Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3328: , Vulnerable!

Ye Fei stared at Xuanyuan Wenbin indifferently, and said, "You'd better do what you say. If you let me know that you have one set in person and one set on the back, I will definitely kill you!"

"Yes, yes, I will do what you tell me!"

Xuanyuan Wenbin no longer had the arrogance he had just now, he was as obedient as his grandson.

At this time, Huangfu Jin's eyes rolled, and he greeted him with a smile on his face, and said: "Your Sword God, you have finally come here. I want to invite you to our place as a guest, and I hope you can admire your face."

"Yes, yes, Lord Sword God, I also want to invite you to my place as a guest!" Xuanyuan Wenbin also smiled authentically.

"Just as a guest, I still have things to do."

Ye Fei waved his hand, then turned around to leave.

However, before leaving, Ye Fei paused, and said in a deep voice, "Do you remember what I told you just now?"

"Remember! Of course I remember!!"

Huangfujin and Xuanyuan Wenbin hurriedly responded.

Ye Fei let out an "um", knowing that these two guys had been scared today, and shouldn't go to the bazaar to make a fortune.

Therefore, Ye Fei didn't say much, and rushed directly in the direction of the Wild Empire, and soon disappeared in front of Huangfujin and the others!

After seeing Ye Fei leave, Huangfujin, Xuanyuan Wenbin and others breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like a survivor.

Xuanyuan Wenbin glared at Huangfujin irritably, and said, "Huangfujin, I knew it was nothing good for you to ask me to come, I was almost killed by the Sword God."

"I can't help it either. If I didn't ask you to come, I would have died under the sword of the Sword God."

Huangfujin laughed bitterly, and then said: "However, through today's incident, I found that Lord Sword God is not as ruthless as the rumors, and he is very kind, otherwise he would not stand up for the ordinary people."

Xuanyuan Wenbin said with lingering fear: "Don't be deceived by the surface of the sword god, I can feel that there is a demon hidden in the heart of the sword god.

Because the murderous aura emanating from the Lord of Sword God cannot be concealed.

You and I are all generals on the battlefield, and know nothing more about murderous intent. "

"Yes, so let's obediently act according to the requirements of the Sword God, lest people fall to the ground." Huangfujin said.

Xuanyuan Wenbin let out an "um", and then said: "By the way, what did you say, Lord Sword God, go to the Wild Empire?"

"Who knows."

Huangfujin shrugged and said, "Let's just ignore the subtleties of the Lord of Sword God."

"It makes sense."

Xuanyuan Wenbin nodded.


Ye Fei flew all the way, and it took less than twenty minutes to reach the territory of the Wild Empire.

Compared with the vastness and flatness of other empires, this wild empire is full of mountains, plateaus, hills and forests, and because the temperature is extremely low, the environment is indeed very harsh.

However, there are also many rare and exotic beasts here. Although Ye Fei recognized some rare and exotic beasts while studying medicine with Hua Tuo, he still couldn't recognize them all.

After all, because the True Martial Realm is full of aura, many species have mutated or evolved, and some species still know how to practice, such as the Netherworld Xuanhu that I met last time.

Flying all the way, Ye Fei saw the cities, markets, and villages below. The houses were built of heavy stones, and people were wearing thick animal skin clothes to keep out the cold.

According to the location marked on the map, Ye Fei Yujian flew for dozens of miles, until sunset, and arrived at the location of the imperial city, that is, the location of the Tuobaye Palace-Barbarian King City!

"Tuobanye... I'm here!"

Ye Fei murmured and swept towards the direction of Barbarian King City...

Barbaric King City, as the largest city in the Barbaric Empire, is majestic and majestic.

The city wall is a hundred feet high, like a black-gray dragon, surrounded by a huge city in its nest.

Moreover, around the city and on the walls, there are soldiers wearing animal skin costumes and bronze-colored soldiers guarding them everywhere.

Those who enter and leave the city will be subject to interrogation, which is very strict.

Originally, Ye Fei didn't intend to fight against Tuoba Ye anymore, but now, Tuoba Ye has caught his master and has already touched his bottom line.

