Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3320: , No peeking!

The door was pushed open, and a woman wearing a white silk nightdress with blue silk hanging down came in with a cup of coffee in her hand.

The woman has beautiful eyes that are as bright as autumn water, crooked moonbrows, long eyelashes, and plump and red lips. The temperament is like a fairy walking out of a scroll, super dusty and beautiful.

If it wasn't for a woman in this fashionable nightdress, someone would believe that she had traveled from ancient times.

Therefore, this woman is the Dugu Yiren.

Since the establishment of the Guwu Association, the Dugu Yiren not only took time to guide Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran and others in their practice, but also spent the rest of the time with Xiao Lengyu to take care of the affairs of the Guwu Association.

Dugu Yiren walked over and put a cup of coffee in front of Xiao Lengyu, and said, "Lengyu, why don't you sleep at this late hour? If you have anything, let's deal with it tomorrow."

Xiao Lengyu took a sip of coffee, shrugged his fragrant shoulders helplessly, and said, "I also want to rest early, but the Broken Sword Sect and the Diancang faction have had a lot of conflicts over the past two days, and they also said that they are offering to fight. Huashan, the other sects and warriors of the Guwu Association are panicking, so I have to deal with it as soon as possible, lest things get worse.

I thought that managing the Furutake Association would be the same as managing a company. It would be very simple, but I don’t know that it’s not the case at all..."

Dugu Yiren's face became cold, and said: "Whoever dares to make trouble, then kill whoever!"


Xiao Lengyu rolled his eyes cutely, and said in a funny way: "My sister Yiren, it would be nice if things were so simple.

Fighting and killing is not the solution. This will only intensify the contradiction. "


Dugu Yiren nodded and said: "Then what can I do to help?"

"If you need help, I will tell you." Xiao Lengyu replied.

Dugu Yiren let out an "um", then looked at Xiao Lengyu, and said, "Leng Yu, why are you so concerned about the Guwu Association?"

Xiao Lengyu sighed faintly, and said, "I just want to share some pressure for Ye Fei. The catastrophe in the future can't be countered by Ye Fei.

Therefore, I want to take advantage of this time to allow the Guwu Association to grow rapidly and select powerful warriors from it as the backbone of the future against the kingdom of the gods. "

Speaking of Ye Fei, the eyes of the two women were full of longing, and they smiled tacitly at each other.

Dugu Yiren looked at the sky outside the window, and said softly: "I don't know if Feier has lived in Zhenwu Realm well, how is his cultivation going..."

"Don't worry, that big gangster must have lived very well, so you don't have to worry about him."

With that said, Xiao Lengyu's conversation turned, and he picked up nice eyebrows, and said, "Iren, do you think that big gangster will provoke flowers everywhere in Zhenwu Realm?"

"have no idea."

Dugu Yiren shook his head.

"Hey, Yi Ren, you are his master, why don't you know him?" Xiao Lengyu said with plump red lips.

Dugu Yiren shook his head and said: "My understanding of Feier is limited to his childhood.

I think you should know Feier better now. "

"It's over!"

Xiao Lengyu patted the table and said angrily: "As far as I know him, he will definitely make trouble!

Maybe when he comes back then, he will definitely bring back several girls! "

Dugu Yiren said with a calm face: "As long as those women are really good to Feier and Feier likes them again, I don't think it's a big deal."


Xiao Lengyu said with a surprised look: "If Ye Fei brought back the P3, P4, P5, P6, wouldn't you be angry or jealous at all?"

"Why should you be angry and jealous?"

Dugu Yiren blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Xiao Lengyu.

Xiao Lengyu opened her beautiful eyes, stared at Dugu Yiren for a few seconds, then patted her white and clean forehead, and said, "Yes, you are a fairy, unlike us glamorous **** who eat grains... "


Dugu Yiren couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed.

Seeing Dugu Yiren smiling like this, let alone a man, even Xiao Lengyu couldn't move his eyes.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart that Ye Fei, a big hooligan, is really blessed. He has followed such a fairy since he was a child, so it's no wonder that his eyes are so picky.

