Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3317: , A trace of fear!

Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others still felt lingering fears until Ji Qingxuan led them to disappear in front of them.

The strength of the five emperors is really terrifying.

If Ye Guhan hadn't arrived in time, they would definitely be more ill-fortuned.

Ye Fei looked at Ye Guhan and said with a smile: "Brother, thank you for coming to the rescue."

"What's so grateful for, I'm just telling the truth."

Ye Guhan waved his hand, and then said inexplicably, "I said, brother, there is such a powerful backing behind you, and there is more than one backing.

You can point to Ji Qingxuan's nose and say, who is my old man, who is my master, and who is my friend.

The old guy Ji Qingxuan listened and promised to scare him to pee. "

"If I say I want to keep a low profile, do you believe it?" Ye Fei curled his lips.

Ye Guhan rolled his eyes and said, "Fuck you!"

Ye Fei sighed and said, "Actually, I don't want to borrow someone else's name to protect myself..."

Ye Guhan looked at Ye Fei with a solemn expression, and said, "Boy, if you don't want to borrow the name of someone to protect yourself, there is only one way, and that is to make yourself stronger quickly!"

"Well, I know, I have been working hard for this goal."

Ye Fei nodded, and he became more determined in his heart that he wanted to become stronger, and he must practice harder.

Although I have a lot of backing, I can't move my backing out whenever something happens in the future, it will seem very useless.

Ye Guhan patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said, "Brother, where are you going next?

The White Tiger Secret Realm is still half a month away. If you go now, it's too early. Why don't you go to my Dark Moon Pavilion and stay for a while? "

"Brother, we appreciate your kindness."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "We are going to practice and hurry along the way. When the White Tiger Secret Realm is about to open, we will rush to White Tiger City."


Ye Guhan nodded and said, "Since you have decided, then I won't keep you.

Boy, take care all the way! "

"Brother take care!"

Ye Fei replied, and then led Qin Linglong and his group out of the Burning Flame Valley, and swept towards the direction of the Western White Tiger Empire.

Ye Guhan stood still in the sky, looking at the west, until Ye Fei and his group disappeared, and then muttered: "Brother, we must become stronger as soon as possible, brother, I am waiting for you to stand on top of the Zhenwu world..."

After speaking, Ye Guhan turned and left the Burning Flame Valley.

However, just as Ye Guhan left, in the jungle one mile away from the Valley of Burning Flame, several men wearing black clothes and covering their faces quickly left...


After Ye Fei and his party left the Burning Flame Valley, they headed directly to the White Tiger Empire.

Along the way, Qin Linglong was a little unhappy, and Lu Qinghong and others also looked serious, as if they were thinking about something.

Ye Fei said strangely: "Linglong, Qinghong, what's the matter with you? How can you be so inactive like the eggplant that Shuang beats?"

Qin Linglong sighed and said, "Husband, we are still too weak. When you are in danger, we can't help you at all."

Lu Qinghong also smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, Brother Fei, our strength may be the top of the world on earth, and no one is our opponent.

But after I came to the real martial world, I discovered that our strength is nothing at all. "

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Since I know my shortcomings, I will work hard.

Don't deny yourself just because of a small setback, it will hinder our progress.

Everyone is too tight. We have just broken through the secret, and we have all taken a good rest these days.

After we have cultivated our spirits, we will continue to practice and strive to pass the trial of the White Tiger Secret Realm. "

"Brother Fei, where are we going now?" Li Xuankong asked.

"Let's go to the nearest Western Imperial City."

Ye Fei returned a sentence and continued: "Go there, we should eat, drink, play, relax!"

"it is good!!"

When Qin Linglong and the others heard it, they all responded with a smile, and the depression in their hearts was also wiped out.

Along the way, Ye Fei and his party were rushing, chatting and discussing things about cultivation, but they didn't feel bored anymore.

Until the evening sunset, Ye Fei and his party arrived in the territory of the White Tiger Empire.

