Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3326: , Clever takeover!

Huangfu Jin was shocked!

You know, since the awakening of the power of the bloodline, whether it is strength, speed, or physical fitness, he has been qualitatively changed and strengthened!

Unexpectedly, this kid broke his body with a simple punch!

Who the **** is this kid?

How could strength be so terrifying? !

Ye Fei smiled and looked at Huangfujin, and said, "What's the matter, is this surrendering?"

"Give up? Impossible!!"

Huangfu Jin shouted angrily, mobilized all the true power and bloodline power, and then endured the pain of the heart, and slammed the double whip!

"The tiger goes down the mountain! The world is torn apart!!"

Accompanied by Huang Fujin's roar, I saw that there were huge white tiger phantoms instantly around Ye Fei, reaching hundreds of them!

This majestic white tiger phantom opened its mouth wide, waving sharp claws, and rushing towards Ye Fei!

Moreover, these hundreds of white tigers rushed forward, and the sky brought out a row of white gold thunder and lightning, like a current mad snake, attacking and killing Ye Fei together!

"The general is mighty and domineering!!"

"Dare to fight against the general, this kid is dead!!"

Seeing this scene, the four hundred elite soldiers cheered excitedly!

However, Ye Fei, standing in mid-air, saw this scene, shook his head and sighed, and said: "General Huangfu, it seems that you have only this strength. I thought I could play for a while, now I see, forget it……"

When Huang Fujin heard this, she sneered again and again, thinking that Ye Fei was pretending to be forced!

This one of his own trick is one of his own ultimate moves. After being polished on the battlefield, it not only has strong lethality, but also has a large area of ​​damage. If a warrior of the same level can't hold it, there is only one dead end!

However, the next second, what shocked Huangfujin was that Ye Fei suddenly burned with a fiery golden red flame, and the sword intent contained in it was more than a hundred times more terrifying than just now!

Under what circumstances, didn't this kid use his true strength just now? !

However, without waiting for him to think about it, that violent golden-red sword-inspired flame rushed out of Ye Fei's body, like a sea of ​​fire, directly rushing the white tiger illusion and platinum thunder with hundreds of heads. Lightning swallowed, crushed!

For a moment, the sky was completely ignited by the golden red sword intent flame, the flame was blazing, the sword intent raged wildly, and Ye Fei could not be seen clearly!

Upon seeing this scene, Huangfujin and the four hundred elite soldiers were completely sluggish, feeling the blood flow stopped and their bodies stiff!

At this time, Huangfujin's attention was all in the burning sword intent in the sky above...

He suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and when he raised his eyes again, Ye Fei had already arrived in front of him, and the golden-red flame giant sword in his hand had reached a position one centimeter in front of his throat!

The sword intent that spread from the sword cut away blood stains on the skin of his neck and face, and the blood spilled out, stinging and burning!


Huangfujin's eyes widened, his face was as gray as death, and a deep fear filled his heart. His body couldn't stop trembling, as if his soul was about to get out of his body!

The four hundred elite soldiers around saw this scene, all of them sweated like rain, trembling all over, their bodies stiff!

You know, Huangfujin is like a **** of war in their hearts, charging and engulfing on the battlefield is simply unstoppable. Taking the enemy's head from thousands of miles away is like trying to get something!

Unexpectedly, such a powerful General Huangfu would be subdued without even touching the hair of this young man!

Huangfujin turned pale, looked at Ye Fei, and said with a trembling voice: "Who is your Excellency? Even if it is dead, let me know a little bit more!"

"What do you think?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly, then asked.

Huangfu Jin's brows jumped, and suddenly something came to mind!

Although he has been guarding the frontier, he has also heard a legend from the Zhenwu world during this time!

It is said that during this period, a young genius Jianxiu was born, defeating the eight major sects, beheading several powerful men, and saving Fengming Temple from the water and fire!

The world calls this young swordsman the sword god!

Could it be... Could it be that this young man was the sword **** who was famous for real martial arts during this time? !

