Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3321: ,I love you the most!

Wild empire.

The back garden of the palace.

Some cold-resistant flowers and plants are planted on all sides, the scenery is pleasant, and there are many rare and beasts in the animal pen.

A stone table in a garden, a small area illuminated by a prehistoric stone lamp.

At this time, the general palace eunuchs in the palace were cleared away, and even the guards had been ordered not to approach.

There were only two people sitting on either side of a stone table.

One of them was tall and large, nearly two meters tall, wearing a black fur trench coat, showing a broad and sturdy chest, a face like a knife, with a scar on the corner of his eye, looking very heroic and domineering.

This man is the wild emperor Tuobanyan.

Opposite Tuoba Ye, at this moment, was sitting an old man with gray hair and white beard, wearing a gray-white gown, with a red face and a spirited face, although he was getting older.

This old man is the medical saint Huatuo.

"Mr. Hua, don't worry about it, what's wrong with you working for my wild empire and for me?"

Tuoba Ye picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and said loudly: "My wild empire is vast and rich, with a large population and resources.

As long as you promise to work for me, I will give you endless glory and wealth. Moreover, if you want to make alchemy and want any rare herbs, I can get it for you. What's your dissatisfaction? "

Hua Tuo stared helplessly at Tuoba Ye, and said inexplicably, "Tuo Ba Ye, I said it a long time ago. I just want to be a mountain doctor and don’t want to interfere with the disputes between your empires, but why do you repeatedly Send someone to arrest me?"

Tuobaye picked up a wine flask made of pure gold and poured Hua Tuo a glass of wine. He smiled and said, "Mr. Hua, you know, I am always looking for talents and value talents.

And your medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and even the medical sage claims to be, I am afraid that any force will want to draw you to serve them.

As for me, I just did something they wanted to do but didn't dare to do. "

Hua Tuo's face became cold and he said, "Tuo Banye, I didn't promise you at all, but you sent someone to arrest me. You are a robbery at all. I am not ashamed of your behavior!"


Tuoba Yelang laughed, and said: "What about the behavior of robbers? The talents in this world have always been able to live!

Xuanyuan Zhantian and the others were actually very eager to win you over to serve them, but they couldn't let go of their arrogance and loftyness, so they didn't send anyone to arrest you.

But I am different. I don't pay attention to the rules and regulations of this world. I always do what I want and get what I want.

A masculine husband should stand upright and act recklessly. What kind of man is a mother-in-law? "

"You... your so-called recklessness is barbaric in my opinion!"

Hua Tuo was trembling with anger, and said: "Tuo Baye, I tell you, even if you arrest me, you don't want me to do alchemy for you, cure your sickness and save others!!!"

Tuoba Ye played with the wine glass in his hand, squinted his eyes, and said, "Mr. Hua, don't say it too early. Although you don't want to work for me now, you might change your mind in the future..."


Hua Tuo said angrily: "If you force me, I will take poison and kill myself!"

"Mr. Hua, don't be angry. If you have something to talk about, don't commit suicide at every turn."

Tuoba Ye laughed, and then turned around and said: "Old Mr. Hua, I heard that you have an apprentice named Ye Fei, right?"

When Hua Tuo heard this, his face changed slightly, and he pretended to be confused and said: "I have always been a person, where's my apprentice? Also, who is this Ye Fei?"

Tuobaye stared at Hua Tuo with a smile, and said: "Old Mr. Hua, my people have already inquired it out clearly. Even if you deny it, it's useless.

Moreover, I have sent someone to send a letter to Ye Fei. What do you think he would do if he knew that you were with me? "

Hua Tuo was furious and roared: "Tuo Banye, what do you want to do?!"

"Mr. Hua, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Tuoba Ye took a sip of wine and slowly said, "Mr. Hua, you are a talent, and that kid Ye Fei is also a talent.