Xiao Lengyu let out a sigh of relief and said, "Well, Yiren, you go to bed first, and I will go to bed when I'm done."

Dugu Yiren shook his head and said, "Forget it, if you don't sleep, I can't sleep either. Let's stay with you."

"it is good."

Xiao Lengyu nodded, smiling like a flower.

Zhenwu world.

As soon as time passed, five days passed.

Ye Fei and his party spent five days in the Western Imperial City. The first two days were used to relax, and the next three days were used to hurry up and start practicing.

In the evening, Ye Fei and his group finished their practice, returned to the inn, ate dinner, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Ye Fei took a shower in the bathroom and then lay on the bed wearing a pair of shorts.

Just when Ye Fei was about to go to bed, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


Ye Fei asked.

"Guest officer, it's me."

Xiao Er's voice came from outside.

"Is there a problem?"

Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"Guest officer, a guest asked me to send you a letter." Xiaoer replied.

"Send a letter?"

Ye Fei was shocked, then turned over and got out of bed and opened the door.

I saw that Xiao Er was standing at the door and handed a kraft paper envelope to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei glanced at the envelope, nothing was written on it, and he didn't know who sent it.

"Where is the sender?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"Guest, that person left after sending the letter." Xiaoer replied.

"I see, nothing is going on, thank you."

Ye Fei thanked him, turned and walked into the room, closing the door.

After entering the room, Ye Fei quickly opened the envelope and opened a folded letter paper inside.

However, when Ye Fei saw the content of the letter, his pupils shrank and his face suddenly changed!

The content of the letter is very simple: Mr. Ye, your master, Mr. Huatuo, the medical sage, is a guest in my wild empire. If you want to see him, you can come to the wild empire to find me. If you don't believe it or don't come, you will be at your own risk.

The inscriber is the wild emperor Tuotuan.

Ye Fei clenched his fist and his face sank.

I thought that after meeting in the tea house last time, Tuoba Ye shouldn't make any more ideas.

After all, since then, no one from the Wild Empire has come to trouble him.

Unexpectedly, this Tuobaye was still ambitious, either he didn't do it, and he did it with Thunder Wanjun, and even took away his master Hua Tuo.

And even threatened to let himself go to his base camp.

Ye Fei also knows what this Tuobanye means, he just wants Master and himself to work for him.

So, for now, Master should be safe.

However, if you don't go there, I'm afraid Master will be really in danger.

After dealing with Gongsun Mingjing and Ji Qingxuan, Ye Fei also clearly understood the coldness and ruthlessness of these emperors, who belonged to the kind of guy who would never give up until they reached their goals.

Therefore, even if this trip to the wild is a sea of ​​fierceness, one must go for it.

Hua Tuo and himself were both teachers and friends, and they were also people who pointed out the direction for him after he came to the real martial arts world.

However, when I thought that Tuoba Ye must be surrounded by masters like clouds, and he must have been violent, so Ye Fei didn't plan to tell Lu Qinghong and the others these things.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei condensed a flame of sword intent in his hand, burning the envelope and letter.

After that, Ye Fei got dressed, left the room, and came to the first floor of the inn.

"Xiao Er, can I trouble you with one thing."

After Ye Fei went downstairs, he stopped a junior.

"Guest, what's the matter, you say." Xiaoer said.

Ye Fei took out a small piece of spiritual stone and patted it in Xiao Er's hand, and said, "Xiao Er, please tell my friend tomorrow and say I'm out for errands and let them go directly to Baihu City to wait for me. I'll go to them after I'm done."

"Okay, guest officer, I will definitely bring your words."

Xiao Er nodded and agreed.

Ye Fei let out an "um" and walked directly out of the inn.

Thinking of the Wild Empire in the bitter cold land of Mobei, far away from the White Tiger Empire, if you set off now, at your own speed, I am afraid that you will not be able to arrive tomorrow night.

Therefore, you must hurry up and try to get there as soon as possible, so as not to change later.

"Master, here I am..."

Ye Fei let out a sigh of breath, and rushed towards the sky with his sword, and flew towards the north of Zhenwu Realm...

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