Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3324: , Recklessly!

However, as soon as the group of soldiers rushed over, Ye Fei's figure flashed, like a sudden electric jump over the heads of the group of soldiers, and then swept towards the captain who was riding on the horse!

Seeing Ye Fei rushing towards him, the captain was shocked by Ye Fei's speed!

His face was startled, and he was about to draw his sword and stab Ye Fei!

However, as soon as his hand touched the hilt of the sword, Ye Fei stuck out his left hand like a dragon's claw, clasped the captain's wrist, and then slammed it!

With a "boom", the captain fell heavily to the ground and screamed!

Immediately, Ye Fei turned over and landed steadily. With a "pop", one foot was stepped on the captain's chest!

This unpredictable speed stunned all the soldiers present, like petrified!

You know, their school lieutenant's cultivation base is in the reincarnation realm, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even resist, and he was stepped on by this young boy!


However, these soldiers soon recovered from their shock and yelled at Ye Fei!

"Hurry up and let go of our captain!"

"If you don't let anyone go, be careful that we are not polite to you!"

"Boy, we are from Huben camp. If you dare to mess around, our general Huben will never let you go!"

Ye Fei glanced at these soldiers coldly, and said in a shock: "You put on this armor to protect the environment and the people, not for the people!"

The school captain wanted to struggle to get up, but he couldn't get rid of it at all. He felt his chest was held down by a big mountain, and it was difficult to breathe!

He gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Smelly boy, do you dare to do this to me, you are dead, our Huben Camp will not let you go!!"


Ye Fei shouted and stepped on it!

Only a crisp sound was heard, the armor on the captain's body was directly trampled to pieces, and all the bones in his chest were trampled off!


The captain spit out a gulp of blood, and after a while, he died!

Suddenly, the scene fell silent, and the needle drop was audible!

Everyone looked at Ye Fei, their eyes were full of horror!


"It's killing! It's killing!"

After the scene was quiet for a while, the onlookers screamed in horror.

Although there are always people who die here, but they rarely see Ye Fei killing people so directly, so they are naturally scared.

"You... how dare you kill someone..."

A group of soldiers looked at Ye Fei with pale faces, and they were trembling with fright.

Ye Fei didn't use any cultivation base, and directly relied on the strength of his body to trample their captain to death. This kind of terrifying guy was not something they could afford.

However, Ye Fei didn't speak, and they didn't dare to leave, so they could only stand here stupidly.

Ye Fei lifted his foot away from the captain, then glanced at the soldiers on the scene, and said indifferently: "Return the money you scavenge to these people quickly. If you don't return it, this will be your fate..."

Hearing this, these soldiers hurriedly threw their money bags on the ground, and then hurriedly ran away carrying the body of the captain and the soldier who had passed out.

When the soldiers left, the owners of the stalls and shopkeepers all knelt down to Ye Fei.

"Thank you, benefactor! Thank you, benefactor!"

"Thank you for your great kindness, we are unforgettable!"

"We have been oppressed for so many years, and no one has ever helped us. We will always remember your kindness!"

Seeing these people kneeling toward them with gratitude, Ye Fei was also embarrassed.

It is not easy for these ordinary people to live in this war, but these soldiers still oppress them, which makes them miserable.

Actually, I didn't do anything. I just went through here and helped them to get justice. They were so grateful and Dade, which also shows that these ordinary people are indeed being pressed too hard.

"Benefactor, although you have done justice for us, but you killed their captain, they will definitely not give up, you should go quickly!" The braided man walked up, worried.

Others present also persuaded Ye Fei to leave quickly and not stay here.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of this one person today, and I will definitely not hurt you!"

"Benefactor, what are you talking about? We just hope you don't fall into their hands. Otherwise, you will definitely not end well!"

"Yes, benefactor, run away quickly, the farther you can escape, the better!"

The people present persuaded you with a word and a word, and their eyes were full of worry.

"Then if I leave, will they vent their anger on you?" Ye Fei frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, benefactor, although they search our money and supplies, they still dare not kill people indiscriminately.

After all, there are people from every empire here. If they dare to kill people indiscriminately, they will undoubtedly provoke a large-scale war. This is not what any empire wants to see now. "The braided man said.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll leave first, everyone take care!"

Ye Fei nodded, sighed, and agreed.

After all, I just passed by here, so I helped a bit. The real purpose was to find the dignitaries of the Wild Emperor, so naturally I wouldn't stay here too much.

Of course, if those guys are still ignorant of current affairs, they will come to trouble themselves, and I don't mind getting rid of them.

"Benefactor, take care!"

"Benefactor, go slowly!"

Everyone cast a grateful look at Ye Fei and respectfully sent Ye Fei.

Ye Fei did not continue to stay either, but directly charged his sword into the sky and swept towards the wild empire!

This bazaar is only a dozen miles away from the Barbarian King City of the Wild Empire, which is not far away.

Therefore, Ye Fei was not particularly anxious, but ate the remaining steamed buns to replenish his strength.

Of course, Ye Fei also deliberately slowed down, just waiting for those guys to move rescue soldiers.

As a result, when Ye Fei Yujian flew five or six miles away, suddenly, there was a vigorous shock from behind!


As soon as Ye Fei turned around, he saw a group of soldiers in armor coming towards the sky on his side, vaguely looking, there were about a few hundred people!

Among them is a middle-aged man with a height of over 1.9 meters and a burly and majestic figure!

This man was wearing a silver-white armor, with a roaring tiger head carved on his chest armor, holding two copper whips in both hands, majestic, very imposing!

Seeing this group of people, Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sarcasm.

These guys came pretty fast.

As for how many of them there are, Ye Fei didn't care about it at all.

The cultivation base of the middle-aged man who took the lead was also Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm.

With his current strength, it may take a little effort to deal with this middle-aged man, but other people can kill him in seconds.

The middle-aged man stepped forward, looked at Ye Fei coldly, and said, "Boy, the one who killed me still wants to run?"

"If I really want to run, you won't be able to stop me at all. Am I waiting for you?"

Ye Fei faintly replied, and then said: "I killed a school lieutenant just now, what official position are you?"

"I'm Huangfujin, General of the White Tiger Empire, Tiger Ben Camp!"

The middle-aged man responded with a loud voice, and then said with an arrogant expression: "I have five hundred elites here. If you want to escape, you can't do it!

So, I now give you a chance, if you apologize, I can still leave a whole body!

Otherwise, I will leave you dead! "

"Well, you deserve to be a general, but the tone is quite big."

Ye Fei jokingly smiled, then hooked his finger, and said, "Aren't you trying to kill me for revenge? Come on, let's go together, I'm in a hurry."

"Vertical arrogant!!"

Huang Fujin was furious and waved his hand, "Kill!!"

At any rate, he is also the soldier who killed the enemy on the battlefield.

The one hundred elite soldiers who took the lead with their cultivation bases in the Imperial God Realm Xiaocheng directly held long spears and rushed towards Ye Fei Kuang!

With a move of Ye Fei's heart, the five-burst sword intent burst out instantly, rushing out of his body!

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