Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3325: , Xiongtu domineering!

In an instant, thousands of golden and red flame giant swords appeared in the entire sky, like tens of thousands of cold stars, standing proudly in the sky!

The powerful sword intent spread out, covering the entire sky, making everyone present feel the fear of suffocation!

"This...what is this?!"

"What a powerful sword intent..."

"What kind of cultivation is this kid, why is there such a powerful pressure and aura?!"

A hundred elite soldiers rushed halfway, and then stopped directly, not daring to approach Ye Fei at all.

At this time, Huang Fujin glanced at the tens of thousands of golden flame giant swords above, and her heart trembled, "The king's sword intent... is actually the king's sword intent?!"

He didn't expect that the man in front of him was a sword repairer, and he was still a powerful sword repairer who understood the king's sword intent!

However, in this entire True Martial Realm, there are only a few people who understand the sword intent of the king, but how can this kid understand the sword intent of the king? !

"Quick, fast back!"

Huangfujin couldn't think too much, and shouted at the hundred elite soldiers rushing in front.

Those one hundred soldiers also recovered from their shock, and they prepared to retreat from the sky!

However, Ye Fei did not give them a chance to retreat, but waved his hand gently!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords burst out of the air, like a meteorite falling from the sky. One part pierced toward the hundred elite soldiers, and the other part pierced toward Huang Fujin and the other four hundred soldiers. !

"Beast blood is boiling! Defense!!"

Huang Fu Jin burst out, mobilizing all the true power in his body in an instant, and then waved his right arm!

In an instant, a white golden mask appeared and enveloped Huang Fujin and the 400 elite soldiers behind!

Streams of light flashed on the defensive shield, as if forming a defensive fortress, flashing dazzling light in the sun!

As for the other hundred elite soldiers, because they were far apart, they had no time to retreat into the defensive mask!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Tens of thousands of golden-red flame swords fell between the lightning and flint, and the one hundred elite soldiers closest to Ye Fei were suddenly broken to pieces, blood was spilled, and there was no bones left!

Seeing this scene, Huang Fujin and the four hundred elite soldiers who were in the defensive shield were all trembling with fright, their faces pale!

A hundred elite soldiers were killed in seconds!

Is this the king's sword intent, too scary, right? !

However, without waiting for Huangfujin and the others to think about it, the remaining golden-red flame giantsword hit the white-gold defensive mask heavily, spurring a circle of golden-red and white-gold apertures, just like Fireworks bloom!

However, this white-gold aperture only lasted for a few seconds, and then heard the crackling sound of "click, click", like a spider web, cracking cracks!

Seeing this scene, the four hundred elite soldiers were so frightened that they trembled all over, feeling that death was so imminent!

They never expected that the general's absolute defense would be so vulnerable!

Even Huangfujin was so scared that she was sweating!

Immediately afterwards, only a frantic "bang" was heard. After all, this layer of defensive mask did not resist for long, and it fell apart!

Without the resistance of the defensive mask, the remaining tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords are like broken bamboo, crushing towards Huang Fujin and the other four hundred elite soldiers!

Faced with the bombardment of these thousands of giant swords, Huang Fujin didn't dare to hold it big, and directly mobilized his vigorous real power, and also mobilized the power of blood!

Suddenly, Huangfujin's eyes were blazing with white light, and the whole body was emitting white gold light, and a huge white gold tiger phantom appeared above him!

"The white tiger roars!!"

Accompanied by Huang Fujin's burst of shout, this white tiger phantom opened its mouth in the blood basin directly, revealing its sharp fangs, and let out a loud scream!


I saw that the sound waves like tigers roaring in the mountains and forests formed a circle of white gold waves, bombarding towards the tens of thousands of golden red flame giant swords in the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Tens of thousands of golden and red flames collided with white-gold sound waves, making waves of thunderous roars, spurring sword intent and sound waves!

The four hundred elite soldiers in the rear hurriedly resisted, and were still affected by the energy contained in the sword intent and sound waves, their blood tumbling, and their scalp numb!

Some of the soldiers with low cultivation base couldn't help but spew out blood!

Less than a few seconds later, when the light in the sky disappeared, I saw that the white tiger phantom disappeared in the sky, and the tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords also disappeared!

A look of surprise flashed in Ye Fei's eyes. He didn't expect that Huangfujin's tiger roar could crush his sword intent!

Although he only used the five-strike sword intent, Ye Fei was still shocked!

It seems that this Huangfujin should be a member of the Baihu clan, and he has also awakened the power of the bloodline, otherwise the power he displayed would not be so strong!

Huangfujin laughed wildly and said, "Boy, even if you understand the sword intent of the king? The blood of my white tiger clan is not a vegetarian!"

As he said, Huangfu Jin's figure flashed, with violent speed and strength in his body, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing towards Ye Fei!

"Go to hell!!"

At the moment when he was close to Ye Fei, Huang Fujin directly waved the double whip in his hand, condensing the mighty true power and the power of blood, as if flashing platinum lightning in the air, smashing down at Ye Fei!

However, at the moment when this pair of whips smashed, Ye Fei just lifted his right hand, condensing a golden-red flame giant sword, randomly moving upwards!

"Kang Dang" rang, sparks splashed, sword intent and whip intent burst out!

No matter how strong Huangfujin's power was, it was still easily blocked by Ye Fei!


Huangfujin's face changed, and she was stunned!

He has awakened the power of the bloodline, his power is fierce and violent, but he did not expect that the power of this kid is not weaker than his own? !

"Aren't you just such a bit of strength?"

Ye Fei looked at Huangfujin calmly, and replied faintly.

After all, he was going to break into the Baihu mystery soon, and Huangfu Jin happened to be a member of the Baihu clan, so he could just practice his hands, and it would be considered to accumulate some experience.

If he really showed his true strength, this guy couldn't stop it at all.

"Boy! You are less proud!!"

Huang Fujin flushed, shouted angrily, volleyed, and with a real power and bloodline power on one foot, a platinum lightning bolt was drawn in the air, and he kicked Ye Fei's head fiercely!

This kick is extremely powerful, enough to kick a heavy steel plate!

In Huangfujin's view, even though Ye Fei is a powerful sword repairman, his fist skills are definitely not strong!

Therefore, he felt that he could defeat Ye Fei with his physical advantage!

However, at the moment Huangfujin kicked it, Ye Fei just lifted his left hand slightly, and with a bang, he easily blocked it again!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Huangfujin looked shocked, cold sweat broke out on her forehead unconsciously!

Isn't this kid a sword repairer? Why is his physical fitness so strong, not only blocked his own heavy kick, but also unscathed? !

"Are you going to compete with me?"

Ye Fei jokingly smiled and said, "I'll tell you, I actually like the thrill of punching the flesh better than using a sword!"

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei made a fist with his left hand. It was a punch in the air, and he blasted a punch directly at Huangfujin's chest!

boom! !

A punch was blasted, the muscles agitated, the sword intent, true power and physical strength instantly condensed on the fist, and then burst out!

Huangfujin's face changed drastically. He clearly felt the horror of Ye Fei's punch. If he was hit, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

He gritted his teeth and quickly set up his arms to resist!

Bang! ! ——

Accompanied by a dull tremor, Huangfujin screamed "Ah" in pain, and was directly beaten into the air, flying upside down for a hundred meters, only then barely stabilized her body!

Click! Click! !

With a crisp sound, I saw that the armguards made of black iron on Huangfujin's arms broke and fell off!

The skin of Huangfujin's smashed arms was cracked, blood was flowing, and even his bones were cracked. The pain in his heart made him take a breath!

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