As the second largest empire in the real martial world, the land here is vast, with cities, markets, and villages everywhere.

In addition, the climate is suitable, unlike other empires, which are either hot or cold, so the population is large, and the proportion of warriors accounts for more than half.

Anyone on the road is a martial artist, but there is a gap in cultivation.

Ye Fei took out the map from the space ring and looked at it, and said, "Jump over the mountains and rivers in front, and you will reach the Western Imperial City."

"It's here. I haven't had any wine in the past few days. I'm so greedy! When I get to the city, I have to drink enough!" the old beggar snorted.

Zhang Baokun patted his stomach and said with a smile: "I want a big meal!"

Ye Fei glanced at the blood-stained clothes on his body, and said, "Before we go to the Western Imperial City, let's find a place to wash our bodies and change into clean clothes.

If we enter the city like this, I am afraid that we will not even be able to enter the city and we will be stopped. "

Everyone agreed with Ye Fei's proposal.

Ever since, Ye Fei and his group found a hidden valley.

The jungle here is densely covered with green trees and red flowers. There is also a hot spring at the bottom of the valley. There is little water vapor, and it is like a fairyland on earth.

Ye Fei couldn't help feeling that, compared to the earth, Zhenwu Realm has no industry and no technology, so the environment will not be polluted, and you can find places that look like a fairyland everywhere.

Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing and the others didn't say anything, and dived directly into the air, like dumplings, and jumped into the hot spring.

Jumping into the hot springs, these guys also fought water wars just like children who hadn't grown up.

Only Qin Linglong was still standing in the air and did not go down.

"Linglong, let's go, don't you take a bath?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

Qin Linglong pinched the hem of the skirt, and said shamelessly: "You... do you want me to wash with you big men?"

Ye Fei was right when he thought about it, and he couldn't let a girl take a bath with his group of elders.

"Let's go, let's look for it nearby, there should be hot springs in other places."

Ye Fei said, leaving the valley with Qin Linglong, and finally found a bay of hot springs in a nearby valley.

Later, Ye Fei and Qin Linglong landed beside the hot spring.

"You are not allowed to peek, wait until I finish washing, you will wash." Qin Linglong said with her red lips pouting.

"Okay, don't look down."

Ye Fei nodded funny, and then helped the woman to take out some clothes from the space ring and put them next to the hot spring, and then jumped to a low mountain next to the hot spring, and then turned his back.

Seeing that Ye Fei did not peek, Qin Linglong took off his clothes and soaked in the hot spring.

Ye Fei stood on the low mountain and looked into the distance. He wanted to cultivate, but the sound of water splash interrupted his thoughts.

The thought of Qin Linglong taking a bath in the hot spring and the graceful posture of a woman made Ye Fei feel scratchy.

Anyway, I've slept with a woman, shouldn't it be too much to take a look?

But you and the woman are nameless, isn't it a bit bad to do this?

It's okay, just take a look, take a look and then ignore it.

Ye Fei finally convinced himself, and then turned around, looking at the hot spring below.

In the hot spring, the mist curled up, and Qin Linglong soaked in the hot spring, washing her body and enjoying the rare comfort.

The green silk was floating on the water, revealing a delicate and charming face, and the white skin was illuminated by the afterglow of the setting sun, as if stained with a layer of holy brilliance, like a fairy.

Although the woman is soaking in the hot spring, the water in the hot spring is too clear to cover up the woman's curvaceous figure.

When Ye Fei saw this scene, he was short of breath immediately, his eyes flashed green!

Although the woman didn't mean to seduce herself, in Ye Fei's view, it was too sultry!

I was only planning to take a look, but now Ye Fei can't look away!

At this moment, Qin Linglong also felt as if someone was looking at herself, and when she turned her head, she immediately met Ye Fei's eyes!


Qin Linglong screamed, and hurriedly covered her chest with her hands, but this was the case, still revealing a large area of ​​scenery.

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