Therefore, when Ye Fei came this time, he didn't think about calming things down.

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei did not land either. He entered through the gate of the city, but Yujian, ready to go directly to the palace!

However, when Ye Fei approached Manwang City, the guard in the city suddenly found Ye Fei!

"Who is here?!"

A leading guard asked aloud.

Ye Fei didn't pay attention to these guys at all, but directly Yujian, jumped over the high city wall, and swept into the city!

"Someone broke into the imperial city! Hurry up and notify the branches!!"

"Be sure to take down the trespassers!!"

"Quick! Catch up! Stop him!!"

The guards of the city were all startled, shouting one after another, giving orders!

Some people stayed behind to defend the city, while the other part jumped directly into the sky and caught up!



Some guards even sounded the horn directly, not only alarming the guards of other branches in the city, but also the people in the city!

Perhaps because of the long-term wars, the people also have experience. They fled one after another and hid in the house!

At this time, Ye Fei’s sword flew into the air, heard the sound of the horn, saw the commotion below, and looked back, crushing a large group of soldiers wearing various colors of animal skins, holding various weapons and moving towards I rushed over by myself!

Moreover, a large group of soldiers rushed over and directly surrounded Ye Fei!

Seeing that he was surrounded, Ye Fei did not intend to flee, but stood still in the air and swept toward the group of people coldly!

"Boy, who are you on earth, why do you want to break into my Man King City?"

A man wearing white animal skin, lean, with a sharp face, dark skin, and holding a jet black piccolo questioned loudly.

"Look at this kid's clothes, it should be a spy sent by other empires! Stop talking nonsense with him, just take him down!"

A giant man wearing gray animal skins, with a bald head, two silver slaps on his ears, over 1.9 meters in height and holding two hammers, answered the sentence like a muffled thunder.

Ye Fei felt it for a moment. One of the cultivation bases of these two people was the Imperial God Realm Dacheng and the other was the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng. It seemed that they should be the lead guard.

As for the other soldiers, the cultivation bases are all in the Nirvana, Reincarnation, and Imperial God Realm!

For this group of people, Ye Fei did not pay attention to it at all!

Ye Fei glanced at the group of people indifferently, and said in a shock: "I am looking for you to expand the wild, you have to stop it, otherwise you will kill you!"

In fact, before coming here, Ye Fei decided to go straight into the Royal City and give Tuoba Ye a prestige!

Didn't Tuoba Ye always have trouble with him? Then he had to let him know that he was not a soft persimmon, he could pinch it if he wanted to!


"Smelly boy! How dare you call our emperor directly, you are looking for death!!"

"Dare to be disrespectful to our emperor is to disrespect all of our barbarian warriors!!"

All the barbarian warriors yelled loudly, like thunder.

"Get him down for me!!"

The lean man waved his hand and gave the order directly!

For a time, more than a thousand barbarian warriors, armed with various weapons, directly double-teamed towards Ye Fei, aggressively!

"Since you want to stop me, I'm sorry..."

Ye Fei said lightly, and then instantly mobilized his sword intent, true power, and physical strength!

In an instant, Ye Fei burned with golden red flames all over his body, and the flames of his pupils jumped, as if it was about to come out!

Boom! ! ——

The entire sky and the earth were shaken, and the stone houses below were directly collapsed!

A violent, fierce, ancient and desolate coercion spread and enveloped the entire sky!

At this moment, Ye Fei stood proudly in the air, full of golden-red flames, holding a golden-red flame giant sword, like a **** who rules the world!

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Ye Fei to burst out with such a terrifying pressure and aura. The shock made them tremble all over!

Although they are members of the Wild Empire, they are all iron-clad and courageous true men!

However, facing a "god" like Ye Fei, they were still scared!

"Ten Thousand Swords Coming..."

Ye Fei spit out four words lightly...

In an instant, I saw thousands of golden and red flame giant swords appeared in the sky, as if covering this sky, blending with the entire sunset, gorgeous and dazzling!

Buzzing! ! ——

Moreover, at this moment, the swords in the hands of the barbarian warriors all trembled violently, making a piercing sound of swords, as if a courtier had seen the king and could only surrender!

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