Thinking of this, Huangfu Jin swallowed his throat, and asked in a trembling voice, "Could it be... Your Excellency is the sword **** now known as Zhenwu?!"

Ye Fei curled his lips and smiled: "General Huangfu, if there is no second sword **** in this true martial world, then the sword **** in your mouth should be me."

As soon as this remark came out, Huangfu Jin was shocked and trembling all over, begging for mercy: "Huangfu Jin paid homage to the Lord Sword God. It was me who was reckless and smashed your Lord Sword God. I hope you will spare my life!"

"Meet the Lord of Sword God!!"

After learning the identity of Ye Fei, the other four hundred elite soldiers hurriedly arched their hands, bent over and lowered their heads.

Naturally, they had also heard of Ye Fei's legend. When they learned that Ye Fei was the now-famous Sword God, they all froze with fright.

Ye Fei originally wanted to kill Huangfujin with a sword, but then he thought, if Huangfujin was killed, it would only help the group of people temporarily, but there will be a second Huangfujin coming out and continue to fish. People, this can't solve the fundamental problem.

Since I chose to intervene in this matter, good people should do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

So Ye Fei retracted the sword, stared at Huangfujin, and said coldly: "If you promise me one thing, I can spare your life!"

Huangfu Jin's head buried lower, and respectfully said: "Your Sword God, as long as you can spare my life, I will say one thing, and I will promise a hundred things!"

"From today, you Hubenying will not allow the people who do business on the fish and meat borders, and return all the money previously searched to the people, can you agree?" Ye Fei asked indifferently.

Huangfu Jin nodded repeatedly and said, "Your Excellency Sword God, I will definitely follow your request!"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Huangfujin, what I want to see is actual action, just talk!

In the future, I will come to the border from time to time. If you let me know that you are still a fisherman, then I will kill you! "

"Yes! Yes! Don't worry, Lord Sword God, I will do what you want!" Huangfu Jin said with cold sweat on her body and hurriedly said.

"I heard that the soldiers stationed on the border of the Azure Dragon Empire will go to the border market every month to search for the people's money, right?" Ye Fei asked.

"Yes, Lord Sword God."

Huangfujin nodded.

"Who is the leader?" Ye Fei asked.

"It's Flying Dragon General Xuanyuan Wenbin of Qinglong Camp!" Huang Fujin replied.

"Call him here, I have something to tell him." Ye Fei said.


Huangfu Jin nodded, and then a group of platinum real power condensed in his hand, and he shot out toward the sky!

Suddenly, this platinum true power condensed into a roaring tiger head in the air!

The tiger's head lasted for a full minute, then disappeared.

Ye Fei took a look, and felt clear. It seemed that this roaring tiger's head should be a signal for the connection between Hubenying and Qinglongying.

Sure enough, he waited more than ten minutes.

I saw that the breath of warriors swept from a distance, Ye Fei looked up and saw a group of soldiers in armor coming from the sky in the distance!

The leader was a middle-aged man with a height of over 1.85 meters. Although the man was not as tall as Huangfujin, he had a strong stature. He was wearing a black and gold battleship and holding a black mysterious iron spear. He was quite imposing!

This person's cultivation is the same as Huangfu Jin, who is also Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm, and should be Xuanyuan Wenbin!

"Huangfujin, why did you call me here? Do you want to discuss with me again?"

Xuanyuan Wenbin arrived in an instant with a group of soldiers, and said to Huang Fujin arrogantly.

Huangfu Jin coldly snorted, and said, "Xuanyuan Wenbin, I'll talk about it later, now it's not me looking for you, but the Lord Sword God looking for you!"

"Your Lord Sword God?"

Xuanyuan Wenbin raised his brows, "Which Sword God Lord?"

"The one in front of you is the Lord of the Sword God who has recently defeated the eight martial sects and is famous for Zhenwu!"

Huangfu Jin introduced Ye Fei respectfully.

Xuanyuan Wenbin and the dozens of soldiers he brought with him were taken aback, and then burst into laughter!

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