Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3323: , Letter from midnight!

Ye Fei smiled. When he was about to leave, suddenly, there was a commotion in the distance.

I saw a group of soldiers wearing armor and holding spears in front of them.

Looking at the white tiger totems carved on the armors of these soldiers, they are the soldiers of the White Tiger Empire.

Several of the soldiers were riding tall horses with a horn on their heads. Other soldiers who did not ride horses rushed into shops, and some were yelling in front of small vendors, causing them to jump. , I don't know what I'm doing.

Ye Fei was eating the buns while asking the braided man who sold the buns: "Boss, what are these soldiers doing?"

The braided man smiled bitterly, and said, "Guest, these are all soldiers of the White Tiger Empire. They come to the market every month to collect protection fees from door to door, saying that we are protected by them and must pay.

If they don't pay the protection fee, they will blast away the people doing business here. "

Ye Fei frowned, "Do you have to pay it every month?"


The old man in the shop walked out and sighed: "Brother, you don't know anything. Except for the White Tiger Empire's military masters who will collect protection fees, the Azure Dragon Empire's military masters will also come to collect it every month. .

This market used to be very busy and lively, but many people were really overwhelmed, so they left. "

Ye Fei's face sank and said, "Isn't this a bandit behavior, why don't you resist?"

The old man said bitterly: "Brother, these army masters not only hold heavy soldiers, but they are all warriors. They kill a person in this border area as simple as killing a chicken and a dog. How can ordinary people like us dare to resist!"

"Then why don't you tell them the person above?" Ye Fei asked.

"It's useless! The people above them also turned one eye and closed one eye on this matter. It's acquiescence!" The old man replied.

Just as Ye Fei was talking, two soldiers with long spears and sabers dangling from their waists walked over.

One of the soldiers stepped forward and took out a steamed bun from the steamer. While eating, he said arrogantly: "We have collected protection fees. Get the money out!"

"Yes, wait a minute for the two military masters!"

The braided man nodded and said something, then took out a small bag of spirit stones from the shop.

Another soldier stepped forward, snatched the bag from the braided man, and counted it.

Soon, the soldier stretched out his hand directly, grabbed the collar of the braided man, and shouted, "Are you **** kidding me? It's 100 pebbles a month, how come you get 50 pebbles?!"

"Junye, the business is not good this month, we only have so many!" The braided man said in tears.

"Yes, Jun Ye, you can do it, and when we make enough money next month, we will make up for this month!"

The old man also hurriedly followed the sentence.

"Don't give me any nonsense! You must pay a hundred shi today, otherwise, don't even think about opening your shop!" the soldier said viciously.

"Junye, we really don't have any money. I beg you to be open!" The old man begged for mercy with red eyes.

Another soldier who was eating steamed buns came over, looked greedily on the woman, and smiled evilly: "If you can't pay, let this woman go to the barracks to accompany us for two days!"

With that, the soldier walked towards the woman.

The woman was so frightened that Huarong was pale, and she quickly took a few steps back.

"Military Lord, this is my wife, you can't do this!"

The braided man quickly stood in front of the soldier.

"Go away! I'm playing with your wife!"

The soldier yelled, and directly stretched out his hand to overthrow the braided man to the ground.

"Military Lord, please spare my daughter-in-law! Please!"

The old man couldn't help his son either, and quickly stood in front of the soldiers.


The soldier directly raised his hand and overturned the old man to the ground, and then continued to walk towards the woman.

"Military master, don't, don't be like this, I beg you!"

The woman backed away in fright, tears streaming out of her eyes.

Soldier Lang smiled and said, "Beauty, come back to the barracks with us, we promise to feed you!"

However, just as the soldier was about to reach out to grab the woman's hand, an indifferent voice came.

"Others have already paid, and you are still so aggressive, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Who the **** is talking?"

The soldier turned his head and looked over.

The onlookers all around took a step back in fright.


Ye Fei ate the buns and walked over.

Originally, Ye Fei didn't want to worry about this nosy, but the two soldiers really did a little too much.

The soldier stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and said, "Smelly boy, stay cool wherever you go, don't be damned!"

Ye Fei took a bite of the bun, glanced at the soldier faintly, and said, "If you don't want to die, you can quickly return the money to the family, and then get out..."

Hearing this, the expressions of the two soldiers instantly solidified, and even the other nearby passerby vendors looked at Ye Fei nervously.

The soldier stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and said coldly, "Boy, do you know who we are?!"

"of course I know."

Ye Fei nodded, "Aren't they just a group of beasts in armor?"

"You **** want to die!!"

The soldier was furious, and he reached out to grab Ye Fei's collar.

However, as soon as the soldier stretched out his hand, Ye Fei protruded out like lightning with his free left hand, directly buckled the soldier's wrist, and then twisted his backhand!


The sound of bone cracks resounded!

Immediately, Ye Fei kicked the soldier's chest directly!

With a muffled "bang", the soldier flew upside down 20 meters away, and then fell heavily to the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, and passed out directly!

The whole process takes less than a second!

The onlookers and nearby people were shocked when they saw this scene!

Especially the other soldier with the money bag in his hand was shocked!

Although they are just ordinary soldiers, their cultivation base is also a Nirvana Realm Xiaocheng, let alone ordinary people, even a bunch of warriors can't help them!

But he didn't expect this seemingly thin, ordinary man to solve his companion with one move. The key is that he hasn't seen this man use his cultivation base!

"What are you doing?!"

At this moment, a few soldiers riding high-headed horses came over, and the soldiers who collected protection fees from other places also ran over when they heard the movement here.

When they saw the soldier who vomited blood and passed out, their expressions suddenly changed, full of surprise!

"Who did it?!"

The burly middle-aged man, wearing gray armor, thin cheeks, and a mustache, roared.

"Master school lieutenant, this kid did it!"

The soldier who had been scared silly rushed over and pointed a finger at Ye Fei.

The school lieutenant riding on the unicorn said in a deep voice, "What the **** is going on?"

The soldier hurriedly replied: "Lord Captain, we were originally collecting protection fees, but this kid came up to stop and asked us to return the money we collected. We didn't want to, so he fought!"

After hearing what the soldier said, the captain turned his head and looked at Ye Fei condescendingly, with a gloomy expression: "Boy, don't you know how to write the word ‘death’? You dare to beat me?"

Ye Fei looked at the captain with interest, and smiled and said, "How to write dead words? Would you like to teach me?"



"Fucky boy, would you dare to talk to our captain like this, looking for death?!"

The captain hadn't spoken yet, but a group of soldiers shouted loudly.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded. They had never seen anyone dared to confront these army masters like this.

After all, in this border area, these army masters are heaven, burning, killing, looting, and doing no evil, no one dares to disobey them.

"Interestingly, this is the first time anyone dared to speak to me like this in this border zone! You are the first, but you will also be the last!

However, rest assured, I will not let you die so easily. I will use all the torture on you and slowly torture you to death! "

The school lieutenant said coldly, and then he waved his hand directly, "Take this kid away for me!!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of soldiers rushed towards Ye Fei, preparing to catch Ye Fei.

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