Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3318: , Are not easy to mess with!

" are you doing, didn't you tell me not to watch it? Hurry up, hurry up!" Qin Linglong blushed and said.


Ye Fei scratched his head, laughed dryly, and said, "Linglong, why don't we wash them together? This will also save time, lest Qinghong and the others finish the wash and cannot find us."


Qin Linglong pursed her lips, seeming to be hesitating, the flushed cheeks almost dripping with juice.

Although her heart belonged to the man, she still couldn't accept the man to see her body now.

"Don't do this and that, let's be together!"

Ye Fei was not polite either. He lost his energy directly in the air. He turned around for two and a half weeks, turned around for two and a half weeks and bent his body. With a super-difficult diving action, he plunged into the hot spring with a "puff!"

At close range, Ye Fei could see the woman's figure more clearly, and a flame of flame rose in his heart.

Seeing Ye Fei staring directly at her, Qin Linglong couldn't help crying, " are too annoying, too bad! Don't look at it! I'll ignore you again!"

"Well, I won't watch, I won't watch, don't cry!"

Ye Fei also knew that he had played with fire, so he quickly turned around.

Because of Ye Fei's presence, Qin Linglong didn't dare to stay longer in the hot springs, and washed her body casually, then hurriedly went ashore and changed her clothes.

"I have changed my clothes. You should wash them quickly. After the washing is finished, we will meet up with Brother Li and the others." Qin Linglong said crisply while standing on the shore.

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded, a little funny in his heart.

Woman's heart, needle on the seabed.

Not long ago, this girl didn't say she was going to be her own woman, so she had to go to bed with herself? Why is she so reserved now, as if she is really a hooligan, I really don't understand.

Ye Fei curled his mouth, washed his body casually, and left the hot spring with Qin Linglong after changing into dry clothes.

When Ye Fei and Qin Linglong rendezvous with Li Xuankong, Tang Yu and others looked at Ye Fei and Qing Linglong, with Mingwu expressions on their faces.

Ye Fei didn't bother to explain to these old drivers, as he didn't see it.

After jumping over a large mountain, Ye Fei and his party arrived at the Western Imperial City.

In the city, there are academies, workshops, shops, inns, restaurants, everything.

As night fell, the city was very lively.

Ye Fei and his party found an inn for dinner.

After dinner, the Poison King and the Evil Emperor proposed to play in the gambling shop. Originally, Li Xuankong and Lu Qinghong were unwilling to follow Ye Fei, but they were forcibly taken away by the Poison King and the others. Ye Fei and Qin Linglong were left behind.

"Linglong, the time is still there, why don't we go shopping on the street?" Ye Fei suggested.


Qin Linglong became excited when she heard that she was going to go shopping.

Ye Fei shook his head amused, and said to his heart, whether on the earth or in the real martial arts, women have a common hobby, that is, shopping.

The two of them walked on the street and attracted a lot of attention. After all, Qin Linglong's appearance is extremely rare in the Zhenwu world.

But when they saw Ye Fei, some men had disdain and jealousy in their eyes.

Ye Fei doesn't matter, anyway, as long as these guys don't provoke him, he doesn't need to bother with them.

Now, with the improvement of one's own cultivation base and strength, and after seeing many strong men, these ordinary warriors really can't enter Ye Fei's eyes.

Along the way, Qin Linglong was like letting herself go, wandering around and looking around, buying a lot of incense, hairpins, bracelets and other small things.

However, fortunately, Ye Fei has enough spiritual stones and space rings. Therefore, no matter what Qin Linglong likes, Ye Fei waved his hand very smartly: "Buy, buy, buy!"

Sure enough, the three words "buy, buy, buy" are all kills for any woman, and Qin Linglong's face is full of sweet smiles along the way.

However, Ye Fei also felt a rare ease, and his tight nerves were slightly relaxed.