I think you should already know that now that kid's fame has spread throughout the real martial arts world. Countless young warriors regard him as an idol, and countless forces want to win him over.

I went to meet him a long time ago and also expressed my desire to win him over. It's just that the kid refused me in the end.

I was really angry at the time, and I wished to kill him directly... Why would he refuse me with a stinky hairy boy? Where did he have the confidence?

However, it is precisely because of his frankness and directness that I admire him more, so I didn't kill him.

Since that meeting, everything this kid has done has opened my eyes!

He not only passed the trial of the mysterious realm, but also got the best result in the secret realm!

Later, he confronted the masters of the Eight Martial Schools alone, and successively beheaded seven powerful men from the Divine Martial Realm to the Primordial Realm, and saved Fengming Temple!

It was precisely because of that battle that his name spread throughout the Zhenwu world and became the "sword god" in everyone's hearts!

And recently, this kid passed the trial of the Suzaku Secret Realm again and won the first prize in one fell swoop!

This kid has been making progress, and he has made rapid progress. He can definitely be called the first genius in the real martial arts for thousands of years!

For such a genius, how can I not be tempted?

Therefore, the military division helped me think of this method. As long as Mr. Hua is in my hands, that kid will definitely be controlled by me, obediently listen to my words and work for me! "

Hua Tuo's old face flushed, staring at Tuoba Ye, and said every word: "You are really mean!"

"What's wrong with being mean, as long as I can achieve my goal, regardless of people and things, I'm happy to do it!"

Tuoba Ye replied with a smile.


Hua Tuo snorted coldly and said, "That kid Ye Fei has a strong personality, and no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

You do this and want him to work for you. I think you are just dreaming. "

Tuobaye frowned, and said, "If you can persuade him not to listen, then I have to use force to make him surrender to me.

No matter how strong he is now, he won't be my opponent at all. "

Hua Tuo said with a sarcasm: "You dignified and wild emperor, a strong man who has been famous for a long time, but you want to do something to a younger generation, aren't you afraid of people laughing at it?"

"Mr. Hua, I just said that as long as the goal can be achieved, I don't mind using any means."

Tuobaye said lightly, and then said: "Well, Mr. Hua, take a good rest tonight, maybe you can meet your apprentice tomorrow!"

After speaking, Tuoba Ye drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then said loudly: "Come here!"

The voice fell.

I saw that two tall guards guarding outside the back garden jumped over the high courtyard wall and quickly came to Tuoba Ye.

"What is the emperor's order?"

The two guards knelt down on one knee.

"Take Mr. Hua back to the room to rest." Tuoba said wildly.

"Yes, the Great!"

The two guards responded.

"Mr. Hua, please!"

A guard gestured to please.


Hua Tuo stood up, flicked his sleeves at Tuoba Ye, and then left the back garden with the two guards.

After the guards and Hua Tuo left, Tuoba Ye stood up, with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the bright moon in the sky, silent for a long time.

After a long time.

"Ye Fei, I'm waiting for you to come here..."

Tuoba Ye murmured something, his eyes flickered...


Early the next morning.

White Tiger Empire, Western Imperial City, Tianfeng Inn.

Because it was agreed that they would practice every day during this period, Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others got up early.

In the past, Ye Fei was the first to get up, and then asked the inn to prepare breakfast and wait for everyone.

But today, Qin Linglong and others came to the lobby on the first floor but did not see Ye Fei's person.

"Hey, how about Fei's people, aren't they still sleeping?"

Tang Yu glanced around and asked.

"I'll get my husband to get up."

Qin Linglong said something, and then came to the door of the room where Ye Fei lived on the fifth floor.

"Husband, get up soon, after breakfast, we are going to practice!"

Qin Linglong shouted as she knocked on the door.

However, there was no response in the room.

What's the matter, isn't your husband in the room?

Qin Linglong frowned, then opened the door and walked in.

After looking around in the room, Ye Fei's person was not found.

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