Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3327: , I'm in a hurry!


"It's funny to me, this kid doesn't have all the hair, so he dared to pretend to be the Lord of the Sword God, is it funny?"

"The Lord of Sword God is now in the world and wiped out the seven great masters of the Divine Martial Realm and the powerhouses of the Primordial Realm of the Eight Sects. Is it something I can just see casually?"

"It is said that the Lord of Sword God is the ruthless person who got the three top secretaries of Phoenix, Xuanwu, and Suzaku! If this stinky kid is the Lord of Sword God, it will be no problem for me to take off my clothes and run around the border!"

"If he is the Sword God, then I will still be the Ten Saints and Five Emperors!"

Xuanyuan Wenbin and the soldiers were full of cynicism, and no one believed Huangfujin's words at all.

Huangfujin and the four hundred elite soldiers he brought in mourned for Xuanyuan Wenbin and others in their hearts, and hoped that Ye Fei would give a lesson to these gangsters.

Hearing Xuanyuan Wenbin's cynicism, Ye Fei didn't change his face, just smiled faintly, and said, "General Xuanyuan, listening to you say this, it makes you feel like you have seen the Sword God?

Also, why do you think I am not a sword god? "

Xuanyuan Wenbin looked at Ye Fei with a ironic smile, and said, "Okay, kid, don't pretend to be in front of me. If you are the Sword God, I can kneel and kowtow to you!

Only an idiot like Huangfujin will believe you, I don't believe it! "

After speaking, Xuanyuan Wenbin squinted Huangfujin and said, "Huangfujin, I still have to train my soldiers. I don't have the time to accompany you here to see a fake sword god!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, "Brothers, go!"

"and many more."

Ye Fei stopped Xuanyuan Wenbin and the others, and said indifferently, "I didn't seem to let you go."

Xuanyuan Wenbin turned his head and said fiercely: "Boy, you are pretending to be a sword **** and addicted, right? You dare to talk to me like this? Are you looking for death?"


Ye Fei sighed and said, "I wanted to speak well, but it seems that it won't work..."

The voice fell off.

A terrifying coercion that made everyone on the scene feel that their hearts would burst, suddenly spread from Ye Fei's body!

In an instant, Ye Fei's body burned with blazing golden-red flames, and the golden-red flames in his pupils seemed to come out of his eyes!

A surging sword intent coerced, stirred the wind, and instantly enveloped the entire sky!

Boom! ! ——

The entire sky and the earth shook, and the mountains underneath shook a little!

Feeling this coercion and sword intent, Huang Fujin and his 400 elite soldiers felt like awns on their backs, sweating like rain, and their bodies trembled again!

They clearly felt that the coercion that Ye Fei exudes now is more terrifying than just now, and it has exceeded their imagination!

At this moment, they discovered that Ye Fei hadn't really moved from the beginning to the end!

As for the soldiers Xuanyuan Wenbin brought, they also shuddered all over, their faces turned pale, and they were sweating like rain!

Although Ye Fei's coercion and sword intent were very powerful, they still did not believe that Ye Fei was the legendary sword god!

After all, Ye Fei made them feel too young!

Xuanyuan Wenbin trembled involuntarily, his heartbeat quickened, and his breathing was short of breath!

But he forcefully resisted, trying to make his face look more natural, and then said: "Boy, no wonder you dare to pretend to be the Lord of Sword God, it seems that there are still two brushes!

However, since you want to continue to pretend, then I will completely expose your lies! ! "

With that said, Xuanyuan Wenbin instantly mobilized the true power and bloodline power in his body, and a cyan light lingered all over his body, as if there was a blue dragon phantom coiling around him!

Although he still didn't believe that Ye Fei was the sword god, the coercion and aura that Ye Fei burst out were really powerful, and even made him feel terrified, so he did not hesitate to use the strongest power!

Immediately, Xuanyuan Wenbin directly waved the spear in his hand, condensing a powerful force of true power and bloodline, and pierced towards Ye Fei, and the sky-level spear intent broke out in an instant!

"The blue dragon moves the sky!!"


Accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant, I saw that a huge blue dragon tens of meters long condensed by the power of true power and bloodline shook its tail fiercely, and rushed directly toward Ye Fei!

However, at the moment when this blue dragon rushed madly, Ye Fei just raised the golden red flame giant sword in his hand and swung it out at will!

Huh! ! ——

With a sword swung, a fierce golden-red lightsaber slashed down, directly cutting the roaring blue dragon in half, and then there was a "bang" explosion, and it disappeared into the air instantly!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Xuanyuan Wenbin was shocked immediately and looked at Ye Fei with an incredible expression.

With such a powerful attack, he dared to be destroyed by this kid with a sword? !

As for the soldiers he brought, they were all dumbfounded, as if they were hell!

Xuanyuan Wenbin's face sank, once again condensed more violent true power and bloodline power, and then swept away at Ye Fei with a single shot!


In an instant, a series of tornadoes swept through, and above the tornado was a series of blue lightning flashing, sizzling, and the power was amazing!

Hundreds of thunder and lightning storms swept towards Ye Fei with a crushing force!

After all, Xuanyuan Wenbin had awakened the Azure Dragon bloodline, and the power of the bloodline could make them call the wind and rain, drive thunder and electricity, and control the flames!

Perhaps Xuanyuan Wenbin's awakened blood is not strong enough, so he can only control the wind and drive the thunder!

However, Ye Fei didn't feel any threat to Xuanyuan Wenbin's attack, so with a thought, the sword intent rushed out of his body in an instant!

In an instant, I saw that the sword intent condensed thousands of golden-red flame giants around Ye Fei's body, just like his personal guard!

Immediately, Ye Fei just flashed his figure, turned into a little golden red lightning, and swept directly towards Xuanyuan Wenbin himself!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Wherever he went, those thunder and lightning storms couldn't get close to Ye Fei's body, and they were directly shattered by the golden-red flame giant sword circling around Ye Fei's body!

In just a few tenths of a second, when everyone looked up again, they saw that Ye Fei had clasped Xuanyuan Wenbin's throat with his left hand and held it high!

Suddenly, the entire sky became deadly silent!

Everyone watched this scene blankly, feeling scalp numb, and the heartbeat seemed to have stopped!

Such an overbearing strength, they are simply unheard of!

Xuanyuan Wenbin, who was great in the Divine Martial Realm and awakened the Azure Dragon bloodline, did not have any resistance and was directly crushed!

Huangfujin and the four hundred elite soldiers secretly rejoiced that they waited for mercy in time, otherwise, they would have been killed by now!

As for the group of soldiers Xuanyuan Wenbin brought, they also completely believed Huang Fujin's words. The young man in front of him was really the famous sword **** in the rumor! !

"Meet the Lord of Sword God!!"

For a while, the soldiers of the Qinglong Camp bowed their heads, and no longer dared to show any disrespect to Ye Fei.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wenbin was already frightened. Looking at the giant sword hovering around Ye Fei's body, he was sure that if he dared to resist, in the next second, he would not only be broken his neck, but also his body. Was smashed into pieces!

He trembled and said with difficulty: "Sword... Your Lord of Sword God... I... I shouldn't confront you... Please... Please spare my life..."

Ye Fei looked at Xuanyuan Wenbin with an indifferent expression, and said, "Let me spare your life, unless you promise me one thing."

" said..."

Xuanyuan Wenbin flushed and was out of breath.

"From now on, the people who are at the fish and meat border are not allowed, and quickly return the searched money to the people, can you do it?" Ye Fei asked lightly.

When Xuanyuan Wenbin heard it, he seemed to hesitate.

However, without waiting for him to think about it, he felt that Ye Fei's five fingers were suddenly closed, making him feel that he couldn't breathe!

"I'm asking you, can it be done?"

Ye Fei's voice increased by a few decibels.


Xuanyuan Wenbin felt the looming death for the first time, so he didn't dare to hesitate any more, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hearing this, Ye Fei let go of Xuanyuan Wenbin.

"Cough...cough cough!!"

Xuanyuan Wenbin coughed violently.

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