Along the way, in addition to cultivation, I have also encountered a lot of troubles, big and small. Today, I finally have time to go shopping and feel the local customs.

The two walked along the wide street and stopped at a tailor's shop.

Qin Linglong blinked her big eyes, sweet and greasy: "Husband, shall we go in and have a look?"

"OK, no problem!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and led Qin Linglong into the women's tailor shop.

As soon as he entered the store, Ye Fei saw a lot of colorful skirts, most of which were designed to be out of the dust, but also classical and dignified, delicate and elegant.

A middle-aged male boss in the shop greeted him with a smile, and said: "Two guest officers, you can pick whatever you like. You can try it if you like!"

Qin Linglong smiled and looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Husband, how about you picking some for me?"

"Okay, no problem."

Ye Fei nodded, then walked around the shop, choosing a few dresses that fit Qin Linglong's style, and said, "Linglong, you can try these."

"Oh my god, this guest officer is really unique, this is a new product in our store, and only someone like you, guest officer, can pick it up at a glance!"

With a smile on his face, the boss slapped a flattery.

"Husband, let me try!"

Qin Linglong took the clothes happily, her eyes almost overflowing with honey.

"Go ahead."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, then sat on the chair outside and waited quietly.

After a while, Qin Linglong changed into a purple and red dress and walked out.

The fragrant shoulders are slightly exposed, and the waist is gripped. The perfectly tailored lines fit perfectly with the woman's figure, which is extremely charming.

Just changing a dress, a woman's style has changed.

"Husband, do I look good in this dress?"

Qin Linglong stroked her hair, pursed her lips and asked.

Before Ye Fei could speak, the boss beamed his eyes, clapped his hands and said, "Pretty! It's so beautiful!

Miss, this skirt is exactly tailor-made for you! "

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and said, "Sure enough, she is beautiful, she looks good in everything she wears, not bad."

When Qin Linglong heard this, her cheeks were flushed, and she was overjoyed.

She was naturally very happy to hear the people she liked boasting about herself.

"Then I will try a few more!" Qin Linglong said with a sweet smile.

"it is good."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

In the following time, Qin Linglong changed several clothes again, each with a different style.

Playful and cute, pure and elegant, charming and sexy, all styles are available.

Ye Fei couldn't help but sigh, Qin Linglong deserves to be everyone's lady, she is beautiful, and she has a good figure. What kind of clothes suits her.

Therefore, Ye Fei did not hesitate to compliment, anyway, accompany a woman to buy clothes, how to boast, he has already trained well.

After trying out the clothes, Qin Linglong asked again: "Husband, which one should I buy?"

"If you like it, then buy it all." Ye Fei said boldly and honestly.

"Husband, I love you the most!"

Qin Linglong was so happy that she fainted, hugging Ye Fei and kissing him on the face.

Seeing this scene, the boss on the side swallowed, envy, jealousy and hate.

After buying the clothes, Qin Linglong took Ye Fei's arm with a sweet look and walked out of the shop, whispering: "Husband, you are so kind, I really envy Sister Qingcheng and Sister Lan.

You must be so kind to them, right? "

Hearing the words "Qingcheng", Ye Fei couldn't help sighing deeply, with a trace of sadness on his face.

Thinking that he had been in Zhenwu Realm for several months, Ye Fei missed Gu Qingcheng and the others more and more.

When I was on the earth, I always wanted to do errands. I couldn't see women for ten and a half months, and I didn't think there was anything.

But after coming to a foreign land, Ye Fei knew what it was like to miss.

When I practiced and broke into the secret realm, I didn't feel anything, but once I relaxed, my thoughts surged like a flood, making Ye Fei suffer.

"Husband, what's wrong with you, did I say something wrong?"

Seeing Ye Fei's sad look on her face, Qin Linglong was really frightened, and asked carefully. .

"No, it's none of your business."

Ye Fei shook his head and sighed, "It's just that I haven't seen you for too long, I miss them a little..."

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