However, before Ji Qingxuan could speak, Ye Guhan pointed to Li Xuankong not far away and said, "Also, this kid's master is Mobei Sword Emperor Yan Nantian. If you kill him, you think Yan Nantian Will you look for you desperately?"

"Yes, that's right! My master is Yan Nantian! If you dare to be against my Fei brother, I will definitely let the master find you for revenge!"

Li Xuankong stepped forward and replied proudly.

Ye Fei shook his head amused. He made Li Bai and the others, just to fight against the guys in the kingdom of the gods. He didn't even think about borrowing their names to support him.

However, looking at them now, their names are pretty good, at least this Ji Qingxuan didn't dare to act rashly.

Ji Qingxuan looked at Li Xuankong and frowned, "No wonder why you feel that the knife in your hand is so familiar. It turns out that you are Yan Nantian's apprentice..."

Ye Guhan looked at Ji Qingxuan with a smile, and said with a deep meaning: "Old Ji, of course, apart from those saints who are friends of this kid, he is still that man's son...

Although that person has a good temper and won't cause trouble easily, but if you dare to do something to his son, I'm afraid that person will definitely kill you even if he chases to the end of the world, and you are not that person's opponent at all..."

Ji Qingxuan gritted his teeth and said: "The person you are talking about... who is it?!"

He didn't even know it, and his voice began to tremble.

Yes, at this moment, he was really scared.

If he hadn't cultivated his mind and nature all the year round, I'm afraid he would have collapsed by now.

Li Bai, Ye Guhan, Hong Qigong, Du'e Zen Master, Yan Nantian, Hua Tuo... Six of the Ten Saints are related to Ye Fei... If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he wouldn't be able to believe it. !

But at this moment, he had to believe it.

After all, Ye Guhan would not deceive himself with such a thing.

Ye Guhan pretended to be very mysterious, approached Ji Qingxuan's ear, and whispered three words quietly.

Hearing the three words spoken by Ye Guhan, Ji Qingxuan's pupils suddenly shrank, his face changed drastically, and his whole body shuddered involuntarily!

"How... how could it be... he turned out to be..."

Ji Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei with a complex and horrified expression, the previous arrogance had completely disappeared.

No way, the person in Ye Guhan's mouth was too powerful, and was simply a pervert.

In the entire Zhenwu Realm, apart from Xuanyuan Zhantian who could fight Yi, no one else was his opponent.

Once, he, Qin Lingxiao, Gongsun Mingjing, and Huangfushang all fought against it, but in the end they all lost to that person.

After that, that person met Xuanyuan Zhantian and fought for three days and three nights. As a result, they didn't know who won and who won.

But since then, they only know that Xuanyuan Zhantian and that person have become close friends, often drinking tea and discussing Taoism together.

Therefore, they guessed that maybe even Xuanyuan Zhantian was defeated by that person.

That person was a peerless genius in the Zhenwu Realm for thousands of years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one powerhouse above the entire Zhenwu Realm.

It's just that the person doesn't value fame and fortune, so he ranks among the saints, but this doesn't affect his supremacy in the true martial world.

If that person has the heart to be an emperor, this real martial arts world will have one more empire, or even only one empire!

Ye Guhan saw the expression on Ji Qingxuan's face, and his face also showed a smile but a smile. It was the first time that he saw Ji Qingxuan eating flat.

Ye Fei's identity was also told by Ye Fei inadvertently when he accompanied Ye Fei to practice in Dark Moon Pavilion.

He was stunned at that time, and instantly understood, it is no wonder that this kid has such a great potential.

With that perverted father, where can he be a son?

A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse will make holes. This is true.

Ye Guhan smiled and patted Ji Qingxuan on the shoulder, and said, "Old Ji, do you still want to kill him now?"

Ji Qingxuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, looked at Ye Guhan, and said, "You guy deliberately wanted to embarrass me, right?"

"Hey, Lao Ji, don't talk nonsense about this!"

Ye Guhan put on an expression of "I just want to embarrass you", but said on his mouth: "I don't know you are so cruel and want to kill this kid, so I have to show his identity!"


Ji Qingxuan sighed deeply, and then dissipated the pressure.

He stared at Ye Fei blankly, his voice softened a little, and said: "Boy, today this was a pure accident. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Ye Fei looked at Ji Qingxuan calmly, and said, "As long as Mr. Ji doesn't trouble me, I will naturally not have trouble with Mr. Ji."

"That's good, that's good..."

When Ji Qingxuan heard this, he was relieved and smiled faintly, "Boy, please bring a word to your father when the time comes, saying that his old friend Ji Qingxuan still misses him very much. If he has time, he can come to my Suzaku Empire. Be a guest."

"Mr. Ji, I will definitely bring your words."

Ye Fei replied lightly.

However, Ye Fei was also full of emotion, the old man's reputation is really prominent, even the king of a country Ji Qingxuan is so respectful to him.

It seems that the strength of the old man is indeed very strong, otherwise, Ji Qingxuan would not be so polite to himself.

Although Ye Fei was unwilling to act under the aura of the old man, he still borrowed the aura of the old man today.

I still don't have enough strength, otherwise, I can make Ji Qingxuan surrender without relying on anyone!

Ji Qingxuan didn't say anything more, but took the four guards and left the Valley of Burning Flame.

When Ji Qingxuan left, Qin Linglong and the others had a rock hanging in their hearts before landing...

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